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giraffe value 叫你买STI ETF

发表于 3-11-2016 01:53 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It makes me feel dumb whenever someone asks me what STI ETF is.
It's so basic yet I have to explain to them and better still some of them are even majored in finance!
During chatting in bar, friends always brag about the hottest stocks, the next big things, the oil prices. I guess speaking of those things make them feel upscale.
But when I talk about market index, they start giving me strange look as if I just murdered their cat.
Alright back to today topic. Today I'm going share with you about STI ETF.
If you just started out working or have a sum of money siting in bank and feel like it's not growing anywhere... then consider investing in STI ETF.
The average returns you can get based of past 10 years historical data is about 5-8%.
If you encounter chicks attempt to sell you investment-link insurance, unit trust or annuity... just smile, enjoy the beauty and then walk away - never buy from them! No matter how pretty they are. Seriously... don't be that carrot head waiting to be chopped.
Numbers studies and bloggers have shared about how investors would be better off just by investing in STI ETF.
The cost is low (no 'sales' commission), the performance returns are often higher (STI consist of Singapore 30 largest companies by total market prices) and more transparent as price is showed on the stock exchange and you can check it manually and daily by yourself.
In term of whether should you invest in lump sum or periodically.
I would suggest periodically for a couple of reasons:
#1 It makes sense for your cash flow as employment income is paid monthly.
#2 You won't get too hard up over your entry price as your cost is averaged throughout your accumulating period.
#3 It slowly builds up your investment capital and get comfortable with the market volatility, something that many people underestimate. But I have to emphasis, most people lose money because of letting their emotion making investment decision than bad strategy.
Imagine today you invest 20,000 in STI ETF, one week later market collapses by 20%.
$4,000 of your investment value gone...
You panicked... the media say it going to drop further... the newspaper headlines are shouting companies are firing their employee... Your friends and colleagues are telling you that IT WILL DROP FURTHER SO YOU BETTER SELL!
And you do what is best:  YOU SELL YOUR STOCKS!
Never listen to what others say!
The public and media don't know shit about the market. You control your own temperament, I know it is easier to say than done.
My advice is NEVER over-invest. Something that investors greatly underestimate. At start you only invest the amount your emotion allows. Not more. As times pass, after going though many years of ups and downs of the market - when your experience and temperament reach a decent level. Then that's the time to INVEST MORE!.
Warren Buffett has repeatedly saying investing is about having the right temperament than brain power.
Get the right habit when your money is small. So when you have a lot of money you would do the right thing with the RIGHT HABIT you cultivated.
If you really want to compound your money successfully. Then start small, invest little and slowly build up size up. And never over invest - if a 10-20% fall in value would cause losing your sleep then you know you have a problem: you invested too much.

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发表于 3-11-2016 03:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-11-2016 04:12 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ETF 可以拿来short的吗?

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发表于 3-11-2016 05:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-11-2016 03:39 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Try China A50 ETF

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发表于 5-11-2016 10:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
讲的最对就是千万不要听那些保险女/佬说的跑去跟他们买什么投资,储蓄,教育保单。名字花样各异但你一买注定就是要吃亏的。保险重要就要买保险。投资储蓄为孩子准备未来就投资储蓄。可是一旦你把这两者结合起来交给保险公司做,你的风险保费就比只是单买保险的人还高,而投资成本和收费比单单投资的人还多。在这三方里只有你是唯一可能的输家。绝大部分用cpf买保险公司投资保单的人都亏钱。我大略算过别人投资有5percent实收益时,你的投资保单收益是负数。用cpf投资的可以考虑赶快趁你unittrust价格还好时斩断这个肯定比specialaccount收益还低的亏本货。如果在马来西亚用cash买的更要仔细去查阅你的transactionhistory。里面会有很详细的列出你还没有投资就马上被吃掉大概10percent salescharge,然后就拿剩下的来买单位。买了之后又根据你高昂的保费和管理费数额卖掉你也许赚了一点的单位来抵偿。我不是很确定这些ilp的佣金结构。可是根据所知,比起传统保单佣金是高而且期间长。这不是没有理由的。在投资的路上我们都要学会cut loss。

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发表于 5-11-2016 11:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
jellyfish_8 发表于 3-11-2016 04:12 PM
ETF 可以拿来short的吗?


“赤裸”地short sell。。。。 当天就要close position~


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