


楼主: klse.8k

舉債來投資 MEGAN 值得嗎 ? (八)

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发表于 22-3-2007 03:59 PM | 显示全部楼层

On 19 Aug 2005, Apex and its contractor for the warehouse had received summons from Memory Tech for a total sum of RM1.69m as claims for
damages and consequential losses arising from the alleged damage to Memory Tech’s building and a short-circuit caused by a piece of roofing
material that was alleged to have been blown off the roof of Apex’s new warehouse while it was still under construction.

The amount claimed is rather significant and represents about 10% of Apex’s estimated net profit for FY06. Nonetheless, investors need not
worry as Apex’s solicitors have advised that the plaintiff’s success is remote and it is likely that Apex will avoid paying this legal claim.
Moreover, if Memory Tech wins the lawsuit, Apex would not have any adverse financial consequences on its financial statements as the amount
claimed on the warehouse is fully covered by insurance of Apex’s contractor. .


As reported in the previous quarter, the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Apex Pharmacy Marketing Sdn Bhd ("APM", together with Stable Growth Sdn Bhd ("SGSB", the main contractor for APM's new warehouse and corporate headquarters ("the Building" located at 2, Jalan SS13/5, Subang Jaya, 47500 Petaling Jaya, (APM and SGSB are collectively known as "co-defendents", had on 19 August 2005, been served with a writ of summons filed by Memory Tech Sdn Bhd ("laintiff". The Plaintiff has claimed a sum of RM90,058.15 as damages and RM1,596,000.00 as consequential losses, arising from the alleged damage to the Plaintiff’s building and resulting short-circuit caused by a piece of roofing material that the Plaintiff alleges was blown off the roof of the Building while it was being constructed.

APM has denied liability for any such losses and will vigorously defend the suit. APM has instructed its solicitors to seek redress against any party liable for such damage if the same is proven, including the insurers involved during the construction of the building. APM’s solicitors have advised that it has a strong defence and is likely to succeed in avoiding liability for such damage and/or being indemnified for any liability by insurers of its contractors.

As at 17th May 2006, there has been no change in the status save as disclosed above.


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发表于 22-3-2007 04:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
甘原來在跟打官司頂端保健:2005年8月19日, 頂端及其承包商收到傳票從倉庫內存有技總和作為rm1.69m 並賠償相應損失據稱損壞存儲技術的建設和短路所致 一塊屋面材料,據稱被吹走了屋頂頂端的倉庫,而新 據仍在施工. 索賠額較大,約佔10%的頂端的估計純利fy06. 儘管如此, 投資者不必擔心頂端的律師表示,原告的成功是偏僻,而且可能 頂端會逃避這個法律索賠. 此外,如果記憶科技勝訴, 頂端不會有任何不良後果,就其金融財務報表的金額就倉庫 充分保險的頂端的承包商. . www.sbbsec.com.my/影像/specialreport/秒 r24mar06_apex_reinitiating成20coverage.pd 六 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX一季報道,該公司的獨資子公司,銷售供需觀望頂端藥劑("捷運",筆 個體與穩定增長供需觀望("sgsb",筆 他主要承建捷運新倉庫和公司總部(下稱"大樓",位於2,Jalanss13/5,蘇邦賈4 7500佩塔林(捷運、sgsb都統稱為"共同被告人",曾在2005年8月19日,二 土耳其發出一份入稟存儲技術供需觀望("laintiff". 原告聲稱一筆海外 六rm90,058.15,596,000.00作為賠償相應損失及影響較輕, 從原告指控破壞的建築物,並造成短路所致一塊屋面材料筆 原告聲稱他被吹走了屋頂的建築雖然還在興建. 捷運公司否認責任六 這種損失或任何並將大力捍衛西裝. 捷運已指示其律師提出申訴,對任何磷 這種風格被破壞,如果同樣證明,我 其中包括施工期間所涉及的保險大廈. 捷運的律師已表示它具有強烈的辯護 新城疫是可能接替避免此類損害賠償責任和/或作任何賠償被保險人的責任,我 承辦訂立. 截至2006年5月17日,目前沒有任何改變現狀的拯救盤以上. 初到 w.apexpharmacy.com/ir-financialreport/1s 202006成筆成20quarter-31mar.pdf


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发表于 22-3-2007 04:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #943 khokhokho 的帖子


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发表于 22-3-2007 04:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 22-3-2007 04:07 PM 发表
甘原來在跟打官司頂端保健:2005年8月19日, 頂端及其承包商收到傳票從倉庫內存有技總和作為rm1.69m 並賠償相應損失據稱損壞存儲技術的建設和短路所致 一塊屋面材料,據稱被吹走了屋頂頂端的倉庫,而新 據仍在施工. ...

megan 好像在建屋子 !
哈哈 嘿嘿

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 04:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cct2048 于 22-3-2007 04:12 PM 发表

megan 好像在建屋子 !
哈哈 嘿嘿


使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 04:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

