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Do Enlarged or Asymmetric Labia Minora Require Surgery? Revealing Women's Intima

已有 11 次阅读18-4-2024 12:01 PM

"Why Do Some People Choose Labiaplasty?"

"Is It Really Necessary?"

"Why Are My Labia Minora Enlarged?"

"In What Cases Do I Need Labiaplasty?"

"What Are the Postoperative Effects?"

In general, the labia minora of most women are thin folds that naturally close when the legs are together, completely covering the urethra and vaginal opening, not only protecting these two areas from friction injuries but also preventing external infections and maintaining vaginal moisture.

Physiological Aspects of Labia Minora

As a major component of the female external genitalia, the labia minora mainly serve to keep the vaginal opening moist, prevent external contamination, and maintain vaginal self-cleaning. However, factors such as congenital inheritance, chronic irritation, oral intake of androgens, artificial traction, and multiple pregnancies can all lead to hypertrophy of the labia minora. Overly enlarged labia minora may lead to changes in the direction of urine flow, resulting in poor local hygiene of the external genitalia and even vulvovaginitis due to repeated friction and potential epithelial breakdown or even cancer.

Aesthetic Aspects of Labia Minora

Although there is a considerable degree of variation in female external genitalia structure, different cultural norms have a significant influence on the aesthetic perception of female genitalia. However, mainstream culture has gradually formed certain aesthetic standards for the female genitalia: structural integrity, proportional harmony, symmetrical labia minora, and thinness, hidden within the labia majora.

Hazards of Enlarged Labia Minora

Enlarged labia minora can cause discomfort during external genital friction, such as wearing tight clothes or cycling, resulting in obvious friction and discomfort.

Enlarged labia minora with numerous folds can make daily hygiene and cleansing inconvenient, leading to inadequate external genital hygiene.

Enlarged labia minora can be folded into the vagina during sexual intercourse, affecting the quality of sexual life.

Labia minora with unsatisfactory morphology and color, such as asymmetrical labia minora, unattractive or loose shapes, and dark colors lacking rosy hue.

What Kind of Labia Minora Requires Reshaping

Labia minora are too large or too long

For such cases, the labia minora can be reduced in size and length.

Significant asymmetry in labia minora size on both sides

It is suggested to make adjustments to achieve symmetry, generally by reducing the larger side.

Labia minora color is too dark

Through treatment, the color can be lightened, become rosy, and aesthetically pleasing.

Labia majora atrophy, shrinkage, and aging appearance

For aesthetics and health, it is necessary to undergo labiaplasty and intimate care.

Is Labiaplasty Painful?

This is a concern for many seekers of beauty, fearing pain or other issues. Generally, candidates are examined in advance, and strict measures are taken to ensure the surgical environment. The procedure is performed in a professional and sterile operation room, with a professional doctor. Local anesthesia is typically administered, so there is no need to worry about experiencing pain.

Will There Be Scars After Surgery?

Labia minora correction surgery involves mucosal tissue and can be completely fused to the mucosal folds, leaving no scars after surgery. After the procedure, vigorous physical activities such as running, yoga, swimming, and prolonged standing should be avoided, and ample rest is recommended.

Does Labiaplasty Reduce Sensitivity?

The labia minora contains abundant nerve fibers, making it sensitive. It plays an important role in sexual stimulation and arousal. The main function of the labia minora is to pull the clitoris, causing female orgasms. Therefore, the claim that labiaplasty reduces sensitivity is incorrect. With proper surgical procedures conducted by professional doctors in reputable hospitals, sensitivity is not affected but rather enhanced.

Do I Need to Stay in the Hospital After Surgery?

Labiaplasty is a minimally invasive private cosmetic surgery, and hospitalization is not required after the procedure. Patients can leave right after the surgery without affecting their daily life and work. However, surgery should be scheduled to avoid menstruation, pregnancy, lactation periods, and preoperative routine examinations are necessary. Surgery should only be performed when all indicators are suitable.

In conclusion, women who want labiaplasty should not feel ashamed; it is a normal need and a pursuit of beauty and happiness. Be brave to make changes, but make sure to choose a reputable hospital and a good doctor~

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