


楼主: 老何

飞机师 训练+飞行 《从零到有 Q&A》

发表于 10-11-2010 12:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 BlueAngels 于 16-12-2010 02:37 AM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 10-11-2010 05:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
在新航,B777-300 是用892, B777-200ER也是用892,基本B777-200则用884。 892 和884 基本上是一样的引擎,都是trent800引擎。分别它们的只是引擎里的电板设定,884 是可以调成892 的。当然,航空公司是要还钱upgrade啦,因为引擎虽然一样,不过不一样的设定就得还不一样的价钱。
BlueAngels 发表于 10-11-2010 12:32 AM

让我回想起以前AMD其中一个系列的 processor 其实构造是一样的,原装 400Mhz (100x4),自己用铅笔(铅可以导电)将 processor 上的 jumper 接起来就可以变 532Mhz (133x4)。

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发表于 10-11-2010 01:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
让我回想起以前AMD其中一个系列的 processor 其实构造是一样的,原装 400Mhz (100x4),自己用铅笔(铅可 ...
老何 发表于 10-11-2010 05:28 AM

老何也搞"over-clocking" ?
请问老何,当飞机在taxing 时, 所用的动力是来自个别的engine 吗?
还是也靠那2/4粒的main engines 来推动的?

还有,当起飞后,landing gear 有限定要在多高的时候收起吗?
是自动收的还是你们自己按/推button ?
如果suai suai hydraulic system 坏了,收不回/放不下时
so far 你flied 过的飞机当中,有遇到这样的状况吗?


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 楼主| 发表于 10-11-2010 03:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
老何也搞"over-clocking" ?
请问老何,当飞机在taxing 时, 所用的动力是来自个别的engine 吗?
还是也靠那2/4粒的main engines 来推动的?

还有,当起飞后,landing gear 有限定要在多高的时候收起吗?
是自动收的还是你们自己按/推button ?
如果suai suai hydraulic system 坏了,收不回/放不下时
so far 你flied 过的飞机当中,有遇到这样的状况吗?

痞子_InCreDible 发表于 10-11-2010 01:32 PM

Taxi 的时候确是牛刀据大树。轮子本身是没有动力,引擎在 idle 的时候的耗油量和动力也是很可怕的。

正常起飞只要 positive rate of climb 就将轮子收起来了。轮子是手动操作将 lever 推上来。

Hydraulic system total failure 话,landing gear 的问题就只是算小问题了。Gear 还可以靠 gravity extension。但是一旦放下来就收不回,因为没有了 hydraulic system 。A330 的 gravity extension 也不过是个小小个 lever。不过这个 lever 有 2 个 protection cover 来避免不小心被推到。

Hydraulic system total failure的大问题是会招成飞机无法正常飞行。飞上飞下要靠 stabilizer trim 和 manual thrust。转左转右要靠 rudder。

B737 的 landing gear 正常操作也是靠 hydraulic 。Hydraulic total failure (manual reversion)时,如果要 landing gear gravity extension 就要用些牛力去拉它的 cable。每个轮子由一条 cable 操控。轮子一旦用 gravity extension 放下来就收不回了。

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 楼主| 发表于 10-11-2010 03:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
如果当飞机要降落时,landing gear刚好放不下来,降落在陆地还是水上比较好?或者是有什么更好的选择吗?
遨翔 发表于 14-12-2009 04:06 PM

引擎还有在嘛,都可以继续飞行。到了目的地机场再来做 belly landing 也可以。

不过在 cruise 的时候应该也不会知道 landing gear 放不下来,直到要降落前要 gear down 的时候,才会发现轮子放不下。那时候才来讲 :“oh shit!”。

废话不多说,看别人 belly landing 的表现。

老何 发表于 15-12-2009 08:57 AM


重型客机也可以做这样的belly landing吗?
遨翔 发表于 16-12-2009 01:48 PM

民航客机很少会说所有的轮子都放不下来。引擎在机翼下的飞机,做 belly landing 通常会压坏引擎。



老何 发表于 16-12-2009 08:11 PM

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发表于 10-11-2010 03:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
想借一下老何兄的帖子发表下个人的意见,感受,劝告。我不是一个有经验的人你可以当这是我善良的提醒,也可 ...
wesley21 发表于 5-3-2010 01:41 AM


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发表于 10-11-2010 04:14 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 10-11-2010 06:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
读了都爽阿(有种在课堂上上teory course 的感觉)

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发表于 10-11-2010 09:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
"天气冷不适合用autopilot",是因为怕pitot static结冰给false reading吗?大概几度,多冷?

