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发表于 19-4-2010 01:10 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
據報道,以色列拉斐爾先進防務系統公司推出的Trophy “戰利品”坦克主動防護系統已順利完成實彈測試,進入試裝備階段。該系統能探測到來襲目標(如導彈),並在坦克被擊中前將其攔截。如果得以大量裝備以軍,“戰利品”系統將成為全球首款正式服役的戰車主動防護系統,對未來坦克的設計思路具有重大意義。


據了解,從上世紀90年代起,拉斐爾公司及合作夥伴就開始研製“戰利品”系統。目前,該系統已進行了700多次測試,在首批試點中已有少量“梅卡瓦”4型主戰坦克安裝該系統。 “戰利品”曾於2004年的美國陸軍年會展和2009年的英國國際防務裝備展上亮相,美國通用動力公司地面系統分部參與了部分技術升級工作。




The AssociatedPress reportsthat Trophy system has now been officially introduced by Israel. If the system can prove itselffunctional on the battlefield, it could change the face of groundcombat and tip the balance of power in Israel's favor if the nationgoes to war against Hezbollah or other militant groups in theregion.

John Pike from GlobalSecurity.orgtold the AP,"I think people will be watching the Israelis roll this thingout and see if they can get the hang of it. The future of the UnitedStates army is riding on the proposition that something like this canwork."

The U.S. military is working on its own similarsystem that isn’t ready for the battlefield just yet. Accordingto the developers of the Trophy system, it is capable of stopping anyanti-tank weapon in the Hezbollah arsenal. These weapons weredirectly responsible for the deaths of at least 19 Israeli tankcrewmen during the war between Israel and Hezbollah that raged for amonth in 2006.

A Trophy program manager only identified as Gilsaid, "We can cope with any threat in our neighborhood, andmore."

The system is said to cost about $200,000 perinstallation and the amount is described as a small fraction of thecost of a tank. Rafael, the company behind Trophy, expects that thesystem will generate lots of international interest and the firmexpects customers to order the Trophy system in the coming years.


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 楼主| 发表于 19-4-2010 01:25 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-4-2010 06:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
call of duty 出现的装甲车!!!一样的def方法

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发表于 19-4-2010 11:03 PM | 显示全部楼层

1) 不能抵擋 JAVELIN的攻擊方式。因為不能攻擊正上方襲來的導彈。
2) 利用反器材狙擊步槍﹐就可以廢掉它的雷達或發射口﹐一樣完蛋。

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发表于 19-4-2010 11:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 thesun 于 20-4-2010 12:05 AM 编辑

Trophy 的宣传资料声称可以抵抗类似Javelin 的 ATGM, 只是对JDAM无效。
相比俄罗斯的Arena , Trophy 对周围的步兵更安全,Trophy 是利用类似霰弹枪发射
钢珠来摧毁来犯的导弹。Arena 则是发射榴弹来引爆来犯的导弹,

二十万一个系统价格还可以,希望新加坡开发的新一代轻型坦克都能安装。马来的Metis-m, Eryx , Baktar-Shikan , RPG就全都都无效了

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发表于 20-4-2010 12:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
美軍都嫌棄呢。寧願用自己研發的QUICK KILL系統。

我們的PT-90就可能會用俄羅斯的ARENA系統。 樓上很喜歡針對人嘛﹐是患了被害妄想症是不是﹖

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发表于 20-4-2010 01:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 thesun 于 20-4-2010 01:47 AM 编辑

Controversy ignited when United States Office of Force Transformation plans to battle test the more mature Israeli made Trophy active protection system on several Stryker armored personnel carriers in combat in Iraq in 2007 were scuttled by the Army in favor of waiting for the Quick Kill system to develop.In 2006–2007 the Institute for Defense Analyses found Quick Kill to be relatively immature and fraught with significant development risks. Important components like the radar were not yet fully developed and testing of the system as a whole was on hold while the warhead was redesigned. They also found Trophy, which uses a shotgun-like kill mechanism, to be the most mature of the 15 systems they analyzed at the time.

不懂就不要装懂,2007年 美国就放弃Quick kill 改而测试技术更成熟的Trophy。 不过美国好像在开发另一个叫Safeguard的系统

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