发表于 8-11-2014 05:05 AM
PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.10 EACH IN SUNZEN, REPRESENTING NOT MORE THAN TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF SUNZEN (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) (“PRIVATE PLACEMENT”) | We refer to the announcements made on 17 October 2014, 20 October 2014, 21 October 2014 and 28 October 2014 in relation to the Private Placement (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.
On behalf of Sunzen, TA Securities wishes to announce that the Board has on 7 November 2014 (“Price-fixing Date”) fixed the issue price for the placement of 14,880,000 Placement Shares at RM0.36 per Placement Share (“Issue Price”).
The Issue Price represents a discount of approximately RM0.0244 or 6.35% to the five (5)-day volume weighted average market price of the Sunzen Shares up to and including 6 November 2014, being the last market day immediately preceding the Price-fixing Date of RM0.3844 per Sunzen Share.
This announcement is dated 7 November 2014. |
发表于 14-11-2014 02:43 AM
Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Private Placement | Details of corporate proposal | PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.10 IN SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN”), REPRESENTING NOT MORE THAN TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF SUNZEN (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) (“PRIVATE PLACEMENT”) | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 14,880,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | MYR 0.360 | Par Value ($$) | MYR 0.100 | Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 165,036,166 | Currency | MYR 16,503,616.600 | Listing Date | 14/11/2014 |
发表于 26-11-2014 05:32 PM
30/09/2014 |
PERIOD | 30/09/2014 | 30/09/2013 | 30/09/2014 | 30/09/2013 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 8,461 | 8,980 | 26,782 | 25,707 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 85 | 1,227 | 783 | 2,794 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 8 | 1,042 | 552 | 2,355 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 8 | 1,042 | 552 | 2,355 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.01 | 0.70 | 0.37 | 1.58 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.80 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.3000 | 0.2200 |
发表于 26-11-2014 05:33 PM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN” OR “THE COMPANY”)
- VALUATION OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS | In accordance with Rule 9.19(46) of the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, the Board of Directors of Sunzen wishes to inform that Sunzen Corporation Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has carried out a revaluation on its properties, as detailed hereunder, for the purpose of internal management/ accounting:
| | Net Carrying Amount
as at 5 June 2014
| Market Value
as at 5 June 2014
| | HSD 55014, PT 56433, Mukim of Klang, District of Petaling, State of Selangor Darul Ehsan, bearing postal address No. 16, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/61, Kota Kemuning Industrial Park, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
| | | | | GRN 99077, Lot 69289, Mukim and District Klang, State of Selangor Darul Ehsan, bearing postal address No. 13, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/61, Kota Kemuning Industrial Park, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
| | | | | GRN 99074, Lot 69288, Mukim and District Klang, State of Selangor Darul Ehsan, bearing postal address No. 11, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/61, Kota Kemuning Industrial Park, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
| | | | | | | | |
The valuation of the above properties was conducted by Messrs. Raine & Horne International Zaki + Partners Sdn. Bhd. (“Valuer”). The Valuer has inspected the above properties on 5 June 2014.
Revaluation Surplus
The revaluation of the above properties resulted in a surplus of RM13,549,105.
The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the incorporation of the revaluation surplus into the financial statements of the Company for the year ending 31 December 2014.
Effect on Net Assets per share of the Group
The surplus on revaluation, net of tax, of the above properties increased the net assets per share by RM0.083 for year-to-date ended 30 September 2014.
Documents available for Inspection
The valuation report is available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company situated at 10th Floor, Menara Hap Seng, No. 1 & 3, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, during normal business hours for a period of 3 months from the date of this announcement.
This announcement is dated 25 November 2014. |
发表于 29-11-2014 03:18 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN” OR “THE COMPANY”)
- VALUATION OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS | Further to the Company’s announcement on 25 November 2014, the Board of Directors of Sunzen is pleased to announce that based on the audited financial statements as at 31 December 2013, the revaluation surplus will increase the net asset per share of the group from RM0.2181 to RM0.3020. |
发表于 4-1-2015 01:17 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 4-1-2015 03:02 PM 编辑
发表于 7-1-2015 05:22 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“the Company”)
- Acquisition of shares in Sunzen Eservices Sdn. Bhd. | The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the Company had on 6 January 2015 acquired 100 ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in Sunzen Eservices Sdn. Bhd. (“SESB”) from Mr. Chang Teck Chee @ Chug Teck Chee and Mr. Phang Tong Eng, representing 100% of the total issued and paid-up share capital of SESB for a total cash consideration of RM10.00 (“Acquisition”).