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 楼主| 发表于 11-11-2010 06:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
"天气冷不适合用autopilot",是因为怕pitot static结冰给false reading吗?大概几度,多冷?
遨翔 发表于 10-11-2010 09:06 PM

不知道你讲的是什么飞机。B737 和 A330 都没有听过这样的 system limitation。Pitot tube 本身有发热的功能以防止结冰。如果会结冰,不止 autopilot 用不着,就连 IAS indicator 显示的速度都会不正确。如果速度显示不正确,机师也被逼 manual 飞行,fly by attitude and thrust settings (Unreliable Airspeed Indication procedure)。

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 楼主| 发表于 11-11-2010 06:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
Quiz: 你知道飞机在高度 35,000尺航行时,机舱外的空气温度是几度?

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发表于 11-11-2010 02:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
Quiz: 你知道飞机在高度 35,000尺航行时,机舱外的空气温度是几度?
老何 发表于 11-11-2010 06:27 AM

没记错的话好像是-40C吧,我记得还有一种东西叫super cool liquid water,如果碰到pitot tube的铁,哈哈

PS:我看Air France flight 447 investigation 学来的.现在的330/340还有这个问题吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 11-11-2010 07:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
没记错的话好像是-40C吧,我记得还有一种东西叫super cool liquid water,如果碰到pitot tube的铁,哈哈

PS:我看Air France flight 447 investigation 学来的.现在的330/340还有这个问题吗?
遨翔 发表于 11-11-2010 02:42 PM

在35,000尺,ISA的温度是-55C。 如果是ISA+15C 那么温度是-40C。

Super cooled water droplet 只会出现在 Cumulus Nimbus (CB) Cloud 里。晴朗的天空是不会有这些 "速冻水"。

Pitot tube 是时时刻刻都是发热着,所以被冰冻的几率是少之又少。遇到 super cooled water droplet 的时候,你应该担心的是机翼会不会结冰。所以 wing anti-ice 故障的时候,就要避免进入 CB 云层里。在双引擎飞机上,如果其中一架引擎的 bleed air 有问题,也是会造成 wing anti-ice 无法操作。单靠一个引擎的 bleed air 是无法同时提供机舱的气压和 wing anti-ice。每个引擎除了提供推动力让飞机前进之外,它同时还提供(热)气压、电力以及 hydraulic power (液压动力)。4个引擎的飞机和好处就是拥有更多的 redundancy;坏处就是每个引擎都很消耗燃油。

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-11-2010 08:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
在35,000尺,ISA的温度是-55C。 如果是ISA+15C 那么温度是-40C

老何 发表于 11-11-2010 07:45 PM

什么意思?是不是根据international standard atmosphere 大概在30,000尺以上的都一律加15C?

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 楼主| 发表于 11-11-2010 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
什么意思?是不是根据international standard atmosphere 大概在30,000尺以上的都一律加15C?
遨翔 发表于 11-11-2010 08:47 PM

ISA 在海平面是 15C。每升1,000尺就是 -2C。到了 35,000尺应该是 -55C。

在35,000尺跟着 ISA 来计算的话应该是 -55C。
35,000尺如果温度是 -54C,那么就是 ISA+1。
35,000尺如果温度是 -53C,那么就是 ISA+2。
35,000尺如果温度是 -52C,那么就是 ISA+3。
35,000尺如果温度是 -51C,那么就是 ISA+4。
35,000尺如果温度是 -50C,那么就是 ISA+5。

35,000尺如果温度是 -40C,那么就是 ISA+15。

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-11-2010 10:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
在35,000尺,ISA的温度是-55C。 如果是ISA+15C 那么温度是-40C。

Super cooled water droplet 只会出 ...
老何 发表于 11-11-2010 07:45 PM

如果pitot tube malfunction 时
机师能用GPS 来calculate airspeed 吗?

使用道具 举报


发表于 12-11-2010 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
没记错的话好像是-40C吧,我记得还有一种东西叫super cool liquid water,如果碰到pitot tube的铁,哈哈:lol ...
遨翔 发表于 11-11-2010 02:42 PM

    What is a pitot tube?

Investigators are looking into the possibility that faulty airspeed indicators caused the crash of Air France Flight 447


[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/neepster/1309439240/sizes/l/] PITOT TUBE: Investigators are looking into the possibility that ice build-up on the airspeed sensors of Air France Flight 447 led to the May 31 crash Image: NEEPSTER/FLICKR

As Brazilian authorities retrieved 16 more bodies from the Air France Flight 447 crash this morning, investigators were focusing on airspeed indicators called pitot tubes as the cause of the disaster.

