


楼主: hooi12

【XBOX360】战争机器2 Gears Of War 2 集中讨论区(Gears马拉松活动|3代-9/20!)

发表于 15-6-2009 03:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 闪魂 于 13-6-2009 04:24 PM 发表
1代日本人高手想不起了 2代 笨笨队长我就知道!!

鸟人B-link,1代你有玩meh.....?! 我每天都有和那个笨蛋host+队长玩........刚巧也是第一个符号是B的......

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发表于 15-6-2009 08:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 660# xleoxleoxleoxle 的帖子

Crew  member...

ShotGun之王(PenangFire)     BoomShot之王(SonicOng)   TorqueBow之王(鸟人FcukFcuk)

Heroyui001                              Tinandes                                  PangWoei
跳舞高手Annex抓分之王       援助人员,插弹and.........       月旅行之王,ShotGun之王.....

喜欢叫人去插弹新加入队员   鸟人大王跨过MCK CREW
leoxleoxleoxleoxleleodxxxx    你打完啦......我们不用打啦

将会加入的新人员(Coming Soon......)

(P.S.:Osis caricsg aka 昨天你杀完啦,你打完啦......我们不用打啦....)

[ 本帖最后由 k_neaw 于 16-6-2009 08:31 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 16-6-2009 04:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
老实说....提及咱们cari最强大的锯子chainsaw王,高人,当然要提及下k_neaw..... ,他的锯子技术,在1代已经不是说笑的....来到2代,如果要我形容他的变态强大,我只能说,大马gow锯子王,前3甲人马他肯定入围!!难怪最近那么多慕名而来的本地玩家加入他的门下.....你们不妨想象下,一群牛B的chainsaw门徒,如果是战友还ok,如果同时是你我的敌人.....



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发表于 18-6-2009 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
哦。。原来这里还有分几个门派的。。MCK 好像人多势重喔。。。

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发表于 19-6-2009 01:22 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 663# Osis03 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 seyong 于 19-6-2009 01:24 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 19-6-2009 02:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
seyong还是跟以前一样,不保留的踩Osis ,整天说要擦他的屁股,果然是真的!

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Follow Us
发表于 19-6-2009 11:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
很久没有十位朋友一起PLAYER MATCH了!!!!!!!!!!:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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发表于 19-6-2009 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 火辣女生 于 19/6/2009 11:27 AM 发表 很久没有十位朋友一起PLAYER MATCH了!!!!!!!!!!:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@


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发表于 22-6-2009 02:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

佳礼book of record

:@.... 不多不少每人10千分:@。。blink 的这句话终于成真了,可是变态的blink竟然拿了20千!!都是多的这些贪生怕死的长命队长。。才有这样的结果。。

[ 本帖最后由 joz5888 于 22-6-2009 02:38 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 23-6-2009 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 joz5888 于 22-6-2009 02:27 PM 发表

:@.... 不多不少每人10千分:@。。blink 的这句话终 ...

呵呵,说实在话,这Blink鸟人还满会拿取分数的 在他带领下(还包括所谓的一些队长),咱们这帮人不难升级,也不愁没得玩。就是这家伙的存在,让小弟小宇宙燃烧,有个竞争目标存在.......搞不好对重振神游队有益 虽然他很鸟蛋


Gears of War 2 Title Update 4 Detailed Release Notes

Title Update 4 has not yet passed certification and so I am unable to give you a specific date for it's release, but I wanted to get you the information. The following fixes and improvements are included in the upcoming Title Update 4.


