


楼主: 老何

飞机师 训练+飞行 《从零到有 Q&A》

发表于 10-9-2011 03:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
只有一張spm cert.
physic 3b

那麼spm cert是否還是那麼重要?

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发表于 10-9-2011 06:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
只有一張spm cert.
physic 3b

那麼spm cert是否還是那麼重要?
satanjames 发表于 10-9-2011 03:23 PM

当academic results差不多时,


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发表于 10-9-2011 07:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1062# edison-tang

academic result指的就是spm成績?我的不達標呢

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 楼主| 发表于 15-9-2011 10:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 老何 于 15-9-2011 10:25 PM 编辑

请问椅子下面那个是ventilation system 吗?

G650头前那只长枪是static wick吗?

遨翔 发表于 15-8-2011 03:27 PM

今天有 licensed aircraft engineer 在机上 paxing 回 KLIA,在路途上向他询问了一些资料。

那些在 cabin floor 旁边的 vent panel 叫 dadu panel。说穿了它不过就是一个 grille 而已。Passenger cabin 的空气从头上进来,通往 dadu panel 流到 飞机的 lower lobe (cargo hold) 或 recirc-fan 或 air cycle machine (不同款的飞机有不同的 air system)。如果没有 cabin air 流入 cargo hold,那里将是一个很冷的地方。

Bombardier BD-700

Bombardier CRJ-900

那支在 nose cone 类似长针的东西是 pitot tube。只有那个位置才是真正 undisturbed airflow 的 IAS。普通飞机左右两边位置的 pitot tube 还是有少许的 disturbed airflow (position error)。飞机的左右两旁都有 Captain/FO 的各两set 的 pitot tube和static port。Air data computer (ADC) 会调整 position error 后才将正确的 airspeed 呈现在 PFD 上。

    * IAS = Indicated Airspeed = airspeed indicator reading.
    * CAS = Calibrated Airspeed = IAS corrected for static position error.
    * EAS = Equivalent Airspeed = CAS corrected for compressibility error.
    * TAS = True Airspeed = EAS corrected for OAT and pressure altitude.
    * GS = Ground Speed = TAS corrected for wind component.
    * M = Mach number = relationship between TAS and speed of sound.

为什么其他的飞机不干脆直接安装类似的 pitot tube 呢?那个 engineer 解释说,那支东西看来很轻,其实它是很重的铁管,要将它 secure 在 nose cone 是一项很考功夫的任务。除了重量之外,那支东西还很难 maintain。所有的 pitot tube 和 static port 都是需要 electrically heat up (heating element 的功能也加重了它的重量)。普通小小支的 pitot tube 都会 overheat 或 heat failure的状况,那么大支的 pitot tube 肯定会更多问题。那么大支的 pitot tube 需要很大的 electric current 来发热,这将会提高其它 electrical problem 的机率。Galley 的 oven 时不时都会 trip 啦,那么耗大电的 pitot tube 会更多问题。Oven 坏顶多是没有热食物而已,不会有人死。Pitot tube icing 是会死人的 failure。

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发表于 23-9-2011 02:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
什么是fly-in and fly-out operation,跟平常的有什么不一样?
Airservices digs for safety improvements as mining charter sector expands
By Emma Kelly

Australian air navigation service provider Airservices Australia is calling for the "urgent fitment" of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) equipment to the country's fly-in, fly-out mining charter fleet - particularly in Western Australia - in light of the "explosive growth" in the sector.

Airservices chief executive officer Greg Russell said the growth in fly-in, fly-out operations is an immediate challenge to the service provider. Until now, Airservices has been using traditional procedural separation standards in managing regional airspace in Western Australia, particularly in the northwest of the state, where most of the mines are located.

However, the system is now close to capacity: "The industry is telling us that significantly more growth is going to occur in fly-in, fly-out operations in the next two to three years," Russell said. "Put simply, this cannot occur safely without a major change to the surveillance picture so we can see the aircraft involved, and that involves a programme of urgent fitment of ADS-B."

Australia has nationwide ADS-B coverage above flight level 300 (30,000ft/9,144m), and Airservices has long been keen to extend the programme below FL300. The company said it is in discussions with operators on the issue, and they are receptive to ADS-B.

The service provider held a regional safety forum to review current and future demand issues in Western Australia earlier this month, attended by more than 30 representatives of the mining and resources industry, airlines, charter operators and Perth airport.

Russell said in order to "buy some time" Airservices is installing a transportable radar in Paraburdoo, which will provide coverage of six airports within 100km (62 miles).

The growth of fly-in, fly-out operations is also putting a strain on Perth airport. Although the airport is currently operating at about a third of its capacity, the rostering of mining operations means there is major departure congestion between 05:30 and 08:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

"Aircraft leave and return to Perth in large waves, which exacerbate issues with ground infrastructure and cause lengthy delays," Russell added.

Perth airport is undertaking a Australian dollar 500 million ($515 million) redevelopment, including construction of Terminal WA - which will primarily cater for the resource sector's fly-in, fly-out market.

