17.01.10 - 崇拜所悟
Changing the World 02: The preparation
If you won’t start now, you will never get it done! God approach one to change the world.
The Seasons of:-
1. Intentional Isolation (1 King 17:2-3) God will humble you, before you humble to others. God want to use you privately before you can use by the public. It’s doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.
2. Daily Dependence (1 King 17:4-6) God will be forever & always faithful providing to us… 牧师也说了一个故事给我们听: 有一个男人,对于一个女人的信仰有质疑,他要证明给那女人看,世上没有神。 有一天,他买了很多的食物,放在女人的家门前,女人开门看到那么多的食物, 就大声的颂赞神的大能、神的眷顾。 那男人大声的骂道,“你这个疯婆子,世上没有神的,那些食物是我买的,不是你的神买的!” 那女人听后,更加大声的颂赞:“我的神,谢谢袮。就只有袮有这种能量,让魔鬼帮我的食物付钱”。
3.Unconditional Obedience (1 King 17:7-9) God sometimes dries up the food, as God plan to move us to other place we suppose to go. |