Title Update 4 makes these new improvements:
• Adds the ability to collect multiplayer experience by playing Horde mode. Players currently gain experience at this rate:
o 50 points per completed Casual wave.
o 75 points per completed Normal wave.
o 100 points per completed Hardcore wave.
o 125 points per completed Insane wave.
• Adds the ability to restart Public Horde from the current failed wave instead of having to start over from wave 1. Title Update 4 also allows the host to kick players from a Public Horde session.
• Increases the frequency of downloadable content (DLC) maps showing up in map voting if all players have shared map packs.
• Adds a message at the end of the match to explain to players that they should wait before quitting so that they avoid an experience penalty for quitting early.
• Adds support for the new campaign chapter, "Road to Ruin."
• Adds 13 new achievements worth 325 points. All of the new achievements require the Dark Corners Map Pack, a set of seven new maps and a deleted campaign chapter to be released July 28. The 13 new achievements are:
o "My Way or the Highway" (25 points): Without being detected, complete the "Road to Ruin" deleted scene after choosing the stealth option.
o "Highway to Hell" (25 points): Complete the "Road to Ruin" deleted scene after choosing the guns-blazing option.
o "Two for the Road" (25 points): Complete the "Road to Ruin" deleted scene in co-op as either Marcus or Dom.
o "Be Careful What You Wish For" (10 points): Reach level 5 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 10 on the War Machine map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Ride It All Night Long" (10 points): Reach level 10 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 10 on the Highway map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "No, But His Face Rings a Bell" (15 points): Reach level 15 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 20 on the Sanctuary map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Lost in Transition" (20 points): Reach level 20 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 20 on the Way Station map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Like Father, Like Gun" (30 points): Reach level 30 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 30 on the Allfathers Garden map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Am I Only Dreaming?" (40 points): Reach level 40 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 40 on the Memorial map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Blood on the Sand" (50 points): Reach level 50 in multiplayer and complete waves 1 through 50 on the Nowhere map in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Afraid of the Dark" (20 points): Play a multiplayer match on each of the seven Dark Corners Map Pack maps (any mode).
o "Did Not Go Gentle" (30 points): Win a multiplayer match on each of the seven Dark Corners Map Pack maps (any mode)
o "Is it Hot or Is That Just You?" (25 points): Kill 25 Bloodmounts with a Scorcher Flamethrower while playing Horde on a Dark Corners Map Pack map (any difficulty).
Exploit Fixes

Title Update 4 fixes these possible exploits, where under certain circumstances:
• A player could copy game progression data from one profile to another.
• A team could use the 50-point revive bonus to artificially increase its score in Horde. Going down but not out (DBNO) in Horde now subtracts 50 points, so there is no advantage to using the revive-bonus technique.
• A player could get 2 points for each kill in Wingman.
• A player could continue to shoot the Flamethrower while performing special movements like evading and mantling.
• A player could cause heavy weapons to spawn continuously while playing Horde.
Title Update 4 also fixes a number of lesser-known exploits.

General Fixes

Title Update 4 fixes these other issues as well:
• An issue that could cause players to lose all achievement progression if they signed in during a loading screen.
• Issues related to the Smoke Grenade causing a player to cringe instead of knocking them down. If hit by a Smoke Grenade with cringing turned on, players will now:
o Drop the Boomshield, even if aiming while carrying it.
o Drop a heavy weapon, even if it is deployed.
o Cringe while roadie running.
o Cringe while in cover.
• An issue that prevented players from shooting around the lower left side of a planted shield.
• An issue that could cause a DBNO player to not appear as DBNO.
• An issue that prevented Gears players from inviting players of other games to join them in progress in a Private match using DLC.
• Issues that caused rich presence information to become inaccurate.
• An issue that caused the overall achievements progress bar to not reflect the latest achievements.
• An assortment of localization bug fixes.
• Additional miscellaneous bug fixes.

Title Update 4 makes these balancing changes:
• Adds a 30-second delay in map-based weapon spawning at the beginning of a Wingman match.
• Adds more future server-side balancing options.
We continue to test internally and monitor online gameplay to determine what else may need adjusting.

原文来自官网: http://gearsforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=686830

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发表于 24-6-2009 12:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
片名:       《 战争机器三部曲 》
多名男优:   caricsg  darren  Flyyang:@  Lars  Joz2888      
总结:         纯阳刚热血兄弟, 5个男人一台戏,战争让女人看戏!

