


楼主: 老何

飞机师 训练+飞行 《从零到有 Q&A》

发表于 16-7-2012 10:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
但是emirates的a380还有一些一些机会啦 ...
fooyee 发表于 9-7-2012 10:01 AM




每个阶段的 flaps 只适合用于一个速度范围。Extend 了 fla ...
老何 发表于 16-7-2012 02:56 PM

airliners也是必须join circuit的吗?
或者可以直接从远远direct runway heading?

michyiki 发表于 16-7-2012 06:45 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 18-7-2012 09:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
airliners也是必须join circuit的吗?
或者可以直接从远远direct runway heading?
edison-tang 发表于 16-7-2012 10:29 PM

如果降落跑道的方向和航行的方向是一样的,那么大约10NM (3,000ft) 开始 configure,大约 4 NM 完成 landing checklist。

如果是要转180度来就是如图片那样。Either 是 ATC radar vector 或纯 visual approach。大型客机的 circuit 是很大的。据我所知这个区域,除了马航 737-400 的 type rating endorsement,没有一家航空公司用真的 737 做 touch and go circuit。

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发表于 18-7-2012 12:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
第二架好像来了,我已经在32R 左边看到她了。时常看到。中午和傍晚时分

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发表于 19-7-2012 03:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 痞子_InCreDible 于 19-7-2012 04:07 PM 编辑

前2天从KLIA 回 SIN 时
真幸运遇到了“她“, 献丑了和大家分享下。。
“也很不幸的没有“盐份" , 见到我的偶像 飞机王子 -老何大大

这张在Gate C16-C17 那里拍到的, 估计搭客都是在这个特定的两个double decker aerobridge 的Gate 登机A380 吧

很傻B 吧

这张是在我陈乘搭的SQ117 push back 时拍摄到的 ,lens 185mm max zoomed 完了。。

这张在Anjun Tinjau 那里拍摄到的,当时4pm+ 她还停放在远处那里哦。。后来差不多6点多时就towed 到 Gate C16&C17 那里了

这张我都忘了在那个Gate 拍摄得了。。总之那天就是跑完了整个Sattelite Terminal 一直拍摄她就是了


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发表于 23-7-2012 01:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
fooyee 发表于 18-7-2012 12:29 PM
第二架好像来了,我已经在32R 左边看到她了。时常看到。中午和傍晚时分

你是指 9M-MNB吗?

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发表于 24-7-2012 02:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
michyiki 发表于 23-7-2012 01:20 AM
你是指 9M-MNB吗?


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发表于 30-7-2012 12:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
老何,MOCA 和 MORA 的分别是什么?

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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2012 12:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
痞子_InCreDible 发表于 19-7-2012 03:52 PM
前2天从KLIA 回 SIN 时
真幸运遇到了“她“, 献丑了和大家分享下。。  
“也很不幸的没有“盐份" , 见 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2012 12:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
shim 发表于 30-7-2012 12:52 AM
老何,MOCA 和 MORA 的分别是什么?

Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA)
MOCA represents an altitude, which is calculated based on the topography of the overflown area/ground and the obstacles in this area. The area is defined as a square with a certain width beside of the flight path or as a grid network on  the earth surface; depending of  the highest elevation of  the area a certain safety amount must  be  added  to  the  altitude  of  the  highest  obstacle  in  the  area;  the  sum  of  this  safety  amount  and  the highest elevation is called MOCA.
MOCA  value  includes  no  influence  of  the  specific  aircraft  performance  (weight,  weather,  aircraft performance, cruise procedure) and standard procedures. A minimum MOCA over land and over sea must be checked!


Minimum Off Route Altitude (MORA)
MORA provides reference point clearance within 10NM of the route centerline (regardless of the route width) and end fixes. The GRID MORA provides reference point clearance within the section outlined by latitude and longitude lines.
Note The term MORA is not used in Lido RouteManual but is represented by the term MGA.

