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你们有在进修RFP (Registered Financial Planner) 吗?
如题, 你们有在进修RFP吗?
另外,我现在在Penang, 想进修RFP,可是找不到学院提供这课程,你们有相关资料吗?
(MFPC, NAMLIFA, MII, IBBM, Open University Malaysia...等等网站我都去看过了)
我联络Penang的KDU,INTI,Kasturi等等学院,可是她们都没有提供RFP课程。。。又联络了NAMLIFA Penang支部的主席,可是好象要等参加人数足够才能开。。。
PS:我不是Financial Service业者,纯粹是想进修。
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 18-7-2007 01:16 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 18-7-2007 02:13 PM
请问RFP是什么来的? |
楼主 |
发表于 18-7-2007 02:16 PM
回复 #2 mingyew 的帖子
Registered Financial Planner (RFP)
The initial promoters of the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC), which confers the RFP designation, are LIAM, NAMLIFA and MII. Their representatives have developed the programme because they believe in our national aspirations of education excellence and self determination. They are willing to contribute, have the resources and proven experience to handle the assignment to promote RFP as the benchmark financial planning designation in Malaysia
Why should you enroll for the RFP Designation?
The RFP serves a mechanism for the MFPC to help fulfill the National objectives of making Malaysia a Centre of Educational Excellence. By participating, you become a contributor to this objective of national significance. The RFP signifies the twin pillars of professionalism in financial planning – Professional Education and Practice Excellence. Most importantly, the concept of the RFP is defined by Malaysians who truly understand our values and needs.
Financial Planners who have completed the RFP programme are looked upon by their clients as financial planning experts with the highest standard of professionalism. In the process, those who are RFP designees will enhance their status as the financial planning Professionals of Choice in the eyes of the public
Some salient advantages
The RFP advantages: Malaysianised syllabus; high-quality study materials; excellent lecturers; greater flexibility in methods of study; reasonable programme costs; consumer-oriented; proactive and multifaceted, capable of providing quality planning, reasonable annual membership subscriptions.
http://www.mfpc.org.my/index.php?option=displaypage&Itemid=33&op=page |
发表于 18-7-2007 02:24 PM
楼主 |
发表于 18-7-2007 02:31 PM
回复 #4 常山趙子龍 的帖子
There will be two methods of study allowed :
1. Self-study with examination
2. Course with lectures and examination
Upon enrolment for either method of study, a complete set of textbook/course materials will be given for each and every module.
Difference Between Self-study and Lectured Courses
The availability of the two methods of study gives greater flexibility and choice to cater to the differing needs of the students throughout the country.
Self-study is an approach where the student is allowed to study on his own and complete his studies at his own pace. As for the lecture-mode of study, it allows for interactions and exchange of ideas through feedback, discussions and case studies.
http://www.mfpc.org.my/index.php ... page#MethodsofStudy |
发表于 18-7-2007 06:15 PM
这样说对吗?请楼主请教。谢谢 |
楼主 |
发表于 27-7-2007 10:54 AM
根据我得到的资料,只有Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII)有提供Self-study的RFP课程。有兴趣的网友,可打MII的电话号码询问 (03-20878882, 告诉转线员要与RFP Self-study部门讲话)。 |
楼主 |
发表于 27-7-2007 11:05 AM
回复 #6 mingyew 的帖子
CFP是国际承认的标准;至于RFP是马来西亚自己发展出来的(如果你要拿IA和FA的执照,你必须是RFP)。所以那些CFP持有人没有办法,都得convert去RFP,至于想在我国做Financial planner的人士,当然去报读RFP会比较好 (与CFP比较)。
![](http://www.mfpc.org.my/images/BankNegaraMalaysia_InsuranceAct2005.gif) ![](http://www.mfpc.org.my/images/assets/SecuritiesCommission_SecuritiesIndustryAct1983.gif) |
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