In consequence thereof, SESB shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
The authorised share capital of SESB is RM400,000.00 divided into 4,000,000 ordinary shares of RM0.10 each and the paid-up capital is RM10.00 divided into 100 ordinary shares of RM0.10 each. The business activity of SESB is providing solutions in the areas of self-service machines and universal delivery systems and information technology services.
The Directors of SESB are:-
(a) Mr. Chang Teck Chee @ Chug Teck Chee; and
(b) Mr. Phang Tong Eng.
The Acquisition would not have material effect on the Group’s earnings per share, net assets per share, gearing, share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholding for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders of the Company and/or persons connected to them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Acquisition.
This announcement is dated 6 January 2015. |
发表于 23-1-2015 05:23 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 24-1-2015 01:29 AM 编辑
财经新闻 财经 2015-01-23 11:38
Type | Announcement | Subject | MULTIPLE PROPOSALS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN” OR THE “COMPANY”)
| On behalf of the Board of Directors of Sunzen (“Board”), TA Securities Holdings Berhad (“TA Securities”) wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake the following: (i) proposed bonus issue of up to 109,523,280 new ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in Sunzen (“Sunzen Shares”) (“Bonus Shares”) on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every two (2) existing Sunzen Shares held at an entitlement date to be determined later (“Entitlement Date”) (“Proposed Bonus Issue of Shares”);
(ii) proposed increase in the authorised share capital of Sunzen from RM25,000,000 comprising 250,000,000 Sunzen Shares to RM50,000,000 comprising 500,000,000 Sunzen Shares (“Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital”); and
(iii) proposed amendment to the Memorandum of Association of Sunzen to facilitate the Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital (“Proposed Amendment”).
Please refer to the attachment for further details of the Proposals.
This announcement is dated 22 January 2015.
http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/1859425 |
发表于 24-1-2015 06:19 PM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“the Company”)
- Acquisition of shares in Sunzen International Investment Limited by Sunzen Eservices Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company | The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Sunzen Eservices Sdn. Bhd. (“SESB”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 22 January 2015 acquired 100 ordinary shares in Sunzen International Investment Limited (“SIIL”) from Silk Nominees Limited, representing 100% of the total issued share capital of SIIL for a total cash consideration of HKD100 (“Acquisition”).
In consequence thereof, SIIL shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of SESB, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
SIIL was incorporated as a limited company in Hong Kong on 9 January 2015. The issued share capital of SIIL is HKD100 comprising 100 ordinary shares and the business activity of SIIL is investment and project management.
The sole Director of SIIL is Mr Hong Choon Hau.
The Acquisition would not have material effect on the Group’s earnings per share, net assets per share, gearing, share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholding for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders of the Company and/or persons connected to them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Acquisition.
This announcement is dated 23 January 2015. |
发表于 27-2-2015 04:09 AM
31/12/2014 |
PERIOD | 31/12/2014 | 31/12/2013 | 31/12/2014 | 31/12/2013 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 10,557 | 11,619 | 37,339 | 37,326 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 609 | 1,381 | 1,392 | 4,090 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 549 | 1,239 | 1,101 | 3,508 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 549 | 1,239 | 1,101 | 3,508 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.33 | 0.83 | 0.66 | 2.35 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.80 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.3000 | 0.2200 |
发表于 7-4-2015 01:17 AM
Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Conversion of Warrants | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 14,274,700 | Issue price per share ($$) | MYR 0.100 | Par Value ($$) | MYR 0.100 | Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 187,662,935 | Currency | MYR 18,766,293.500 | Listing Date | 07/04/2015 |
发表于 11-4-2015 09:41 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-4-2015 02:11 AM 编辑
DEALINGS OUTSIDE CLOSED PERIOD | Description | NOTIFICATION OF DEALINGS IN THE COMPANY’S SECURITIES OUTSIDE CLOSED PERIOD BY DIRECTOR PURSUANT TO RULE 14.09 OF THE ACE MARKET LISTING REQUIREMENTS OF BURSA MALAYSIA SECURITIES BERHAD (“BURSA SECURITIES”) | We wish to announce that the Company has received notification from the following Director of the Company on his dealings in the securities of the Company outside closed period as defined in the Ace Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities as shown in the table below:-
