发表于 25-10-2020 02:40 PM
本帖最后由 地产经纪.约翰 于 25-10-2020 02:44 PM 编辑
万能胶带卷 发表于 17-8-2020 12:52 PM
秀气大大,你好。 我的情形是这样的。 我在2018年的时候和发展商买了一个单位。 付了booking fee和5%的downpayment. SPA也签了。 最近去申请贷款,结果银行只可以贷款70%,另外一家银行直接reject我。 和发展商之前 ...
如果你买的产业是住宅契约(under Housing Development Act)的话,根据标准HDA合约应该如下:
(3) If the Purchaser fails to obtain the Loan due to his ineligibility of income and has produced proof of such ineligibility to the Vendor, the Purchaser shall then be liable to pay to the Vendor only one per centum (1%) of the purchase price and this Agreement shall subsequently be terminated. In such an event, the Vendor shall, within twenty-one (21) days of the date of the termination, refund the Purchaser the balance of the amount paid by the Purchaser.
Schedule H
买卖合同签了,你有收到副本吗?如果还没有收到副本,有可能是还没拿去stamping。没stamping的话,可以说还没正式生效。因此可以和发展商本身谈谈看。如果stamping了,就只需要根据你订的产业买卖合同上的价钱,给发展商1%。此外,因为stamping了,就要另外要做一份合约来取消(Revocation Agreement)这一笔买卖交易。有可能需要给律师费,不知道是不是千多块还是两千多。
Schedule H是给Strata Title的产业,比如公寓,或者一些围篱式的有地房子。如果是Individual title,则是Schedule G。 |