发表于 18-12-2020 09:37 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 25-12-2020 08:50 AM 编辑
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- Acquisition of Shares in M3 Technologies (Asia) Berhad | The Board of Directors of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that XOX (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had from the period between 20 July 2020 to 10 August 2020 acquired from the open market an aggregate of 33,730,800 ordinary shares in M3 Technologies (Asia) Berhad (“M3 Technologies”), representing 5.23% of the total issued and paid up share capital of M3 Technologies for a total purchase consideration of approximately RM4,433,912.11 (“Acquisition”).
Further details of the Acquisition are set out in the attachment herein.
This announcement is dated 21 August 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3079765
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- Acquisition of Shares in M3 Technologies (Asia) Berhad | (Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, all terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the announcement dated 21 August 2020.)
Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 21 August 2020.
XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wish to further announce that pursuant to the latest consolidated audited financial statements of M3 Technologies (Asia) Berhad (“M3 Technologies”) as at 31 December 2019, M3 Technologies was recorded a loss after taxation of RM8.53 million and net assets was RM23.25 million.
This announcement is dated 25 August 2020.
发表于 20-12-2020 09:16 AM
30 Jun 2020 |
PERIOD | 30 Jun 2020 | 30 Jun 2019 | 30 Jun 2020 | 30 Jun 2019 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 58,536 | 74,097 | 182,617 | 0 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -11,357 | 383 | -15,061 | 0 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -11,461 | 445 | -15,288 | 0 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -11,325 | 682 | -14,979 | 0 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | -1.02 | 0.06 | -1.35 | 0.00 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.0821 | 0.0853
发表于 27-12-2020 07:58 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | XOX BHD- STRATEGIC COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH ALIPAY LABS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. | The Board of Directors (“Board”) of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or the “Company”) wishes to inform that XOX Wallet Sdn Bhd (“XOX Wallet”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 24 August 2020 entered into a Strategic Collaboration Agreement (“Agreement”) with Alipay Labs (Singapore) Pte. Ltd to collaborate in the blockchain-based solutions for a period of 3 years.
Alipay Labs (Singapore) Pte. Ltd is a private limited liability company incorporated in Singapore and is an affiliate company of Ant Group Co., Ltd.
The Agreement shall be effective from 24 August 2020 for a period of 3 years.
The Agreement will not have any effects on the share capital and shareholding structure of the Company and is not expected to have any immediate material effect on the earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of XOX for the financial year ending 30 September 2020.
Similar to all business entities, the risk factors affecting the execution of the Agreement, including but not limited to business risks such as prudent financial management, changes in political, economic and regulatory conditions. However, the Board will continue to exercise due care in considering the risks associated with the Agreement and will take appropriate measures in planning the successful execution of the Agreement.
The Agreement being incurred in the ordinary course of business, is not subject to the approval of the shareholders.
None of the Directors and/or other major shareholders of the Company and/ or any persons connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in relation to the Agreement.
The Board, after due consideration, is of the opinion that the Agreement is in the best interest of the Group.
This announcement is dated 26 August 2020.