Over a million passengers are expected to use the terminal in its first year of operations in 2013.

How Airservices fixes the issues in Western Australia will provide lessons for other parts of the country, Russell said - with mining projects growing in Queensland and South Australia.

http://www.flightglobal.com/arti ... charter-sector.html

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 楼主| 发表于 24-9-2011 01:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 老何 于 24-9-2011 01:13 AM 编辑

回复 1065# 遨翔

Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) 是比目前的 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) 更先进的技术。也就是说飞机可以飞得更加靠近而不怕发生 in-flight collision。

Fy-in fly-out operations 是澳洲采矿公司聘请工人的方法。采矿地方的小镇都没有什么人力资源因为没有人愿意呆在什么便利都没有的郊区外。采矿工人都是从市区飞去郊区工作一段日期后才飞回市区和家人共聚。第一批的工人在旷地工作,第二批工人回市区。第二批工人飞去旷地工作的时候,第一批工人就回市区。依此类推。

文章主要是说道,这样的飞行次数已经把 traditional procedural separation standards 的容量推到接近饱和点。接下来的 2~3年采矿公司预测这样 fly-in fly-out operations 的工人人数将会大大提高。而 traditional procedural separation standards 的容量肯定无法满足未来的人数流量。Airservices Australia 呼吁那些fly-in fly-out operations 所使用的飞机都安装上 automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast 以应付将会激增的航班。

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发表于 25-9-2011 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 29-9-2011 12:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
wanying_yong 发表于 25-9-2011 09:47 PM

我有查看你发问的贴。就如 800x600 所说的。
身高是你的死穴。Cadet pilot 最低要求是163cm。

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发表于 30-9-2011 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
Japanese investigators have detailed the extraordinary in-flight upset involving an All Nippon Airways Boeing 737-700 which resulted in the aircraft banking to a near-inverted attitude.

Flight NH140 from Naha had been cruising at 41,000ft, en route to Tokyo on 6 September, and had been some 43km south of Hamamatsu when the incident occurred.

Japan's Transport Safety Board said the captain had stepped briefly out of the cockpit, but when he returned the co-pilot inadvertently operated the rudder trim control while attempting to let the captain back in.

The 737 banked slightly right, then twice rolled sharply to the left, achieving a bank angle of nearly 132° and "rapidly" pitching 35° nose-down, the inquiry board added.

It descended at high speed, losing 6,300ft before recovering at 34,700ft and climbing.

During the incident the aircraft, which had been on a heading of 052° north-east towards Tokyo, eventually stabilised on a south-west course of 257°.

In its preliminary report into the event the safety board said the aircraft had been on autopilot, but a left turn on the rudder trim control was recorded.

While individual configurations differ, both the rudder trim dial and the cockpit door lock switch on the 737-700 tend to be located towards the rear of the centre pedestal between the two pilots. The door switch requires a turn to the left to unlock the cockpit entry.

The aircraft involved, a four-year old twinjet registered JA16AN, achieved an excessive speed of Mach 0.828 during the event and experienced forces of 2.68g.

Inspectors assessed the aircraft's condition following the event but found nothing abnormal, said the safety board.

There were 117 occupants on board the aircraft, five of them crew members, but only minor injuries were sustained.

Further investigation by the Transport Safety Board will involve verification of its initial simulations, examination of the position of the trim control and cockpit door switch, and analysis of the radar track and radio communications.


Japan's Transport Safety Board said the captain had stepped briefly out of the cockpit, but when he returned the co-pilot inadvertently operated the rudder trim control while attempting to let the captain back in.


While individual configurations differ, both the rudder trim dial and the cockpit door lock switch on the 737-700 tend to be located towards the rear of the centre pedestal between the two pilots. The door switch requires a turn to the left to unlock the cockpit entry.


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发表于 1-10-2011 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-10-2011 06:39 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2-10-2011 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
遨翔 发表于 30-9-2011 07:59 PM

Japan's Transport Safety Board said the captain had stepped briefly out of the cockpit, but when he returned the co-pilot inadvertently operated the rudder trim control while attempting unlock the cockpit entry to let the captain back in.

如果文章加入红色的那段句子,相信会有更多航空业以外的人能明白。自从911事件过后,所有的民航机的 cockpit entry 是会上锁。如果要打开,必须由 cockpit center pedestal 那里控制开锁。

While individual configurations differ, both the rudder trim dial and the cockpit door lock switch on the 737-700 tend to be located towards the rear of the centre pedestal between the two pilots. The door switch requires a turn to the left to unlock the cockpit entry.

