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[多机种]Lego系列作 集中讨论区

发表于 3-8-2008 08:04 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Star Wars #1 Indiana Jones #7 还有现在很流行的Batman将在九月出

Developer(s)     Traveller's Tales
Griptonite Games
Aspyr Media
Giant Interactive Entertainment
Publisher(s)     Eidos Interactive
Platform(s)     Game Boy Advance, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Mac OS X
Release date     GBA, Windows, PS2, Xbox

USA April 5, 2005
EU April 22, 2005
USA August 2005
Mac OS X
USA October 10, 2005
EU November 4, 2005
Genre(s)     Action,Adventure
Mode(s)     Single player, two-player simultaneous
Rating(s)     ESRB: E (Everyone)
PEGI: 3+
USK: 6
System requirements     OS: Windows 2000/XP, Processor: PIII 1 GHz, RAM: 256 MB, Hard drive: 500 MB free space, Video Card: 32 MB, Sound: DirectX 9 compatible sound card, CD-ROM: required.
Input methods     Keyboard, gamepad

Lego Star Wars: The Video Game is a video game based on the Star Wars themed toy line by the Lego Group, that takes place during the prequel trilogy (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith), with a bonus segment from A New Hope. Lego Star Wars was first released on April 5, 2005, a full month before the final Star Wars film premiered.

It was developed by Traveller's Tales for the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 2 video game consoles and Microsoft Windows personal computers, with Griptonite Games developing the Nintendo Game Boy Advance version. These initial versions were published in April of 2005. A Mac port, developed by Aspyr, was released in August 2005. A Nintendo GameCube version of the game was released on October 26, 2005. All versions were published by Eidos Interactive and LucasArts.

Lego Star Wars was billed as a kids' game and received the Game of the Year award from Kidzworld.com[1] It received generally positive reviews (PC version Metacritic score 77[2]) and peaked at the top of the UK charts during early May 2005. It later lost the spot to the official game of Episode III but maintained a consistently high chart position throughout the month.

A sequel, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, was released in September 2006, while a compilation, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was released on the 6th of November, 2007.



Lego Star Wars contains a total of 56 playable characters. The playable characters are modeled like actual Lego parts (but with far more mobility) and when they die, they fall to pieces like an actual Lego minifigure. There are a wide variety of characters included in the game, all of which are unlocked by completing levels or by purchasing them at Dexter's Diner. Characters are divided into groups according to certain skills. For instance, Jedi can double-jump, use lightsabers, and have control of the force, which they can use to activate or lift Lego objects or defeat certain enemies. Jar-Jar, Grevious' Bodyguard and General Grevious have the super jump, which allows them to reach obstacles that Jedi can't jump to. Characters who carry blasters have the ability to grapple.Droids, while not being armed, can travel through the game without being intentionally attacked by enemy characters also, protocol droids and astromech droids can open special doors. Every character, other than the PK Droid and Gonk Droid have special ability. However, an almost unknown Chancelor Palpatine can use the dark force.

Unlocked characters can be imported into the game's sequel, Lego Star Wars: The Original Trilogy, as an extra called "use old save" costing 250,000 Lego Studs.

Because Lego Star Wars is based on the Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I, II and III), Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Jawa and other characters from the original Star Wars trilogy are not shown, appearing in Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. However, if you unlock the last level (an episode 4 preview), Darth Vader, a stormtrooper, a rebel and Princess Leia become available.

Free Play

Lego Star Wars has a feature called 'Free Play', which enablesthe player to play a level again, but with the ability to switchbetween characters. This permits access to areas containing extras theplayer was unable to get before. In Free Play mode, a player may useany character they have unlocked; unlike Story Mode, which only allowsplayers to switch between the characters involved in that scene. TheFree Play option will only appear when the player finishes a level inStory Mode. Levels that are played in vehicles cannot be played in FreePlay, but are able to be replayed in story mode like all the others.

Dexter's Diner

Dexter's DinerDexter's Diner is the area from which the player chooses what levelto enter, or can enter the Parking Lot to view any vehicles whose partsthey have found. The parts to these vehicles are contained in 10mini-kit canisters which are hidden in each level. Battles often takeplace between canon-good and canon-evil characters in the Parking Lotas well. At the diner counter, the player may purchase unlockableextras in exchange for Lego studs they have collected by playingthrough the levels.




