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目前只有UTM,UPM和UMP和外国大学有Dual Award Degree
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Dual-Degree Programmes
1) Meiji University, Japan
Master of Engineering Business Management
2) University of Burgundy, France
Master of Engineering (Electrical-Mechatronics and Automatic Control)
3) Illmenau University of Technology, Germany
Master in Biomedical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering
4) Aalborg University, Denmark
PhD in Engineering Education
Universiti Putra Malaysa (UPM) Dual-Degree Programmes
1) Dual Master's Degree Programme
UPM-Ajou University, South Korea
UPM-Naresuan University, Thailand
UPM-Kasetsart University, Thailand
UPM-University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
UPM-M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan
2) Dual PhD Programme
UPM-University of Nottingham, UK
UPM-Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
UPM-M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan
UPM-Maejo University, Thailand
UPM-University of Southern Queensland, Australia
UPM-Naresuan University, Thailand
UPM-Kasetsart University, Thailand
3) Jointly Awarded PhD Programme
UPM-University of Sheffield, UK
UPM-University of Newcastle, Australia
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Dual-Degree Programmes
1) Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechatronics Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Automotive Engineering
2) Northern Illinois University, USA
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Manufacturing) with Honours
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical) with Honours
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Energy & Environmental) with Honours
3) Institute Technology of Tallaght, Ireland
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Pharmaceutical) with Honours
4) University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Infrastructure Management) with Honours