发表于 30-12-2020 08:00 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 65,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,476,068,975 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 209,829,885.570 | Listing Date | 28 Aug 2020 |
发表于 3-1-2021 08:30 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Conversion of Preference Shares | Details of corporate proposal | Conversion of Irredeemable Convertible Preference Shares | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 3,788,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0500 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,479,856,975 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 210,019,285.570 | Listing Date | 01 Sep 2020 | 2. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Exercise of Warrants | Details of corporate proposal | Conversion of Warrants B | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 1,380,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0600 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,481,236,975 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 210,102,085.570 | Listing Date | 01 Sep 2020 | 3. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 829,900 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.1000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,482,066,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 210,185,075.570 | Listing Date | 01 Sep 2020 | 4. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 50,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,532,066,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 220,185,075.570 | Listing Date | 01 Sep 2020 |
发表于 6-1-2021 08:55 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 50,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,582,066,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 230,185,075.570 | Listing Date | 02 Sep 2020 |
发表于 7-1-2021 08:22 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 30,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,612,066,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 236,185,075.570 | Listing Date | 03 Sep 2020 |
发表于 8-1-2021 07:59 AM
2. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 75,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,687,316,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 251,197,575.570 | Listing Date | 04 Sep 2020 |
发表于 9-1-2021 07:00 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 65,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,770,932,975 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 267,584,185.570 | Listing Date | 08 Sep 2020 |
发表于 12-1-2021 07:30 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Conversion of Preference Shares | Details of corporate proposal | Conversion of Irredeemable Convertible Preference Shares | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 4,473,800 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0500 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,785,033,275 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 268,289,515.570 | Listing Date | 14 Sep 2020 | 2. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 1,219,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.1000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,786,252,275 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 268,411,415.570 | Listing Date | 11 Sep 2020 | 3. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 25,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,786,277,275 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 268,416,415.570 | Listing Date | 11 Sep 2020 | 4. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 50,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,836,277,275 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 278,416,415.570 | Listing Date | 11 Sep 2020 |
发表于 13-1-2021 07:11 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 50,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,886,277,275 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 288,416,415.570 | Listing Date | 14 Sep 2020 |
发表于 16-1-2021 08:55 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | XOX BHD- PROVISIONAL TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH NEXION TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | The Board of Directors (“Board”) of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or the “Company”) wishes to inform that the Company, had on 17 September 2020 entered into a Provisional Technology Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) with Nexion Technologies Limited (“Nexion”) to establish a long-term and stable strategic partnership in order to ensure XOX and Nexion (collectively as, “Parties”) competitiveness and offerings to a more challenging global market.
Nexion was incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchanges Gem Board, which is principally engaged in provision of cyber infrastructure solutions services, cyber security solutions services and SaaS.
Pursuant to the Agreement, the Parties will finalise a formal agreement with the other party setting forth :
(a) the respective undertakings of the Parties; (b) the effective date and duration of the arrangement between the Parties; (c) Nexion will supply its equipment and system to XOX for the cybersecurity risk and susceptible to data breaches, malware attack and phishing exposed by digital transformation; (d) XOX will assist Nexion to operate software-as-a-service (“SaaS”) platform to provide integrated services to individuals and enterprises in Malaysia; (e) both Parties will enter into a cooperation about operating sharing economy clearing payment platform through SaaS system in the Malaysia and/or other countries; (f) deepen technical exchanges between the Parties about digital technology, intelligent, cyber infrastructure solutions and cyber security solutions; (g) Nexion will supply the cyber security system of new mobile subscription plan based on embedded SIM card (“eSIM”) technology in Malaysia (“XOX eSIM”) of XOX; and (h) other terms and conditions (legal and/or commercial) as the Parties may agree, such as, but not limited to, volume of traffic that each Party may provide, limitation of liability, assignment, dispute resolution, etc
The Agreement shall commence on 17 September 2020 and may be terminated by :
(a) subsequent written agreement of the Parties; (b) the Parties’ execution of or failure to execute a formal agreement within one (1) month from the date of the Agreement; or (c) any beach of a material term of the Agreement, any material misrepresentation, or the insolvency or commission of any act prejudicial to the interests of any party by the other party.
The Agreement will not have any effects on the share capital and shareholding structure of the Company and is not expected to have any material immediate effect on the earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of XOX for the financial year ending 30 September 2020.
Similar to all business entities, the risk factors affecting the execution of the Agreement, including but not limited to business risks such as prudent financial management, changes in political, economic and regulatory conditions. However, the Board will continue to exercise due care in considering the risks associated with the Agreement and will take appropriate measures in planning the successful execution of the Agreement.
The Agreement being incurred in the ordinary course of business of the Group, is not subject to the approval of the shareholders.