刚入手时一直疯狂的研究如何破关如何收集完全部宝藏,可以二人游戏,有些地方需要合作,死后那些零件乱跌=.=心痛到。。 可是也很刺激下,每样东西都不放过,unlock新人,存零件买无敌LOL可是贵下。。需要到1m的零件,慢慢unlock新的features。。

故事跟戏没两样,里面有starwars1/2/3/4,没记错的话一个chapter应该是有6关,每关都可以感受到的不同与刺激都是难以形容的,介绍你们Lego的Star Wars。。虽然是旧游戏,画面普通了点。。可是好玩12345678910下

[ 本帖最后由 headshotfuker 于 6-8-2008 05:47 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 3-8-2008 08:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-8-2008 08:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2008 01:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yooworld 于 3-8-2008 20:18 发表



原帖由 真‧雷神 于 3-8-2008 20:19 发表


[ 本帖最后由 Osis03 于 4-8-2008 01:46 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 4-8-2008 01:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

至于游戏,其实玩和不玩不是幼稚或小孩子才玩的这种问题上吧,而是对它感不感兴趣,很多游戏就算说幼稚或小孩玩也好,只要值得玩和能有不错体验的,也不见得需要那样看待的 本来玩游戏在一些人眼里就是小孩子玩的.......就算现在主机/掌机那么吃香和年龄层分布广也是会有这样现像吧。所以不能儿戏说----小孩子玩的....那就否决了一个可能不错的游戏的 不是针对谁人,只是希望大家换个心态来想和玩


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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2008 02:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Osis03 于 4-8-2008 13:42 发表
对,版里类似和lego扯上关系的帖子蛮少的,而且也不热烈,楼主既然开lego贴来讨论,不妨依照真雷神版主提议的来整理下资料(转载是ok,但最好是有和原作者提及过,也务必放上转载出处和作者大名。或者原创的就更好了! ...



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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2008 03:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-8-2008 03:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 headshotfuker 于 4-8-2008 02:53 PM 发表




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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2008 03:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Osis03 于 4-8-2008 15:24 发表




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 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2008 03:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
等下再回来update indiana jones的,现在去吃午饭先

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-1-2009 10:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
做么吃午饭吃拿么旧 已经09年了。

有人玩过或在玩Lego Batman吗?看了gameplay movie,觉得有点像LittleBigPlanet,但是不肯定。不知道好玩没有。

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发表于 9-3-2009 03:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
我最近在玩XO版的Lego Indiana Jones 和大家分享一下
(图片来之gamespot 图片好像太大了 需要删掉吗?)

话说这是我买XO附送的 两个月后才开这游戏来玩
因为之前对它没什么好感 觉得很闷似的
不过前几天机缘巧合下开封来玩玩 玩到现在不能停手了

首先最大的惊喜是一进到游戏时看见的画面 - 好漂亮啊!
光影做得很不错 颜色都像我们看见的lego玩具那么鲜艳 人物也很细腻 而且背景还有景深
配合音乐和临场的声效 能让人完全感受到自己在其中

在各种不同的地形环境和很多不同的道具配合下 整个场景让人看了觉得有种实在的感觉
你可以到处去摸索 破坏你所能看见的lego道具收集钱币 找过关的道具等等
而且它有很多版图 都是以往indiana jones系列里的场景 每关都有它的特色
不同的地方会加入特别的玩法 如抢罗里车 坐采矿车 划船 等等

一关通常是由几个版图完成的 要进入下一个版图的话就得找关键物品和解迷
迷题的难度我是觉得刚好 有些是比较容易的如挖宝藏或搭东西触动机关
有些则是需要技巧来完成的 如爬到某处或想办法跳到另一边去
而且人物是会一直重生 不会game over的 令难度降低不少 趣味增加很多
总的来说 只要能逻辑思考 这游戏是不会让你卡关的

游戏是两个角色一同进行的 可以一人或两人一起玩
一个人玩的时候 另一个就是电脑控制 随时可以换角色的
这游戏重要的元素就是两者配合通关 也就是互相合作
比如主角有绳可以吊绳跳到远处 远距离触动机关 或解除敌人的装备等等技能
可是他怕蛇 有蛇的地方它就过不去了
这时候就换另一角色去找火把赶蛇 让主角能一起过去
如跳得很高的女生 较矮的角色可以爬洞去收集宝藏 会解古文的角色等等

一如往常 lego的游戏都有很多隐藏的道具和宝藏让大家去收集
通常一关玩第一次时都不能100%找完全部的宝藏 需要以后换人再挑战过
而钱币也可以用来买在游戏里面找到的道具使用 很多搞笑的道具或能力都有

最后 这游戏给我的感觉就是很幽默可爱
游戏途中穿插着很多不同的过场动画来交待故事 蛮好看和好笑的
虽然不尽现实 可是它就是让人们玩得轻松快乐的游戏
很适合想舒解压力的人们 是个不管大人小孩都能玩的投入的好游戏
最重要的是 不用想太多 玩下去就对了

[ 本帖最后由 _舜 于 9-3-2009 03:42 PM 编辑 ]

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