[ 本帖最后由 闪魂 于 24-6-2009 12:34 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 1-7-2009 02:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant Coming Next Month

原帖由 闪魂 于 24-6-2009 12:32 PM 发表
片名:       《 战争机器三部曲 》
多名男优:   caricsg  darren  Flyyang:@  Lars  Joz2888      
总结:         纯阳刚热血兄弟, 5个男人一台戏,战争让女人看戏!

: ...

BT闪鬼..... 亏你这样的鸟文也发挥到kuso了....哈哈,我对你另眼相看 !!


转载自Evil Avatar

Epic Games sends along word that a second Gears of War novel will be hitting store shelves next month.

Blockbuster video game franchise Gears of War burst onto the book scene last year with its first official novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss. ASPHO FIELDS — spanning the story between Gears of War and Gears of War 2 — was an instant bestseller. Now the sequel, GEARS OF WAR: JACINTO’S REMNANT (Del Rey Trade Paperback, on sale July 28, 2009, $15.00) picks up from the harrowing end of the second game and follows humanity’s struggle to survive after the destruction of its last bastion on the planet Sera.

After a brutal fifteen-year war for survival, the Coalition of Ordered Governments is forced to destroy Jacinto – mankind’s last city – in a final bid to stop the Locust Horde. As the survivors flee, they're caught between the last of the Locust, bent on vengeance, and a primitive struggle to stay alive in an icy wilderness. It’s up to Marcus Fenix, Dom Santiago, and their fellow Gears to fight to get Jacinto’s refugees to a safe haven. But what they find is a new world; lawless, treacherous, with an all too familiar enemy – humans, as desperate and dangerous as any Locust grub.

“Karen Traviss has outdone herself once again,” said Rod Fergusson, executive producer, Epic Games. "JACINTO'S REMNANT not only answers the question of what happens after the events of Gears 2, it also provides greater insight into the Gears of War universe and a deeper understanding of its characters. We hope players of the games and discerning readers alike will enjoy this ongoing tale of humanity's fight for survival."

GEARS OF WAR: JACINTO’S REMNANT was written in partnership with Epic Games, Inc., developers of the 11 million-selling Gears of War video game franchise. GEARS OF WAR: JACINTO’S REMNANT will be released day and date with the latest Game Add-on for Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360). Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection includes all previously released downloadable content for the game to date in addition to Dark Corners, a substantial Add-on featuring seven new multiplayer maps and the new Road to Ruin campaign chapter. In total, the All Fronts Collection contains nineteen maps and a new campaign experience, available for 1600 Microsoft points on Xbox LIVE starting at 12:00 a.m. GMT on July 28. For more information, visit www.gearsofwar.com.

Karen Traviss is the author of four Star Wars: Republic Commando novels: Hard Contact, Triple Zero, True Colors, and Order 66; three Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novels: Bloodlines, Revelation, and Sacrifice; two Star Wars: The Clone Wars novels: The Clone Wars movie novelization and No Prisoners; as well as City of Pearl, Crossing the Line, The World Before, Matriarch, and Judge. A former defense correspondent and TV and newspaper journalist, Traviss lives in Wiltshire, England.



July 4th Weekend Event - XP Galore/Ticker Infestation

Hey all,

It's time to celebrate Independence Day! And we're going to do that with some extra experience and an onslaught of our version of fireworks, the beloved Ticker. Oh and it's looking like TU4 is going to drop just in time for this event!

Starting Friday morning you'll be receiving double XP as well as a 500 XP bonus awarded to the winning team. And to give a little extra bang to Horde we're bringing the Ticker squad (a group of Tickers that all spawn at the same time) into full effect. They'll be showing up a lot more throughout all the waves of Horde and they've completely infested every 10th wave with nothing but Tickers. So if you've been having trouble with Bloodmounts, this weekend is a good time to get your Horde on and get further than ever before. And don't forget that TU4 will give you experience for every wave you beat.

