本帖最后由 Max.Du 于 24-6-2017 05:11 AM 编辑
Gym Basics 道館基礎 A Pokemon initially placed in a gym doesn't start with max motivation. 放入道館的寶可夢,放入時並不會達到最大幹勁值。(Max:給你或隊友餵樹果的機會?) Up to 20 gyms can be held at once. 玩家最多可以同時守衛20個道館。 Pokemon can't be added to gyms when they are under attack. 在道館遭受攻擊時,不能往裡放置寶可夢。 Berries 樹果 You can only feed a max of 10 berries to ANY number of Pokemon for an unconfirmed time frame of about 10-15 minutes. 在一定的時間範圍(尚未定論)於10-15分鐘內,你最多合計餵10粒樹果。 Feeding a Pokemon ANY berry nets +20 stardust per berry fed. 餵樹果獎勵20星塵。 All berries restore the same amount of motivation. 不同種類的樹果恢復的幹勁值是相同的。 Feeding any Pokemon (ally's or your own Pokemon) any berry can possibly award candies of that feed Pokemon. 餵食樹果可能會獎勵你被餵食寶可夢的糖果 Spinning 轉碟 Counts as a daily stop bonus. 計入每日補給站轉碟獎勵 You can't spin a gym Pokestop using a GO plus. 不能使用GO Plus 轉道館碟 Spinning a gym gives 2-4 items, +1 bonus item if you are on the same team as the spinned gym. 道館轉碟獎勵2-4件道具,以及1件額外道具如果你的陣營正在守衛該道館 Gyms do not give raid passes yet. 目前道館轉碟還不出團體戰入場券 Gym Defense Rewards 道館防禦獎勵 A trainer is rewarded one coin every 10 minutes per Pokemon placed in a gym. 每一間道館為守衛該道館的訓練每十分鐘獎勵1枚皮幣。 Time is always rounded down to the nearest minute, for example, a Pokemon placed in a gym for 19 minutes will net 1 coin. 計時方式是按分鐘取整(捨棄秒數部分),例如19分鐘的守衛會給以1皮幣獎勵。 You can redeem a maximum bonus of 50 PokéCoins per day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins. 每天的獎勵上線是50皮幣。無論你有多少只寶可夢帶著獎勵回到你身邊,上限始終是50皮幣。(Max:守住一個道場約8小時20分就夠了!) 團體戰相關 (Max:昨天有翻到一篇文,提到根據解包結果中團體戰相關道具的實際使用等級限制來看。遊戲中的實際的團體站等級限制可能是15級左右。N社是為了逐步控制參與團體戰玩家的數據進行實際效果測試才會有現在的暫時性等級限制。會逐步放開。) Raid Boss hatches from a Raid Egg, it’s difficulty depends on the Egg tier (Normal, Rare, Legendary). Raid bosses have several levels: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. A Level 5 Boss is a Legendary Pokémon. 頭目從團體戰寶可夢蛋中孵化,難度取決於蛋的段位(普通,稀有,傳說)。 頭目分為多個等級,1級-5級。5級的頭目就是傳說寶可夢。 The current hypothesis is that Raid Boss CP is based on Pokémon’s Level 30 Max CP with perfect IVs (15/15/15). 目前的推測的頭目的CP是根據30級完美個體計算的。 Another hypothesis is that a flat 2.832 multiplier is applied to that value to calculate the end CP. Both hypothesis are based on the CP of a Boss Tyranitar disclosed in the Press Release. 另外,2.83的平方是作為最終CP的計算係數參與計算的。 這兩個假設都是基於已經披露的頭目Tyranitar的CP來得出的。