1. RHB ISLAMIC BOND FUND (as at 28 February 2007)

www.hsbc.com.my/1/PA_1_1_24P/con ... hb_islamic_bond.pdf

2. AmAssurance Berhad (as at 9 November 2006)

https://fast.bnm.gov.my/fastweb/ ... SPLAY&info=NEWS

3. TA DANA OPTIMIX (as at 31 March 2006)


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发表于 22-3-2007 04:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cct2048 于 22-3-2007 04:12 PM 发表

megan 好像在建屋子 !
哈哈 嘿嘿


使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 04:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 22-3-2007 04:09 PM 发表


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发表于 22-3-2007 05:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-3-2007 06:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 08:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
通過 HD DVD 認證的廠商, MEGAN 沒有通過認證 ?

Bertelsmann AG
Cinram International Inc.
CMC Magnetics Corporation
Hitachi, Ltd.
Imation Corp.
LG Electronics Inc.
Memory-Tech Corporation
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Moser Baer India Limited
ODS Optical Disc Service GmbH
Optodisc Technology Corporation
Prodisc Technology Inc.
Ricoh Company, Ltd.
Ritek Corporation
Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd.
Victor Company of Japan, Limited


[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 22-3-2007 09:24 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #952 mjchua 的帖子

Memory Tech 不就是Megan的子公司吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hbkid 于 22-3-2007 09:00 PM 发表
Memory Tech 不就是Megan的子公司吗?

Memory Tech Sdn Bhd 是
Memory Tech Corp. 不是

現在在找著 Blu-Ray 的名單
有誰要打電話去 MEGAN 問問看 ?

[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 22-3-2007 09:08 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hbkid 于 22-3-2007 09:00 PM 发表
Memory Tech 不就是Megan的子公司吗?


使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
Memory Tech Corp是小日本的。。。

Business NameMemory-Tech Corporation
Place of Business2193 Miyago, Chikusei-city, Ibaraki 300-4503, Japan
President & CEOShiroharu Kawasaki
EstablishedSeptember 10, 1985
CapitalJPY 1,377M (As of April 1, 2006)
Employees710 (As of April 1, 2006)
Annual SalesJPY 18,052M (FY 2005)
Production CapabilityProduction of Stamper / 6000 units per month
DVD /16.6 million units per month, CD /19.5 million units per month,
Total amounts / 36.1 million units per month (including the production of Kofu Memory-Tech Corp. and Shanghai United Optical Disc Co., Ltd.)
Principal BanksTokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,Ltd., Head Office
Mizuho Bank, Marunouchi-chuo
Joyo Bank, Shimodate Branch

Mitsubishi Corporation25.2%
Pony Canyon Inc25.2%
Avex Group Holdings Inc.20.6%
Tokyo Denca Co., Ltd18.3%
Others10.7% (As of April 1, 2006)

[ 本帖最后由 东邪 于 22-3-2007 09:14 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
Blu-Ray 通過認證的廠商名單 MEGAN 又沒有 ?


[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 22-3-2007 09:37 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 22-3-2007 09:39 PM | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 mjchua 于 22-3-2007 09:23 PM 发表
Blu-Ray 通過認證的廠商名單 MEGAN 又沒有 ?

http://www.blu-raydisc.info/lice ... ee_list.htm#re1flla

依我看,Megan应该不会生产自己品牌的Blu-Ray 光碟吧?

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mjchua 于 22-3-2007 09:23 PM 发表
Blu-Ray 通過認證的廠商名單 MEGAN 又沒有 ?


成功集團 <------ 最利害了。所以東西是人家過時,它才拿來再反新,用了自已的名字下去。

[ 本帖最后由 khokhokho 于 22-3-2007 09:51 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #958 klse.8k 的帖子

In applicable cases, the following licenses must be obtained for the development, manufacture, and sale of products based on the rewritable format of “Blu-ray Disc”: (1) “Blu-ray Disc Rewritable Format and Logo License Agreement (FLLA)” for licensing of format specifications (excluding patents) and the logo developed and owned by the 9 companies listed above. (2)“ Content Protection System Adopters Agreement for Blu-ray Disc Rewritable (CPSA) ” for licensing of copyright protection system specifications and keys with Matsushita, Philips and Sony. Both of the above agreements will take the form of 10-year renewable contracts.

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2007 09:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #960 mjchua 的帖子

DVD FLLC offers DVD Format/Logo License (2005-2009) to companies that wish to manufacture DVD Products. Additionally, we now offer License for HD DVD Formats and Logo. If your company plans to manufacture DVD Products using DVD and/or HD DVD Formats and Logos, please apply now.
You may find the License Agreement Draft below. To begin Licensing process, please fill in the Application Form and return to DVD FLLC by fax (+81-3-5777-2884) or e-mail. Licensees that wish to obtain additional License for different DVD Formats and/or Product Categories are requested to fill in ANNEX E of the License Agreement.

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