发表于 12-3-2007 11:47 AM
回复 #661 Hansik 的帖子
重要是这一句:"而那位刚退为董事转去当财务顾问的Daniel说- 他们正在和一些对Megan的行业有兴趣的外国基金进行洽商!"
PS: 他其实叫DANNY,不是Daniel |
发表于 12-3-2007 11:54 AM
RM320.0 Million Bai' Bithaman Ajil Serial Bonds ("BBA Serial Bonds";)
- Proposed Revision to the Terms of the BBA Serial Bonds (";Proposed Revision";)
- Proposed Issuance of Hibah Promissory Notes (";Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance";); and
- Proposed Exemption for the Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance from complying with the
(i) Guidelines on the Offering of Islamic Securities;
(ii) Guidelines on Minimum Contents Requirements for Trust Deeds; and
(iii) Securities Commission (Fees and Charges)(Amendment) Regulations 2004
(";Proposed Exemption";)
(The Proposed Revision and Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance shall be collectively referred to as the ";Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring";)
(The Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring and the Proposed Exemption shall be collectively referred to as the ";Proposals";)
1. Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring
Pursuant to the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring, MTSB has proposed for changes to certain terms and conditions of the BBA Serial Bonds, details of which are set out in the following section.
MTSB has agreed to reward the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds by issuing promissory notes as a gift or "hibah" to the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds (";Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance";) as an appreciation of the willingness of the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds to consent to the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring. The Hibah Bonds will be issued in the form of secondary bonds forming part of the Secondary BBA Serial Bonds which are attached to and non-detachable from the Primary BBA Serial Bonds.
MTSB has appointed BinaFikir Sdn Bhd as the Financial Adviser and AmMerchant Bank Berhad ("AmMerchant";) as the Submission Adviser for the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring.
The holders of the BBA Serial Bonds have consented to the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring via resolutions passed on 8 September 2006 and 19 October 2006 respectively. On 20 September 2006, the Shariah Adviser has confirmed that the Proposed Revision is in compliance with Shariah principles.
On 6 October 2006, AmMerchant has made an application to the SC on behalf of MTSB, in relation to the Proposals. The approval of the SC was obtained vide their letter dated 18 October 2006.
A supplementary trust deed governing the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring ("Supplementary Trust Deed";) has been executed on 9 November 2006. The effective date for the Hibah Bonds shall be on 10 November 2006.
Details of the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring
Salient details of the Proposed Revision and Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance are as follows:-
(i) Proposed Revision:
1. Financial covenants of the BBA Serial Bonds shall be revised as follows:
Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 to 7
Total Debt/Equity ratio Not exceeding 1.70:1 Not exceeding 2.00:1 Not exceeding 1.80:1
Total Debt/EBITDA ratio Not exceeding 2.50:1 Not exceeding 4.25:1 Not exceeding 3.50:1
2. MTSB has the right but not the obligation to redeem in part or in full the outstanding BBA Serial Bonds at par prior to its maturity on two (2) redemption dates, i.e. on 27 April 2007 and/or 26 October 2007.
3. Any funds raised from any equity issuance by MTSB and/or Megan Media Holdings Berhad (being the Guarantor) on or prior to 26 October 2007 shall be used for the early redemption of BBA Serial Bonds.
(ii) Proposed Hibah Bonds Issuance
MTSB has agreed to reward the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds by issuing promissory notes as a gift / "hibah" arising from the willingness of the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds to consent to the Proposed BBA Serial Bonds Restructuring.
The Hibah Bonds shall be binding on MTSB to make the following payments to the holders of the BBA Serial Bonds, as follows:
Series Hibah Amount(for period effective Hibah Amount(for Year 3 onwards)
10 Nov 2006 up to end of Year 2)
1 1.25% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds -
2 1.50% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds 2.50% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds
3 2.00% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds 3.00% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds
4 2.50% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds 3.50% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds
5 2.70% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds 3.70% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds
6 2.85% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds 3.85% p.a. of Primary BBA Serial Bonds
The Hibah Bonds shall, upon issue, not be detachable from the Primary BBA Serial Bonds and shall cease to exist or be valid upon redemption of the corresponding Primary BBA Serial Bonds.