None of the Directors and/or other major shareholders of the Company and/ or any persons connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in relation to the Agreement.
The Board, after due consideration, is of the opinion that the Agreement is in the best interest of the Group.
This announcement is dated 17 September 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3088937
发表于 19-1-2021 07:53 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 73,125,900 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 2,961,036,875 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 303,189,385.570 | Listing Date | 23 Sep 2020 |
发表于 26-1-2021 07:21 AM
2. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 55,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 3,016,136,175 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 314,199,315.570 | Listing Date | 29 Sep 2020 |
发表于 28-1-2021 09:04 AM
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 50,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.2000 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 3,066,136,175 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 324,199,315.570 | Listing Date | 30 Sep 2020 | 2. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Conversion of Preference Shares | Details of corporate proposal | Conversion of Irredeemable Convertible Preference Shares | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 2,695,400 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0500 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 3,068,831,575 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 324,334,085.570 | Listing Date | 30 Sep 2020 |
发表于 22-2-2021 06:04 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-3-2021 07:32 AM 编辑
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- ACQUISITION OF SHARES IN MACPIE BERHAD | The Board of Directors of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that XOX (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had from the period between 1 October 2020 to 2 October 2020 acquired from the open market an aggregate of 32,362,900 ordinary shares in MACPIE Berhad (“MACPIE”), representing 9.16% of the total issued and paid up share capital of MACPIE for a total purchase consideration of approximately RM15,849,643.60 (“Acquisition”). In connection therewith, the Company is deemed to be a substantial shareholder of MACPIE on 2 October 2020.
Further details of the Acquisition are set out in the attachment herein.
This announcement is dated 6 October 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3093900
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- ACQUISITION OF SHARES IN MACPIE BERHAD | Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 6 October 2020.
The Board of Directors of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that XOX (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 21 October 2020 acquired from the open market an aggregate of 13,937,100 ordinary shares in MACPIE Berhad (“MACPIE”), representing 3.94% of the total issued and paid up share capital of MACPIE for a total purchase consideration of approximately RM6,866,682 (“Acquisition”).
Further details of the Acquisition are set out in the attachment herein.
This announcement is dated 22 October 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3098755
发表于 25-2-2021 10:35 PM
发表于 1-3-2021 08:32 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 4-3-2021 07:24 AM 编辑
Type | Announcement | Subject | MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING | Description | XOX BHD- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GEM PAY SDN. BHD. | The Board of Directors of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company” or "the Group") is pleased to announce that XOX Media Sdn. Bhd. ( (“XOX Media”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 9 October 2020 entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with GEM Pay Sdn. Bhd. (“GEM Pay”), a subsidiary of NETX Holdings Berhad (“NETX”), for the purpose to discuss, explore and enter into negotiations in respect of a business arrangement to rent up to 1,000 units of contactless payment terminals and/or cashless e-wallet payment solutions from GEM Pay to be incorporated into smart vending machines.
GEM Pay is a private limited company incorporated in Malaysia which primarily involved in the business of supplying and leasing of Electronic Data Capture (EDC) payment terminals.
Pursuant to the MOU, GEM Pay shall provide and rent to XOX Media of up to 1,000 units of contactless payment terminals and/or cashless e-wallet payment solutions in return for a monthly rental. Whereas, XOX Media shall provide GEM Pay with the deployment road-map in respect of the smart vending machines.
The MOU shall commence from 9 October 2020 and shall continue to be in force for a duration of 6 months unless one of the following occurs :
(a) the MOU is earlier terminated by either party by giving 1 month prior written notice of its intention to do so to the other party; or
(b) this MOU is superseded by a definitive agreement executed by and between GEM Pay and XOX Media.
The MOU being incurred in the ordinary course of business, is not subject to the approval of the shareholders.
The MOU will not have any effect on the share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings of XOX. The MOU is also not expected to have any material immediate effect on the earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of the Group for the financial year ending 30 September 2021.
