skmplan778 发表于 27-6-2014 09:27 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
対了、説到Somdej経文 , 当然是Somdej To的金那般川了
6. “GaySanTay PhidThiParKusSaMing , SiRiYo Wa PaPangGaRo , NiSinNo SiRiSamPanNo, SoPiTo MuNi PoongKa Wo” (Sobhita , thenoble sage , sits in full glory , shinning like the sun all cover the hair atback of my head). 7. “GuMarLa GasSaPohTayRo , MaHaySee JitTa Wa Ta Go , So MaiHang Wa Ta Nay NidJang , PhaThidThaSiKuNaGaRo” (The great sage ,the mind of virtues , Elder Kumarakassapa , the brilliant speaker , isconstantly in my mouth). 8. “PoonNoAungKuLiMarLoJa AuParLee NanTa SeeWaLee , TayRaPanJa E May ChaTa NaLaTayThiLaGar Ma Mark” (Five elder ---Punna Angulimala , Upali , Nanda & Sivali – have arisen as auspicious marksat the middle of my forehead). 9. “SaySarSeeThiMaHaTayRa , ViShiTar ChiNaSaWaGa , A TaySeeThi MaHaTayRa , ChiTaWanTo ChiNoRaSa, ChaLanTar SeeLaTayChayNa , AungKaMangKaySu SanThiTar” (The rest of the 80great leaders --- victors, disciples of the victorious Buddha ,sons of thevictorious Buddha , shining with the majesty of moral virtues --- are establishedin the various parts of my body). 10. “RaTaNang PuRaTo ArSi, TakKiNay MeTaSootTaGang , TaChakKang PadShaTo ArSi, WaMay AungKuLiMarLaGang” (The Ratana Suttais in front of me , the Mettra Sutta to my right , The Dhajagga Sutta is behindme , The Angulimala Paritta to my left). 11. “CanTaMoRa PaRitTanJa, ArTar NarThiYa SoodTaGang ,ArGarSay ShaTaNang ArSi , SaySar PaGarRaSan ThiTar” (The Khandha &Mora Parittas & the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me , Theremaining Suttas are established as a fortress wall around me). 12. “Chi NaHaWaRaSankYootTha , SadTapPaGarRa LangGaTar , WaTaPidTa ThiSanChaTa ,ParHeRatChaShatTu PudTaWa” (Bound by the powerof the victors , realm , seven fortress wall arrayed against them). 13. “ArSaySar ViNaYangYanTu , ArNanTa ChiNaTayChaSar , WaSaTo May SaGitJayNa , SaTarSamPutThaPanChaRay” (May allmisfortunate within & without --- caused by such things as wind or bile ---be destroyed without remainder through the majesty of the unending victor). 14. “ChiNaPanChaRaMatChumaHe , ViHaRan Tang MaHee TaLay ,Sa Ta PaLenTu Mang SapPay Tay ,MaHaPuRiSarSaPar” (As I dwell, in allmy affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One , living grounded inthe midst of the victors , I am always guarded by all of those great noblemen). 15. “ItJayWa , ManToSuKootTo SuRakKho , CheNarNuParWayNa, CheTuPadTaWo , DhumMaNuParWayNa ,CheTarReSankKho ,SankKaNuParWayNa, CheTanTaRaYo , SadDhumMar NuParWa Parrithtoh , JaRaMi ChiNa Pan Cha RayThi” (Thus am I utterlywell-sheltered , well-protected .Through the might of the victors , misfortunesare vanquished ,Through the might of the Dhamma , hordes of enemies arevanquished, Through the might of the Sangha , dangers are vanquished, Guardedby might of the True Dhamma , I live in the Victor’s Cage). “China PanChaRaParidtang Mang RakKhatu SappaTha “ (May ChinabunchornKatha Bless Me).