The salient revisions are further detailed in the Supplementary Trust Deed dated 9 November 2006, a copy of which is available for inspection upon request during normal business hours at the Trustee's office at:
Mayban Trustees Berhad
34th Floor, Menara Maybank
100, Jalan Tun Perak
50050 Kuala Lumpur
2. Conflict and Potential Conflict of Interest Situation and Relevant Mitigating
AmMerchant has been appointed as the Submission Adviser for the Proposals. The potential conflict of interest situation may arise due to AmAssurance Berhad's RM10.0 million nominal holding of the BBA Serial Bonds, representing approximately 3.13% of the total issue. AmAssurance Berhad is a subsidiary of AMMB Holdings Berhad, the holding company of AmInvestment Group Berhad which in turn wholly owns AmMerchant Bank.
MTSB is aware of and has no objection to the above potential conflict of interest situation and is agreeable to proceed with the present arrangement as the aforesaid matter has been disclosed to and acknowledged by the MTSB's Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of MTSB is fully informed of and is aware of the conflict of interest situations and is agreeable to proceed with the present arrangement.
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 12-3-2007 11:57 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 12-3-2007 12:15 PM
原帖由 Hansik 于 12-3-2007 11:40 AM 发表
expand product technology and product capacity 是要注入成本的。
get funds for expand 是要还的。
这样的 statement 虽然是正面的说法,却只适用在 ...
可能管理层不想解决负债,因为钱照借,机器照买,拥金照拿,何乐不为!? |
发表于 12-3-2007 12:35 PM
回复 #661 Hansik 的帖子
光碟业是需要大量资本的(capital intensive),要得到大量资本有两个方法:向投资者筹资(equity financing)或向银行借钱(debt financing)。
早期,MEGAN用了很多次private placement来筹资。可是,现在MEGAN的股价跌过par value,private placement不能用了,所以MEGAN只好向银行借钱和发债券。如果MEGAN现在要还债,她只能向投资者筹资。这表示MEGAN的股价一定会超过par value。
跟向银行借钱来比较,在大牛市时向疯狂的投资者/投机者筹资是更低廉的。MEGAN股价被推低和打压,大量的坏消息,董事的卖票,YEO被FORCE SELL,BRAHMAL的进场,通通是有关系的。
PPS:不明白为何BRAHMAL成为MEGAN大股东的消息没有上报纸。 |
发表于 12-3-2007 02:36 PM
不必担心BRAHMAL在骗YEO买机器因为没可能他会无端端把钱丢进海里。 |
发表于 12-3-2007 02:59 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 03:05 PM
原帖由 <i>tatuto</i> 于 12-3-2007 02:36 PM 发表<br />
看了MR。BUSINESS的帖,有一些想法不知是不是这样。<br />
<br />
生意有起有落,当时MEGAN刚好有一些问题正在积极开发新客户。不久后YEO和BRAHMAL就遇到,BRAHMAL有大量的生意可以给MEGAN。,绝对可以赚多很多。条件是他 ... <br />
没有钱赚的股票,谁会要大量买进? |
发表于 12-3-2007 03:15 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 03:37 PM
原帖由 阴谋师 于 12-3-2007 03:15 PM 发表
买/卖双方似乎达成了某种默契,你放我收。是玩左右手的游戏?还是有两组不同的人在进行某种交易? |
发表于 12-3-2007 03:52 PM
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 12-3-2007 02:59 PM 发表
生意不就能让你产生更多资金吗? 有那间公司那个行业, 不须要生意就会有钱的?
凡事回到基本, 债务如果没有资金注入, 是不是还得靠生意? 再说, 也要有生意才会有人拿资金注入呀! |
发表于 12-3-2007 03:55 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 04:12 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 04:20 PM
如果BRAHMAL真的注入大笔资金,就看Megan以什么方式接收这笔资金。如果是借贷,Megan还是没希望。 |
发表于 12-3-2007 04:22 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 04:36 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 04:41 PM
没理由。。印度水 拿钱来烧。。。
我也进少少 当投资。。 |
发表于 12-3-2007 04:43 PM
回复 #667 Mr.Business 的帖子
你好,其实可能两者都有。若股价回到PAR VALUE,MEGAN可能就会发行附加股,然后基金买入(注入资金)一举解决20%-30%的债。债务降低了股价再次升高。
不过,单靠注入资金还是不够,必须要有生意维持才行。不然还是把注入的资金亏了。所以,给MEGAN生意是比较好的做法,可以让大众看到MEGAN生意大量提升,赚的钱已经高过利息和有能力3-5年里还清债务。 |
发表于 12-3-2007 04:44 PM
发表于 12-3-2007 05:10 PM
为什么会有那么特别的情况出现??难道megan之炒家战是独特的?? |
发表于 12-3-2007 05:11 PM
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