Minimum Grid Altitude (MGA)
MGA represents the lowest safe altitude which can be flown off-track.
The MGA is calculated by rounding up the elevation of the highest obstruction within the respective grid area to the next 100ft and adding an increment of
• 1000ft for terrain or obstructions up to 6000ft or
• 2000ft for terrain or obstructions above 6000ft.
e.g. 6345ft obstacle = 6400ft rounded up + 2000ft buffer = 8400ft MGA

Lido 的 MGA 是 6000ft or below buffer 1000ft,6000ft above buffer 2000ft。
Jeppensen 的 MORA 是 5000ft or below buffer 1000ft,5000ft above buffer 2000ft。
我本身只在 Lido/Jeppensen 的 chart 看过 MGA/MORA 的数值。不曾看过有 MOCA (*Sorry,之前打错成 MORA)的数值。

本帖最后由 老何 于 3-8-2012 08:35 AM 编辑


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发表于 31-7-2012 02:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
老何 发表于 30-7-2012 12:42 PM
Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA)
MOCA represents an altitude, which is calculated ba ...

' Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA), The area is defined as a square with a certain width beside of the flight path or as a grid network on  the earth surface '

' Minimum Off Route Altitude (MORA), clearance within 10NM of the route centerline. '

那是不是说,从 Airways 的 centerline 画一个 radius 10nm 的圆圈,就是 mora ;
而 airways 外面的一个 ‘格子’ 就是 moca ?

' 我本身只在 Lido/Jeppensen 的 chart 看过 MGA/MORA 的数值。不曾看过有 MORA 的数值。 '
不曾看过有 MORA 的数值 ?

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发表于 31-7-2012 06:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
Jets departed despite passengers' witnessing ground collision

Ryanair passengers who witnessed a ground collision that damaged their Boeing 737-800 and an American Airlines 767-300 failed to prevent the aircraft departing after poor crew communication led the pilots to believe the jets had not made contact.

Several passengers on the Ryanair service from Barcelona to Ibiza thought the 737 had struck the 767 as it attempted to manoeuvre behind the American aircraft, which was waiting at a holding point for runway 25L.

But although one passenger spoke to a flight attendant, Spanish investigators state that "deficiencies in the communications" between cabin crew and the pilots meant that the severity of the incident went unrecognised.

Both aircraft subsequently took off. While the 737 was later found to have a scratched starboard winglet, the 767 had a gash in its outboard left-hand horizontal stabiliser, and was withdrawn from service for repair.

A Ryanair 737 took off despite passengers reporting they had struck another aircraft

Spanish investigation authority CIAIAC, citing cabin crew statements, says that as the passenger left their seat to speak to the flight attendant, several other passengers "nervously looked out the windows on the right side".

"They were speaking in Spanish, so the cabin crew did not understand very well what they were saying," it adds. "Another passenger told them in English that some passengers thought they had hit the other [aircraft]."

But when the message was relayed to the cockpit, only a single call-chime was used - as opposed to three chimes for a serious problem - and the captain "did not sense much concern" in the flight attendant's voice.

Both 737 pilots were already aware of the tight clearance and, as the jets converged, had been in the process of verifying the separation. Shortly before the cabin call, the captain had stopped the 737 and left her seat to check the distance, and reassured the co-pilot that the two aircraft were not touching.

"The captain was under the impression that only one passenger had witnessed the contact, and not several as she later discovered," says CIAIAC.

"She said that her decision to continue with the flight would probably have been different if she had known that several passengers had reported contact."

During the flight one of the passengers - who said he was an engineer - expressed concern at the decision, under the circumstances, to proceed with the departure.

"After deplaning in Ibiza, several passengers also voiced their preoccupation over the situation," adds CIAIAC.

Neither of the pilots of the American 767 had been aware of the collision, despite the damage to the stabiliser.

CIAIAC says that while the Ryanair passengers' reports were relayed to the cockpit, the flight attendant "seems to have been unaware of the safety implication of the information she was providing", and her manner of expression indicated "hesitation" as to whether she ought to have been interrupting the pilots.