Name of Directors
| | Description of Securities
| | No. of Securities acquired/ (disposed) | Percentage of securities acquired/ (disposed) | Total no. of securities after acquired/ disposal | Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred | | | | | | | | | | | | |
This announcement is dated 10 April 2015 |
Name | Hong Choon Hau | Address | 10, Jalan Margosa SD10/4C
Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 761113-02-5869 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysian | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.10 each | Name & address of registered holder | Maybank Securities Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd
Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd for Maybank Pte Ltd (A/C 649063)
Level 5 Maybanlife Tower, Dataran Mayban
1 Jalan Maarof
59000 Kuala Lumpur | Details of changesCurrency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) | Others | 06/04/2015 | 12,000,000 |
Description of other type of transaction | Conversion of Warrants | Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred | Conversion of Warrants | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Direct (units) | 53,046,000 | Direct (%) | 28.29 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) |
| Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Total no of securities after change | 53,046,000 | Date of notice | 13/04/2015 |
发表于 18-4-2015 12:24 AM
EX-date | 29/04/2015 | Entitlement date | 05/05/2015 | Entitlement time | 05:00:00 PM | Entitlement subject | Bonus Issue | Entitlement description | BONUS ISSUE OF UP TO 109,523,280 NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.10 EACH IN SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN”) (“SUNZEN SHARES”) (“BONUS SHARES”) ON THE BASIS OF ONE (1) BONUS SHARE FOR EVERY TWO (2) EXISTING SUNZEN SHARES HELD AS AT 5.00 P.M. ON 5 MAY 2015 (“ENTITLEMENT DATE”) (“BONUS ISSUE OF SHARES”) | Period of interest payment | to | Financial Year End |
| Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlements | Registrar's name ,address, telephone no | Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd
Level 6, Symphony House
Pusat Dagangan Dana 1
Jalan PJU 1A/46
47301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel. no.: 03-7849 0777 | Payment date |
| a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers | 05/05/2015 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Ratio | Ratio | 1 : 2 |
发表于 18-4-2015 12:25 AM
EX-date | 29/04/2015 | Entitlement date | 05/05/2015 | Entitlement time | 05:00:00 PM | Entitlement subject | Others | Entitlement description | ADJUSTMENT TO THE NUMBER OF THE OUTSTANDING WARRANTS 2014/2019 IN SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (“SUNZEN”) CONSTITUTED BY THE DEED POLL DATED 28 MARCH 2014 (“DEED POLL”) (“OUTSTANDING WARRANTS”) PURSUANT TO THE BONUS ISSUE OF UP TO 109,523,280 NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.10 EACH IN SUNZEN (“SUNZEN SHARES” OR “SHARES”) (“BONUS SHARES”) ON THE BASIS OF ONE (1) BONUS SHARE FOR EVERY TWO (2) EXISTING SUNZEN SHARES HELD AS AT 5.00 P.M. ON 5 MAY 2015 (“ENTITLEMENT DATE”) (“BONUS ISSUE OF SHARES”) | Period of interest payment | to | Financial Year End |
| Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlements | Registrar's name ,address, telephone no | Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd
Level 6, Symphony House
Pusat Dagangan Dana 1
Jalan PJU 1A/46
47301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel. no.: 03-7849 0777 | Payment date |
| a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers | 05/05/2015 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Ratio | Ratio | 1 : 2 | Rights Issues/Offer Price |
Remarks : | Following the Bonus Issue of Shares, the exercise price and the number of Outstanding Warrants shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Deed Poll (“Adjustments”).
Additional new Warrants 2014/2019 arising from the Adjustments (“Adjustment Warrants”) will be allotted and issued on the basis of one (1) Adjustment Warrant for every two (2) Outstanding Warrants held by the entitled holders of Outstanding Warrants of the Company, whose names appear in the Record of Depositors at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date. Any adjustments to the number of Outstanding Warrants will be rounded down to the nearest whole Warrant 2014/2019.
No adjustment will be made to the existing exercise price of the Outstanding Warrants of RM0.10 each as the exercise price of the Outstanding Warrants cannot be adjusted below the par value of the Sunzen Shares of RM0.10 each.
The actual number of Adjustment Warrants to be issued and allotted would depend on the number of Outstanding Warrants which have yet to be exercised into new Sunzen Shares as at the Entitlement Date.
The Adjustment Warrants will be listed and quoted simultaneously with the Bonus Shares on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities on 6 May 2015, being the next market day following the Entitlement Date. The notice to the holders of Outstanding Warrants setting out the details of the Adjustments and the Adjustment Warrants to be issued pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Shares as well as the notice of allotment of the Adjustment Warrants will be despatched in due course.
