发表于 16-12-2010 12:30 AM
回复 14# mandyboo
如果你在KL, 可以联络我们教会的 Birth right 事工, 他们能够给你很好的劝告
基本上, birthright 中心 提供 医疗、法律、保密的住所、辅导、甚至领养等
服务。他们能够给予你们很大的帮助。 中心已经成功 帮助了超过60多位未婚妈妈。
你可以先打电话给 Mdm Eileen Sim, Hp: 012-2636 728 或者 016-208 0952 询问
(Home for Unwed Mothers with Unplanned Pregnancies)
The child's first right is the right for life! Birthright was opened in
July 1999 and officially launched on 31" March 2002 by Y. Bhg Datin Paduka
Marina Mahathir. Birthright provides complete confidential help, temporary
shelter, medical aid, legal advice and counseling assistance for single
unwed mothers in a loving and caring environment. It ensures that unborn
children are brought safely into the world and given the love and shelter
they need. We work in co-operation with the Welfare Department to arrange
for adoption of babies with the consent of the expectant mothers. We also
counsel and prepare these women for motherhood should they decide to raise
the children themselves.
Birthright was officially registered under the Akta Pusat Jagaan 1993 as
PUSAT JAGAAN BIRTHRIGHT. To-date Birthright has successfully aided sixty
unwed mothers, between the ages of 16 and 25 from various races and religious
background. More than half of the babies born were given up for adoption.
Contact Information:
Contact Person: Mdm. Eileen Sim (Tel: 603-3371 7378; Hp: 012-2636 728)
Contact Person: Mdm. Mary Ann (Tel: 603-2694 2423)
你想知更多详情, 可到以下网站看看:
Address for counselling centre:
Grace Community Services Centre
Address: 81E, 4th Floor, Sri Bunus, Jalan Medan Bunus, Off Jalan Masjid
India, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-2694 2423 / 603-2694 2433
Fax: 603-2697 0452 |