Will we utilize current modes of transportation?
Your current vehicles will be phased out as the available supplies of petroleum run out. Remember there will be no new exploration, drilling, or production of fossil fuels to replenish supplies.
What is the time frame for all of this to happen?
It will take many years for the civilization of the new Earth to fully establish itself. On the other hand because of the collapse of time and functioning in the 4th Dimension, it will seem to happen quite quickly.
Will the transition be difficult?
Everyone will experience enough difficulties to enable him or her to see the current paradigm for what it is, and to choose whether or not to separate from it. For some this will be extreme hardship, for others it will be quite minimal.
Do we need to store food, water and fuel?
Yes in quantities to take you through the interim time.
How long will the interim time last?
It has already begun. In a few days or weeks it will accelerate quite rapidly. Then it will continue past the end of 2012 and well into 2013. At some point you will notice Earth’s vibration move from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.
If I am able to raise my vibration to 5th Dimension, will that keep me from experiencing any of the adverse effects of the physical, emotional, or mental turmoil connected with the transition?
If you are successful at raising and maintaining your vibration at a 5th Dimensional level you will still experience the transition, but you will be unaffected by it physically, emotionally, or mentally. In addition you may serve as a beacon of light to those who are in the midst of experiencing the full impact of the transition. The same is true, but to a lesser extent, if you are a 4th Dimensional being.
We would warn you, from our observations, that achieving and then maintaining your vibration in the 5th Dimension is neither easy nor automatic. Approach it as a task worth undertaking, for you will be rewarded during the transition and beyond.
During the transformation it is within your personal ways of seeing and knowing that the greatest changes will occur. You have the opportunity to be heart-centered and see all the changes about you as drama. Or you can engage with the changes and be swept along in the fear of those who resist the transformation to the new Earth.
Will the earth changes, demise of the current paradigm, and our transformation be tied to events coming from beyond Earth?
Yes, the final phase of the Earth changes we have spoken of will be triggered by events from outside Earth. These in turn will coincide with the demise of the current monetary systems, governments, religions, and to our connecting with you in the 4th Dimension. The Illuminati is too well entrenched to be removed by Earth human actions alone. It was created by off-planet beings; it will require off-planet beings to overcome its dark energies.
Are the reports of massive eruptions of the sun accurate? How will they affect humans?
Your star, the sun as you call it, will undergo monumental changes in the near future due to external influences. This will, in turn, send powerful energies to Earth. However, keep in mind the true nature of your star: It is a transducer of energies coming from the center of your galaxy, not a thermonuclear energy source. As such, the unusual energies coming from your star in the near future will have much more effect on you personally than on Earth’s physical environment.
Those among you who see violent eruptions of your sun are looking at events from a 3rd Dimension perspective. We encourage you to look at coming events from a 4th or 5th Dimension perspective. It is particularly important that you do not go to fear during these times.
We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.