Save as disclosed below, none of the directors and/or major shareholders of the Company and/or persons connected with them have any interest, whether direct or indirect, in the MOU:
(a) Common directorships of Mr. Tan Sik Eek in XOX and NETX and his shareholdings of 1,000,000 ordinary shares (0.02%) in NETX.
The Board of Director of XOX, having taken into consideration all aspects of the MOU, is of the opinion that the MOU is in the best interest of the Group.
This announcement is dated 9 October 2020. |
Type | Announcement | Subject | MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING | Description | XOX BHD- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GEM PAY SDN. BHD. | Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 9 October 2020.
XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wishes to further announce that the total rental payable for the contactless payment terminals and/or cashless e-wallet payment solutions can only be determined upon finalisation of the definitive agreement to be executed between the parties.
This announcement is dated 13 October 2020.
发表于 1-3-2021 08:35 AM
BONUS ISSUES | Description | XOX BHD ("XOX" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED BONUS ISSUE OF WARRANTS | On behalf of the Board of Directors of XOX, Mercury Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake a bonus issue of up to 1,336,281,385 free warrants in the Company (“Warrants C”) on the basis of 3 Warrants C for every 8 existing ordinary shares in the Company held by the entitled shareholders of the Company on an entitlement date to be determined and announced later ("Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants").
Please refer to the attachment for further details on the Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants.
This announcement is dated 9 October 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3095288
发表于 6-3-2021 07:10 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 16-5-2021 07:43 AM 编辑
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- ACQUISITION OF SHARES IN NEXION TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | The Board of Directors of XOX Bhd (“XOX” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that XOX (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 14 October 2020 acquired through Delivery by Transfer an aggregate of 117,848,500 ordinary shares in Nexion Technologies Limited (“Nexion”), representing 16.37% of the total issued and paid up share capital of Nexion for a total purchase consideration of approximately RM23,183,138 (“Acquisition”).
Further details of the Acquisition are set out in the attachment herein.
This announcement is dated 14 October 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3096334
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | XOX BHD- ACQUISITION OF SHARES IN NEXION TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | (Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, all terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the announcement dated 14 October 2020.)
Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 14 October 2020.
XOX Bhd wishes to further announce that 117,848,500 ordinary shares in Nexion Technologies Limited was acquired from Alpha Sense Investments Limited (“Alpha Sense”), a company which is wholly owned by Mr. Foo Moo Teng, being the sole director of Alpha Sense. Mr. Foo Moo Teng is also the Chairman of Nexion Technologies Limited.
This announcement is dated 15 October 2020. |
FUND RAISING | Description | XOX BHD ("XOX" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT | On behalf of the Board of Directors of XOX, Mercury Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake a private placement of new ordinary shares in the Company of up to 20% of the total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares, if any) of the Company to independent third party investor(s) to be identified later and at an issue price to be determined later (“Proposed Private Placement”).
Please refer to the attachment for further details on the Proposed Private Placement.
This announcement is dated 4 November 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3102604
FUND RAISING | Description | XOX BHD ("XOX" OR THE "COMPANY")PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT | (For consistency, the abbreviations used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as defined in the announcement dated 4 November 2020 in relation to the Proposed Private Placement, where applicable, unless stated otherwise or defined herein.)
Reference is made to the announcement dated 4 November 2020 in relation to the Proposed Private Placement (“First Announcement”).
On behalf of the Board, Mercury Securities wishes to furnish additional information in furtherance to the First Announcement.
Please refer to the attachment for further details on the additional information.
This announcement is dated 10 November 2020. | https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3103980
1. Details of Corporate Proposal | Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? | No | Types of corporate proposal | Others | Details of corporate proposal | Share Issuance Scheme | No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal | 32,000,000 | Issue price per share ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.1200 | Par Value($$) (if applicable) |
| Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following | Units | 3,108,010,775 | Issued Share Capital ($$) | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 328,538,145.570 | Listing Date | 06 Nov 2020 |
| |