本帖最后由 zachaaary23 于 5-3-2016 10:16 PM 编辑
你好奇到底《百搭韓系彩妝》 工作坊學些什麼? 韓妝到底有什麼重點, 而且日妝晚妝都管用? 先讓你看看簡短的視頻, 告訴我妝前妝後差別大嗎?---------------------------------------------------对《百搭韩系彩妆》工作坊有兴趣的朋友可以赶快PM报名咯!日期:20/3/2016 時間:12pm- 4pm地點:Hexarus Studio價錢:Rm 199*工作坊备有饮料小吃以及附送贈品
We are very excited to announce that our "Korean theme make up style workshop" is now open for registration ! The workshop will be conducted in Chinese language.It doesn't matter If you missed the last Korean spring makeup class, don't miss our personal "Multi-matcher Korean Makeup " again!Hurry PM us for sign up!Date: 6/3/2016Time: 12pm-4pmLocation: Hexarus StudioPrice: Rm199* Workshop provided with drinks, snacks and special gifts.
MUSE Art Makeup
Email:- museartmakeup@gmail.com
Contact:- 016-9056974 |