个别的飞机会有不同的 configuration (设定),737-700上 的 rudder trim 和 cockpit door unlock switch 都是位于两个机师 center pedestal 的后方,门锁的 switch 须要扭转去左边来解开 cockpit entry 的锁。

Simulator 和 actual aircraft 的最大差别就是没有那个 cockpit door。没有一个 simulator session 示范如何开锁,毕竟那个 switch 简直是简单到是 self-explanatory 的东西,一看就知道那是什么。转左边 unlock,转右边 deny entry。Rudder trim 和 cockpit door unlock switch 的型状、设计、大小的差别是天与地。Boeing 这样的设计从来没有招成任何辨认的问题。想不到这个意外将这个可能性破天荒地打破了。所以,我敢大胆的猜测这个航班是个 training flight,而且那个 co-pilot 是个刚刚完成 simulator 的 trainee,我猜测在事发时,captain 正想要进来 cockpit 同时 co-pilot 正在与 ATC 通话,co-pilot 想要一心二用在为 captain 开门的时候答复 ATC,所以眼睛没有看着他自己在扭着哪一个 switch。结果,一转错钮就出事了。


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 楼主| 发表于 2-10-2011 12:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
satanjames 发表于 1-10-2011 06:39 PM

原本的视频是个 Boeing Training Video。你分享的视频是 edit 过了。

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发表于 2-10-2011 06:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1073# 老何

我從may day air disaster的系列裡看到其中一個就是窗口掉下來。

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发表于 2-10-2011 12:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
Simulator 和 actual aircraft 的最大差别就是没有那个 cockpit door。没有一个 simulator session 示范如何开锁,毕竟那个 switch 简直是简单到是 self-explanatory 的东西,一看就知道那是什么。转左边 unlock,转右边 deny entry。Rudder trim 和 cockpit door unlock switch 的型状、设计、大小的差别是天与地。Boeing 这样的设计从来没有招成任何辨认的问题。想不到这个意外将这个可能性破天荒地打破了。所以,我敢大胆的猜测这个航班是个 training flight,而且那个 co-pilot 是个刚刚完成 simulator 的 trainee,我猜测在事发时,captain 正想要进来 cockpit 同时 co-pilot 正在与 ATC 通话,co-pilot 想要一心二用在为 captain 开门的时候答复 ATC,所以眼睛没有看着他自己在扭着哪一个 switch。结果,一转错钮就出事了。

刚刚看了captain lim那里也有讲到这个incident.
All Nippon Airways Boeing 737-700 from Okinawa to Tokyo Haneda with 117 people on board was at FL410 when the aircraft violently rolled left causing injuries to two flight attendants and descended by about 6000 feet leveling off at FL350 again. The flight continued to Tokyo's Haneda Airport for a safe landing. The two injured flight attendants were delivered to a hospital with flesh wounds.

The airline reported, that the captain (64 years, 16,000 hours total experience) had taken a toilet break and was about to return to the cockpit requiring the first officer (38 years, 2400 hours total experience) to open the cockpit door. The switch to open the cockpit door is located about 10 centimeters/ 4 inches away from the rudder trim switch.

By mistake the first officer operated the rudder trim switch instead of the door opening switch causing the aircraft to violently roll left and descend by about 6000 feet before the first officer was able to return the aircraft to stable level flight. The captain subsequently entered the cockpit.

Two cabin crew received minor injuries (flesh wounds), no other injuries occurred. There was no turbulence in the area at the time of the occurrence. (Courtesy of the Aviation Herald)

Yes, this has also happened to one European airline before when the autopilot gave up on the full deflection of rudder trim as it was wrongly manipulated whilst trying to open the door.

http://www.askcaptainlim.com/-fe ... ssibly-be-true.html

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 楼主| 发表于 4-10-2011 08:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  老何

我從may day air disaster的系列裡看到其中一個就是窗口掉下來。
satanjames 发表于 2-10-2011 06:55 AM

大部份 cabin 有加压的民航飞机的玻璃窗都是由里面安装,这样螺丝的作用只是将玻璃固定在 air frame 上而已,而不须和气压对抗。BAC 1-11 这个机种是个例外。它的大镜是由外面安装上去的。

正是 captain 的脚勾住 flight control 所以飞机才会直接往下坠,如果空服员没有足够的能力将他的脚移开,那么飞机是会直接坠毁。如果那个 captain 有绑上 waist seatbelt,这个事件顶多是个 rapid decompression + emergency descend 而已。


飞机的门也是 plug-type。打开飞机门的时候,你会看到门会先凹进机身,再转出机身外。

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发表于 4-10-2011 08:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1076# 老何

   簡單點來說,就算是窗口不小心破裂/掉下來/飛走掉的話,只要做emergency descent就不會有事情了?那麼要降落到多少的高度才能平衡回機艙內的氣壓呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 4-10-2011 09:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  老何

   簡單點來說,就算是窗口不小心破裂/掉下來/飛走掉的話,只要做emergency descent就不會有事情了?那麼要降落到多少的高度才能平衡回機艙內的氣壓呢?
satanjames 发表于 4-10-2011 08:50 PM

下降到10,000尺或以下。普通人类可以在 10,000尺的高度正常呼吸。

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发表于 4-10-2011 09:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1078# 老何


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发表于 4-10-2011 09:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1078# 老何


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