"During the flight to Ibiza several passengers expressed their unease over the incident to the cabin crew, but at no point did the [flight attendants] contact the pilots to convey the passengers' concerns," it adds.

Ryanair's procedures specifically state that cabin crew must not assume that the pilots are aware of serious problems. Investigators have nevertheless recommended that the carrier reassess its training for on-board communications.

CIAIAC says the cockpit-voice recorders were overwritten and acceleration information from the flight-data recorder could not identify the precise moment of the collision, and investigators could not draw up a detailed analysis of the geometry.

But the inquiry points out that the 767 had initially been waiting 50-60ft (15-18m) from the holding point. Its crew had been aware, from radio transmissions, that the 737 was experiencing difficulty passing behind, and subsequently moved the larger jet about 15ft closer to the holding point - although the collision had already occurred by this time.

http://www.flightglobal.com/news ... d-collision-374895/

single call-chime was used - as opposed to three chimes什么东东来的?

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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2012 08:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
shim 发表于 31-7-2012 02:37 PM
' Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA), The area is defined as a square with  ...

Jeppesen 的 MORA 应该是和 Lido 的 MTCA (Minimum Terrain Clearance Altitude) 是一样的东西。就是guarantee airways 左右两边 10NM 都有足够的高度来 clear terrain obstacle (但是没有 ensure ground nav aids coverage)。

MEA = Minimum Enroute Altitude 是同时 clear terrain obstacle 和 ensure ground nav aids coverage (i.e. VOR)。

Jeppesen 的 Grid MORA 和 Lido 的 MGA 是同样的东西。

Jeppesen chart 有看到 MSA、MEA、Grid MORA。Lido chart 有看到 MSA、MEA、MTCA、MGA。不曾看过有 MOCA 的数值(*Sorry,之前打错成 MORA)。

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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2012 09:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
遨翔 发表于 31-7-2012 06:19 PM
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/jets-departed-despite-passengers-witnessing-ground-col ...
single call-chime was used - as opposed to three chimes什么东东来的?
Single chime 是 cabin call 去 cockpit 的时候会在 cockpit 听到一声 "Dong"。

3 chimes 是 3 声由高到低(mi re do)的 "Dong dong dong" 声。

坐在靠近机舱门口的乘客会时不时听到这种 chime。Cabin crew 听到这个声音后会看灯的颜色来确定是 passenger 招唤、还是其他 cabin crew 从其他的门口 call 来、还是 cockpit call 来。


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发表于 6-8-2012 10:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
老何 发表于 3-8-2012 08:56 AM
Jeppesen 的 MORA 应该是和 Lido 的 MTCA (Minimum Terrain Clearance Altitude) 是一样的东西。就是guar ...


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发表于 6-8-2012 10:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
马航是用 lido 的?

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 楼主| 发表于 7-8-2012 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
shim 发表于 6-8-2012 10:04 PM
马航是用 lido 的?

是的。以前是 jeppesen,现在是 Lido。


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发表于 10-8-2012 08:16 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2012 03:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
satanjames 发表于 10-8-2012 08:16 PM

Planes bump at Shanghai airportXinhua, August 10, 2012
Two planes bumped into each other at the mouth of a taxiway at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Thursday, and no casualties have been reported, airport authorities said.
China Eastern Airlines flight MU583, bound for Los Angeles, was hit in the left elevator by Malaysia Airlines flight MH389, bound for Kuala Lumpur, at 4:47 p.m. when MU583 was waiting to take off, according to China Eastern Airlines.
MU583 taxied back to the terminal for an inspection, and another plane was deployed to cover the route.
The cause of the accident is under investigation.



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发表于 11-8-2012 04:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
老何 发表于 11-8-2012 03:39 PM
没有。飞机没有那么先进会告诉机师哪里碰撞了。就和开车一样,被碰撞的时候是可以感觉到被某个东西碰撞 ...


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发表于 12-8-2012 04:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
satanjames 发表于 11-8-2012 04:19 PM

TCAS只是airborne的advisory system。


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