本帖最后由 blackcat98 于 23-9-2016 08:32 AM 编辑
對lego 玩家是好消息
A message to the RLUG members around the world has confirmed that The LEGO Group is taking legal steps to curtail the spread of the clone brand, Lepin. Lepin has divided the LEGO community into two camps. Those who refuse to even touch that clone brand and those who feel that it is a cheaper alternative to the much more expensive retired sets. I for one do not own any Lepin products although I have some AFOL friends who bought some as ‘display’ pieces so that they can leave their LEGO sets in MISB (Mint In Sealed Box) condition. This should spell the beginning of the end of Lepin although I’m quite sure that that China’s legal maze will take some time to navigate. Either way, it’s about dam time. Here is the email that was sent to the RLUG Ambassadors: Dear RLUG Ambassadors, We would like to confirm that the LEGO Group have recently filed civil actions in China against the manufacturer and distributor of LEPIN/?? branded construction toys. Our cases have been accepted by Chinese courts and are now pending for trials. We expect the 1st instance decision to be handed down in approximately one years’ time. Please note that LEPIN will not be legally barred from marketing and selling its products while the case is being heard by the courts. We deeply appreciate and share the LEGO community’s concern and frustration about passing-off or imitation of LEGO® products. We are committed to do whatever necessary to protect the LEGO brand and products against undue exploitation, and to minimize the risk of consumers being misled via improper use of LEGO Group intellectual property assets. We want to thank all of you for your loyalty and support. Please feel free to share this message. On behalf of the LEGO Group,