Holders of the Outstanding Warrants who wish to be entitled to the Bonus Shares pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Shares shall exercise their rights to subscribe for new Sunzen Shares by lodging their duly completed exercise forms together with the relevant subscription monies with Sunzen’s Share Registrar (at the address stated above) on or before 5.00 p.m. on 21 April 2015. This is to enable the new Sunzen Shares arising from such exercise to be allotted to the respective holders of the Outstanding Warrants such that their names will appear in the Record of Depositors for Sunzen Shares at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date.
This announcement is dated 17 April 2015. |
Announcement InfoCompany Name | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD (ACE Market) | Stock Name | SUNZEN-WA | Date Announced | 17 Apr 2015 | Category | Entitlements (Notice of Book Closure) | Reference No | OS-150417-38281 |
发表于 6-5-2015 04:29 AM
BONUS ISSUES | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD ("SUNZEN" OR THE "COMPANY")BONUS ISSUE OF SHARES | We refer to our announcements dated 22 January 2015, 30 January 2015, 17 March 2015, 19 March 2015, 20 March 2015, 15 April 2015 and 17 April 2015 in relation to, amongst others, the Bonus Issue of Shares (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.
Pursuant to Rule 6.36(4) of the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities, on behalf of the Board, TA Securities wishes to announce that 95,209,113 Bonus Shares and 11,729,986 Adjustment Warrants issued pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Shares will be listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities with effect from 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 6 May 2015.
This announcement is dated 5 May 2015. |
发表于 6-5-2015 04:33 AM
Instrument Category | Securities of PLC | Instrument Type | Warrants | Description | Adjustment to the number of the outstanding warrants 2014/2019 in Sunzen Biotech Berhad ("Sunzen") constituted by the deed poll dated 28 March 2014 ("Deed Poll") pursuant to the bonus issue of 95,209,113 new ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in Sunzen ("Sunzen Shares") ("Bonus Shares") on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every two (2) existing Sunzen Shares held as at 5.00 p.m. on 5 May 2015 ("Entitlement Date") ("Bonus Issue of Shares") ("Adjustment") |
Listing Date | 21 Apr 2014 | Issue Date | 15 Apr 2014 | Issue/ Ask Price | Not Applicable | Issue Size Indicator | Unit | Issue Size in Unit | 61,486,246 | Maturity | Mandatory | Maturity Date | 14 Apr 2019 | Revised Maturity Date |
| Name of Guarantor | Not Applicable | Name of Trustee | Not Applicable | Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Rate | Not Applicable | Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Frequency | Not Applicable | Redemption | Not Applicable | Exercise/Conversion Period | 5.00 Year(s) | Revised Exercise/Conversion Period | Not Applicable | Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.1000 | Revised Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price | Not Applicable | Exercise/Conversion Ratio | 1 : 1 | Revised Exercise/Conversion Ratio | Not Applicable | Mode of satisfaction of Exercise/ Conversion price | Cash | Settlement Type/ Convertible into | Physical (Shares) |
Remarks : | Pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Shares, 11,729,986 Adjustment Warrants will be listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities on 6 May 2015. However, no adjustment will be made to the existing exercise price of the Warrants 2014/2019 of RM0.10 each as the exercise price of the Outstanding Warrants cannot be adjusted below the par value of the Sunzen Shares of RM0.10 each.The notice to the holders of Outstanding Warrants setting out the details of the Adjustment and the Adjustment Warrants to be issued pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Shares as well as the notice of allotment of the Adjustment Warrants will be despatched in due course.This announcement is dated 5 May 2015. |
Announcement InfoCompany Name | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD | Stock Name | SUNZEN-WA | Date Announced | 05 May 2015 | Category | Listing Information and Profile | Reference Number | LIP-05052015-00005
发表于 26-5-2015 03:47 AM
31 Mar 2015 |
PERIOD | 31 Mar 2015 | 31 Mar 2014 | 31 Mar 2015 | 31 Mar 2014 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 8,036 | 8,435 | 8,036 | 8,435 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 423 | 381 | 423 | 381 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 393 | 261 | 393 | 261 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 393 | 261 | 393 | 261 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.23 | 0.17 | 0.23 | 0.17 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.80 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.3000 | 0.3000
发表于 17-6-2015 09:08 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 18-6-2015 07:18 PM 编辑
宏诚携手Palma 联营脂肪粉贸易
财经新闻 财经 2015-06-18 10:53
(吉隆坡17日讯)宏诚生科(SUNZEN,0148,创业板)宣布,子公司Sunzen Feedtech私人有限公司与Palma科技产品私人有限公司缔结联营。
Sunzen Feedtech与Palma科技产品,会分别以7万令吉和3万令吉,认购联营公司的7万股和3万股。
一旦完成交易,Sunzen Feedtech与Palma科技产品,将各别持有联营公司70%和30%股权。【南洋网财经】
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD ("SUNZEN" or "the Company")- Joint Venture and Shareholders Agreement between Sunzen Feedtech Sdn. Bhd. and Palma Tech Product Sdn. Bhd. | The Board of Directors of Sunzen wishes to announce that on 17 June 2015, Sunzen Feedtech Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 782887-K) (“SFSB”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Joint Venture and Shareholders Agreement (“JVA”) with Palma Tech Product Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 801562-H) (“PTP”) to form a new joint venture company (“JV Company”) to carry on trading and supplying the Powder Fat or such other products as may be determined by the parties pursuant to the JVA (“Products”) (“JV Business”).
