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Continuous Writing : The Internet

发表于 19-2-2020 09:51 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Continuous WritingFactual / ExpositoryThe Internet

  The Internet is an international computer network. It connects all the networks and websites of companies, organisations and other computers. All search engines or programmes that do searches are also linked to the Internet. At a click of the mouse, one can get information, news or data about almost anything in the world. It is a library, newspaper, record shop, bookshop, radio, television and lots of other things all rolled into one.

  The Internet is an incredible network. Just imagine, a person in Outer Mongolia ca instantly connectwith a person in Malaysia or Germany as long as both have computers which are connected to the Internet. Both can 'talk' via a chatroom to one another or e-mail each other. The distance of thousands of miles does not matter. The Internet can connect people living at opposite ends of the world by a mere click of the mouse.

  There are many uses of the Internet. Its benefits are amazing. One of its most useful functions is getting news from around the world. For example, sitting at a computer in Malaysia, a person can read newspapers from all over the world! They can get the latest sports scores or weather reports. They can read what is happening around the world without waiting for the next day's newspaper.

  Students find the Internet very useful to do their projects. Very often, students need to do research to complete their projects. They need to read up, visit libraries and plough through books and magazines. Nowadays, the Internet solves all these time-consuming problems. Every information about anything is available on the Internet. There are even sample projects. Students can download information and pictures directly from the Internet.

  Unfortunately, there is also a downside to the Internet. This is because some people abuse it for their own purposes. They create pornographic websites that are offensive and immoral. Worse still, some unscrupulous adults misuse chatrooms to lure young girls and boys. They pretend to befriend these young and then try to meet them. This leads to dangerous consequences because often the adults are paedophiles or are involved in immoral activities.

  Throughout the world, more and more people are using the Internet. The amount of information one can get from the Internet is vast as tens of thousands of companies and organisations are linked to it. It has proved that the world is indeed one global village. If we can guard against Internet abuses and use it rightfully, the Internet will become an amazing tool for information and leisure.

Word Powermere : used to emphasise how small or easy something is

plough : to make slow progress through something difficult or boring

pornographic : intended to make people feel sexually excited in an offensive way


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