本帖最后由 Stinga 于 13-5-2010 09:53 PM 编辑
回复 762# 秀气灵人
很多时候的有这样的情况出现,就是TITLE ISSUED但还没割到卖主名下。 有些发展商同意DIRECT TRANSFER,那么就直接把该产业割到新买家名下。卖主可以省下一笔可观的费用,相对手续也可以更快。
请问屋主所省下的费用是不是指如果master title转去individual title, 再转来给我们的话他是必须付两次手续费?如果以master title直接转名进我们的名下的话,他就只需给transfer master title的钱而已,并不需再付transfer individual title的钱,而这笔钱必须由我们来支付?那我们有权利要求他们付这笔钱吗??反正本来他是应该要出这笔钱的。。
在你买这产业的时候,你的AGENT有告诉你类似情况吗? 其实即使发展商不同意DIRECT TRANSFER,把产业割到卖家再割给你,应该不用1年半载。快的话半年就可以了。
就是被agent给蒙蔽了。。问他这产业拿到individual title了吗,他直接说individual title已经有了。。但是却没有告诉我们屋主还没有redeem这个title, 之说大概半年就可以拿到屋子了。。结果律师说她做过的case幸运的话最快也要十个月,因为developer是TALAM..
It is hereby expressly agreed by the parties hereto that the Vendor’s Title and the State Consent shall be obtained within nine (9) months from the date of receipt of the Blanket Consent from the developer as they have applied for the state consent to transfer in respect of the Property and this Agreement shall also take subject to the Developer’s confirmation (if any) with terms and conditions to be fulfilled by the relevant parties thereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Cut-Off Date”). The Purchaser hereby covenants that the Purchaser will execute and deliver all documents as may be necessary to facilitate the application for the State Consent within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Purchaser’s Solicitors’ receipt of such request by the Vendor’s Solicitors.
这是我的律师改了。。 It is hereby expressly agreed by the parties hereto that the Vendor’s Title and the State Consent shall be obtained within nine (9) months from the date of this Agreement [a1] (hereinafter referred to as “the Cut-Off Date”). The Purchaser hereby covenants that the Purchaser will execute and deliver all documents as may be necessary to facilitate the application for the State Consent within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Purchaser’s Solicitors’ receipt of such request by the Vendor’s Solicitors.
[a1]To delete for want of certainty. The cut-off date is including the time for obtaining the blanket consent by the Developer. As this is not a direct transfer, the Developer’s confirmation is not relevant.
Kindly let us know whether the Developer is agreeable to consent by way of assignment to our client notwithstanding the individual title has been issued.
我们不建议你用MASTER TITLE来进行,虽然银行同意了。MASTER TITLE是ASSIGNMENT,但是,到时候你又必须签过贷款合约,用CHARGE,还得缴付一些费用及律师费。除非你律师同意跟你弄免费的。
为什么要签过贷款合约呢???不是签一次就可以了吗?可以解释什么是charge吗??还得缴付一些费用及律师费是指S&P的律师费还是loan agreement的律师费?
还有,为什么拖了那么久呢?如果1月到现在可以弄到好多事情了哦。。可能也割到给屋主了。 不需要换银行,你律师为何叫你换银行?这不关系到银行的问题。 即使银行同意你用MASTER TITLE来进行,还是建议你不要。 很麻烦的。 现在就立刻让屋主跟发展商签署MOT,直接割名更加快。
其实是到四月头才跟屋主律师谈好条件吧。。因为屋主对这买卖也不闻不问那样。。我们也没有很积极的去催律师做工。。两个律师black and white e-mail来e-mail去。。不慢才怪。。。。
那你有什么看法呢??? |