Please refer to thte attachment for the details of the announcement. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4775717
发表于 1-7-2015 03:57 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | SUNZEN BIOTECH BERHAD ("the Company" or "Sunzen")- Subscription of Shares in Sunzen Palma Sdn. Bhd. by Sunzen Feedtech Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company | Reference is made to the Company’s announcements on 17 June 2015 and 18 June 2015 in relation to the Joint Venture and Shareholders’ Agreement between Sunzen Feedtech Sdn. Bhd. ("SFSB") and Palma Tech Product Sdn. Bhd. ("PTP")
The Board of Directors of Sunzen wishes to announce that SFSB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 29 June 2015 subscribed 70 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each, representing 70% equity interest in Sunzen Palma Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 1150132-D) (“SPSB”) for a total cash consideration of RM70.00 (“Subscription”).
In consequence thereof, SPSB shall become a 70%-owned subsidiary of SFSB.
The authorised share capital of SPSB is RM400,000 divided into 400,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and the issued and paid-up share capital is RM100 divided into 100 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each. The business activity of SPSB is distribution and marketing of animal health products.The Board of Directors and Shareholders and their respective shareholdings in SPSB are as follows:- (I) Directors - Hong Choon Hau;
- Lim Eng Chai;
- Liew Chu, Tsui Hung; and
- Ang Bee @ Ang Ah Bee.
(II) Shareholders and their shareholdings a. SFSB – 70 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each (70%); and b. PTP - 30 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each (30%).
None of the directors and/or major shareholders of the Company and/or persons connected with them have any interest, whether direct or indirect, in the Subscription.
The Subscription would not have material effect on the Group’s earnings per share, net assets per share, gearing, share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholding for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.
This announcement is dated 30 June 2015. |
发表于 4-8-2015 04:50 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 7-8-2015 01:17 AM 编辑
财经新闻 财经 2015-08-06 10:04
他拥有博特拉大学(UPM)兽医博士文凭,并在1998年和同事创办宏诚有限公司(Sunzen Corporation Sdn Bhd),买下美国辉瑞制药有限公司在大马的分销权。
Date of change | 03 Aug 2015 | Name | DR KOK POE CHU | Age | 54 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | Due to his other commitments | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders | No | Qualifications | Dr. Kok holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from University Putra Malaysia | Working experience and occupation | Dr. Kok has twenty seven years of industry experience and has worked for Gold Coin Feedmills (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. in Singapore and Ciba-Geigy Sdn. Bhd. dealing in livestock farming and animal nutrition. He was the Regional Product Manager for Pfizer Asean region from 1993 to 1997. In 1998, Dr. Kok together with other colleagues established Sunzen Corporation Sdn. Bhd. to undertake a management buy out of Pfizers local distribution and marketing operations. Dr. Kok was a member of the Malaysia Veterinary Council from 1997 to 2000. He held the post of Honorary Treasurer for the Veterinary Association of Malaysia in 1998 and was a volunteer veterinary officer of the National Nipah Virus Eradication Campaign for the DVS of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999. He is currently an adviser to the Technical Advisory Committee of the Federal Livestock Farmers Association of Malaysia. | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | Nil | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | Nil | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | Dr. Kok holds 4,343,571 ordinary shares in the Company |
| |