给它们的零食,最好是 零盐分,零糖分,零油分...尽量不把人类的零食喂它们...maggi面啦,虾条啦,薯条啦,油条啦,糖果啦,巧克力啦,donut啦,bla bla bla的...这些全部都是no no no 读过一篇文章,说的是..有些主人说,有好东西是要和心爱的宠物分享,所以在吃着零嘴时也顺便给宠物吃一,两块...但是这种主人永远不明白,就是这一,两条一,两块的零食而导致自己的宠物在不久之后就升天...因为那一,两块的糖分盐分和油分已经超过了宠物的一生所需。
''captive animals are protected from drought, flood, fire, and predators; they are fed regularly; and if injured or exposed to disease, they receive medical attention. This care helps them to live long, healthy lives. However, wild animals do not have these advantages. They live only as long as they are able to defend themselves and find food.''
取自Texas Park and Wild Life (专研究自然学的专家)
'' The Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)(http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/400-499/nb486.htm) makes the important point that very few wild animals show signs of senility or old age. This suggests that most animals die before they reach their maximum life span. As animals tend to be more protected in good zoos and have access to veterinary staff, many zoo animals live longer than the same species in the wild. Zoo animals are protected from predators and antagonistic animals can be kept apart, in certain zoos. They also have access to food, which some wild animals may have difficulty obtaining, especially if they are old, infirm or injured.''
~ 不是野生动物不会老,而是还没有机会活到老就死了。
'' Signs of senility, or extreme old age, are seldom seen in the wild. Animals living under natural conditions rarely approach their maximum possible age because of very high death rates due to infant mortality,
diseases, predators, bad weather, accidents, or competition for food and shelter. For this reason, most of the reliable information about the length of the life span comes from zoos, where accurate records are
kept and animals live under conditions almost ideally suited to prolong life. A mouse whose life is measured in months in the wild can survive years of captivity. ''
~取自Natural Bulletin