The event will end on Monday morning on July 6th.

So get out there and pop some Tickers for freedom!



1)double xp!yes,你没看错,又来了!!yeah!!



4)持久战包含了TU4(title update4)的新内容,意思是,你能从持久战获得xp!


[ 本帖最后由 Osis03 于 1-7-2009 07:31 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 14-7-2009 03:47 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 23-7-2009 04:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
Gears of War2日版

日本famitsu获得白金评分: 10/10/9/9

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发表于 27-7-2009 02:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 27-7-2009 02:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Osis03 于 23-7-2009 04:27 PM 发表
Gears of War2日版
http://img181.imagevenue.com/loc581/th_35194_50000824478C582772_122_581lo.jpg" border="0">
日本famitsu获得白金评分: 10 ...

好像有新的GAME MODE......

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发表于 27-7-2009 03:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 火辣女生 于 27-7-2009 02:46 PM 发表

好像有新的GAME MODE......


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发表于 27-7-2009 03:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

《战争机器2/Gears of War 2》下载地图包:Dark Corners 视频公布

http://www.joystiq.com/2009/07/2 ... -dark-corners-maps/

《战争机器2/Gears of War 2》下载地图包:Dark Corners 视频公布

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发表于 27-7-2009 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 闪魂 于 27-7-2009 03:34 PM 发表

《战争机器2/Gears of War 2》下载地图包:Dark Corners 视频公布



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发表于 28-7-2009 12:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
2009 Comic-Con *Gears Day*相关情报

Originally Posted by Hooligunn

Now the Gears panel is over, here's a quick and easy to read list of the announcements should you have missed it. Note that these are only the announcements made, much more was discussed in depth in the panel. See the bottom of this post for the link to the full dialogue of the panel.

Game Related
Double XP Week coming on Dark Corners release

Movie Related
No casting decisions have been made (The Rock is already a no though xD)
Emergence Day will definetely be in the movie
Story and character comes first, but the spectactle is going to be there

Avatar Related
COG Armor coming to Avatars on August 11th with the dashboard update
Locust Armor coming also, but release was unspecified

Comic Related
Gears of War comic series "Baron" announced. Introduces female Gears.

For the full dialogue of the panel and for extended details on the subjects listed above, click HERE.

Cliff Bleszinski featured on 1 vs 100 August 1st!

last edited by Izemann

Cliffy B will be a guest on 1 vs 100 on August 1st. He will discuss the new Gears 2 All Fronts DLC. Check the Xbox live Dashboard, click 1 vs 100 beta, go to featured shows, then there you'll see the show for August 1st of Cliffy B!

Double Experience for Horde is Now Active!
last edited by SeanM123

As stated.

Per wave :-

Casual = 200 Points

Normal = 300 Points

Hardcore = 400 Points

Insane = 500 Points

If your not recieving the Double Experience then Shut off your Xbox and then the Update should be Applied.

Double XP Week [7/28th - 8/4th] Dark Corners Playlist + Horde
last edited by xMCLOV7N

Hey all,

EPIC are celebrating the release of Dark Corners and are giving you a full week of double xp starting Tuesday morning. To access the double xp you must have the required Dark corners maps to play on the dark corners playlist. Double xp is also added for the horde playlist.

This Event ends Tuesday 4th August.


捉大家比较关心的要点,官方为了庆祝dark corners地图包推出,会在本周28号到7月4号(US日期和时间)实行双倍exp好康活动!不过貌似这所谓的双倍exp活动只针对2点:
1)需要以dark corners地图包(7张新地图/那个新的地图包,不过我忘记它的称号了)进行游戏才行,不管是什么模式

yeah!!!又是时候冲了! 人家我要dark corners的队长保护战!

[ 本帖最后由 Osis03 于 28-7-2009 12:19 PM 编辑 ]

[ 本帖最后由 Osis03 于 29-7-2009 02:57 PM 编辑 ]

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