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3D 立体设计、立体绘画

发表于 15-5-2013 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位大家好,我的公司是做 3D 立体绘画的,如图:

7141308147_35598b7539.jpg Leon-Keer18.jpg 395850_10150563471596565_1360895846_n.jpg

我的伙伴 MR.LEON KEER 正在准备把他的艺术带来马来西亚了,如果想要更清楚地知道他的作品, 可以到google搜索 leon keer, 在全球能够做到 3D 立体的不出20人,而大师级的只有那么几位,而我的伙伴 LEON KEER就是其中一位大师级的人物,他曾经在新加坡完成了一个项目,也是澳美地区的非常知名度艺术家。欢迎有兴趣的公司来联系我,欢迎各种合作方式,我确信全马来西亚目前只有我们公司拥有3D立体技术,期待与各位合作

我的联系电话 :011-16213718 (johnson)
或 email 我    :johnson-lim@hotmail.my

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发表于 16-5-2013 03:36 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 20-5-2013 09:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
My partner MR.LEON Keer is ready to bring his art to Malaysia, if you want to know more clearly his work, you can google search Leon Keer in the world able to do 3D stereo in less than 20, andmaster only so few, my partner LEON Keer is a master of character, he was in Singapore to complete a project, but also very well-known artists in Australia and the United States. Welcome interested companies to contact me, welcome all kinds of cooperation, I am sure the whole of Malaysia only our company has a 3D stereoscopic technology, and look forward to cooperating with you
Our technology for major industries, such as: wedding, shopping Center event, car shows or furniture, landscaping residential or shopping malls, the company's work environment, there are many more that you can not imagine usage If you want to know more The way you can contact me.

I think many people want to know what benefits this can bring you, right? 3D painting, in fact, the benefits really you can not imagine, it can add a camera Attractions, add freshness to help your environment, especially photography, such as "wedding" - how a couple in so many bridal salon elected a mind? 1 - credibility, 2 - Price 3 - Professional, 4 - freshness. You Just want to see if your bridal salon has such a novel 3D technology coupled with professional photographers, which can provide you with what benefit? Think of it! Is fresh, there will be a lot of people trying to find your bridal salon shooting, and this can become a good memory, better than the wedding shoot landscapes Well, this is too monotonous! !

Mentioned above this is just one example, a major industry, we have a way to help bring you income, as long as you are interested in our service, and the price is cheap. Your business than their peers leading? Want to avoid peer competition? Then please contact me as soon as possible, tell me your request, we can help you get everything.
Tel :011-16213718 (johnson)
Or email: johnson-lim@hotmail.my

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 楼主| 发表于 21-5-2013 09:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
我们也正在大力招聘专业的sales & marketing的人才,无底薪,高佣金 (最高可达RM 9千一单,视project而定)有兴趣的请留言,或email 直 :johnson-lim@hotmail.my, 或者直接联系我 Johnson: 011-16213718

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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2013 11:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
我们也正在大力招聘专业的sales & marketing的人才,无底薪,高佣金 (最高可达RM 9千一单,视project而定)有兴趣的请留言,或email 直 :johnson-lim@hotmail.my, 或者直接联系我 Johnson: 011-16213718

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