On May 31, the Airbus A330 jet was flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it vanished during a thunderstorm with 228 people on board. Initial speculation centered around the possibility of a lightning strike, but last week Airbus released a memo stating that "there was inconsistency between the different measured airspeeds" coming from different pitot tubes. The pitot tube is a classic fluid dynamic sensor named for its inventor, Henri Pitot, who in the 18th century developed it to measure the speed of rivers and canals in France.

Airbus's pitot tubes were known to have icing problems, and Air France had begun replacing them on April 27 when an improved version was released. Flight 447, however, had not received the new sensor. On Monday, Brazil revealed that it had found the plane's vertical stabilizer, suggesting that it been sheared off due to high speeds.

To find out more about pitot tubes, we spoke to Ken Powell, an aerospace engineer at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

[The following is an edited transcript of the conversation.]

What is a pitot tube?
Basically, a pitot tube is used in wind tunnel experiments and on airplanes to measure flow speed. It's a slender tube that has two holes on it. The front hole is placed in the airstream to measure what's called the stagnation pressure. The side hole measures the static pressure. By measuring the difference between these pressures, you get the dynamic pressure, which can be used to calculate airspeed.

On an airplane, the pitot tube can be mounted in a number of ways, including jutting out from the edge of the wing or sticking up from the fuselage.

How can ice cause the pitot tube to malfunction?
Basically, if there's a blockage of that tube, then you will get an incorrect reading for the pressure difference and your airspeed. Ice accretion on wings is a big problem, and it can also build up on a pitot tube. Pitot tubes must be calibrated to work properly, and if ice changes the shape of airflow around the tube, then it will give an incorrect reading.

Why is measuring airspeed important?
Planes have a certain operating envelope, and it's dangerous to fly at too low a speed because you can stall, and it's also dangerous to fly at too high a speed because of structural reasons.

Can't pilots just use Global Positioning System (GPS) to measure their airspeed?

That's a very good point. I'm not a pilot so I don't to what extent commercial pilots double-check airspeed readings with ground speed readings from GPS. But you don't need something to give you a completely wrong reading to throw you off, it could be off by less than 25 percent and still create a dangerous situation


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 楼主| 发表于 12-11-2010 10:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
* IAS = Indicated Airspeed = airspeed indicator reading.
    * CAS = Calibrated Airspeed = IAS corrected for static position error.
    * EAS = Equivalent Airspeed = CAS corrected for compressibility error.
    * TAS = True Airspeed = EAS corrected for OAT and pressure altitude.
    * GS = Ground Speed = TAS corrected for wind component.
    * M = Mach number = relationship between TAS and speed of sound.

在一切系统正常操作的状况下,Flight computer 和 GPS 计算出来的 ground speed 都会相差20kts ~ 50kts左右。影响飞机飞行的 flight characteristic 是看 IAS。GPS 给你是GS。所以在高空航行 GS 根本帮不到任何东西。就算是接近地面要降落的时候,即使地面风是 head wind,GS也会比 IAS 快15~20 kts。

给我选择,我会跟着 known attitude and  known power settings 来飞,直到降落为此。

在 flying school 的时候和其中一个教官真的做过这样的事。那时是 night flying exercise 做 circuit and landing。那天还有月光。在其中一个 approach 的时候,教官叫 tower 把 runway light 和 approach light全部关掉,然后将飞机的 landing light 关掉。最后连 cockpit 里 instrument 的灯也关掉。过了十秒左右,眼睛适应了。还可以看见 IAS indicator 和 RPM indicator 显示的东西。跟白天飞行比较,就是光线比较暗而已。过后,他问我你记住了 engine 的声音吗?我只说了一声 yes,然后他就用纸遮住全部的 instrument,然后叫我只靠看外面来确定飞机的 attitude 和听引擎的声音来确定 RPM 来降落。过后飞机安全降落。以后如果真的遇到这样的事至少我会对自己有信心可以办到。

N1 68% 是 jetliner 的magic figure。只要在 approach 的时候:-
1. set N1 68% (~N1 70%),attitude  close to horizon ~ 0.5 degree up (for Boeing flap 40/ for Airbus flaps full)
2.  set N1 68% (~N1 70%),attitude 2.5~3 degree (for Boeing flap 30/ for Airbus flaps 3)
都可以安全把飞机降落在跑道上。加上现在很多 international airport tower 还可以确定飞机的 ground speed。只要有 ground speed 150~160kts 至少我认为我对自己有信心可以将安全的降落在跑道上。

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发表于 13-11-2010 12:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
Q feel 指的是?

3 smokes colours : Blue, Black, White (steaming) ..?


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发表于 13-11-2010 12:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

我迟早会去的!但先要练好FSX 的skills..
不像老何,Blueangels 他们那么好,每天都开(哈哈就不懂他们每天都飞,会sianz 了吗)

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