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【RAMUNIA 交流专区】

发表于 9-7-2007 10:21 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 9-7-2007 10:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sunday365 于 9-7-2007 22:21 发表


我对RAMUNIA有信心, 今天1.41 进了, target 1.80

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发表于 9-7-2007 11:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #42 发财乘年少 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 goodluck88 于 9-7-2007 11:21 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 9-7-2007 11:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #43 goodluck88 的帖子


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发表于 10-7-2007 07:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #42 发财乘年少 的帖子



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发表于 10-7-2007 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
RAMUNIA jangan tidur ! cepat-cepat bangun, lari kuat-kuat!


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发表于 11-7-2007 09:20 PM | 显示全部楼层




Contents :

We refer to the Company's announcements dated 17 July 2006, 15 September 2006, 9 October 2006, 18 December 2006, 14 March 2007, 17 April 2007, 28 May 2007, 12 June 2007 and 3 July 2007 in relation to the Proposals (the "Announcements").

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Ramunia, Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad (formerly known as K&N Kenanga Bhd) wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad had, vide its letter dated 10 June 2007, which was received on 11 July 2007, approved in-principle the listing and quotation of the following:

(i) 38,709,677 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Ramunia ("Shares") to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition;
(ii) up to 68,400,000 new Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Restricted Issue;
(iii) up to 22,010,865 additional warrants arising from the adjustment of warrants as a result of the Proposed Restricted Issue ("Additional Warrants"); and
(iv) up to 22,010,865 new Shares to be issued pursuant to the exercise of up to 22,010,865 Additional Warrants.

In addition to the above, the consent by AmTrustee Berhad as the trustee of the irredeemable convertible unsecured loans stocks ("ICULS") holders of the Company in respect of the creation of legal charge over the Land and specific debenture over machinery in favour of Ramunia's financier had also been obtained by the Company on 28 June 2007.

Consequent thereto, all conditions precedent to the Proposed Acquisition have been fulfilled as of 10 July 2007 and the Proposed Acquisition is now unconditional.

This announcement is dated 11 July 2007.


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发表于 11-7-2007 10:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
今賣壓很高。。閉市1。38 跌0。02

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
Ramunia gears up for more deepwater deals

PREPARATIONS for deepwater oil field projects are well underway in the oil and gas (O&G) industry, and that is no different for Ramunia Holdings Bhd.  Ramunia, which owns the country's largest fabrication yard, is investing to upgrade and automate its fabrication yard in Teluk Ramunia ahead of what it anticipates will be a flood of fresh jobs for deepwater projects.  “The work done today at yards is a reflection of decisions made two or three years ago. Exploration now when oil prices are at around US$60 a barrel has been heightened.   “We will see these contracts coming out in two to three years,'' director of finance Mohamad Reezal Siddiq told StarBiz.  Ramunia has an orderbook of RM1.4bil. The company is bidding for RM9bil worth of new jobs, of which RM3.5bil is local and RM5.5bil international, and has a strike rate of 20% to 25%.  
The Teluk Ramunia yard in Johor where the Ramunia group carries out the fabrication of the jackets (left and foreground) in the construction of oil and gas platforms
It is also preparing to bid for RM5bil worth of local jobs. Identified international jobs for upcoming bids are at RM150mil but the company believes the tight supply in the industry would see international giants sub-contracting work to yards such as Ramunia's.  But what the prize fabricators and the entire O&G industry are waiting for is the move into deepwater projects, and indications are that the amount of contracts for that is going to be huge.  Ramunia estimates that upcoming local deepwater projects with proven oil reserves or under further exploration would amount to RM42bil.   The potential from deepwater blocks under field study is a further RM30.5bil, pushing the combined total of contracts from deepwater projects to RM72.5bil from now to 2010.  The RM72.5bil would encompass the entire engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning (EPCIC) sphere. Fabrication work, Mohamad Reezal said, was generally about 20% of that total.   “The industry over the next five years will be in a comfortable position,'' he said.  With the knowledge and expectation of a massive inflow of jobs, the main Petronas-licensed fabricators in the country are all expanding their yards.  With the industry split between the big three yards – which consists of Ramunia, MISC-owned Malaysia Marine and Heavy Duty Engineering Sdn Bhd and Sime Engineering Services Bhd – and four smaller players, Mohamad Reezal believes tight capacity and huge demand will work in Ramunia's favour.  “The reason I am stressing on capacity is because it allows us to aggressively bid in a period of supply constraints. Having the capacity makes us competitive,'' he said.  With the fabrication yard running at about 50% capacity, Ramunia is making the necessary investment to ensure that its yard is ready by mid-2008 to accept the deepwater projects.   To prepare for this, it is investing RM362.4mil to buy the middle yard at its Teluk Ramunia complex, purchase new machinery, build new structures and for working capital.  Upgrading work has started and components for deep water will be ready in six months.  Deepwater fabrication projects are about four or five times more expensive that the shallow water equivalent, and the cost for each would be RM800mil to RM1bil.  Mohamad Reezal said Ramunia was going to automate a lot of its processes for efficiency gains and to catch up with the major Singaporean and Korean shipyards that are considered to be 10 and 20 years ahead.  Once complete, Ramunia, which will also dredge the depth of its sea front to 12 metres for deepwater projects, aims to handle fabrication work of 20,000 tonne platforms and get the much larger topside business.  “What we have done is also to have an international push for management, to move the company to an international standard,'' Mohamad Reezal said.  To prepare for international standards, the company has appointed former founder of Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) offshore and engineering division Dr Daniel Ahn Chung-Sung as executive director.  Dr Ahn was the president of HHI in charge of offshore engineering and industrial plant division prior to joining Ramunia.  “We need a lot of experience in engineering, procurement, project management and if we want to be competitive in the deepwater with the Samsungs and Hyundais, we need to bring in a different set of talent.  “That’s where Dr Ahn comes in. He has the ability to attract international players to join Ramunia and put us in good stead,'' said Mohamad Reezal.  Upgrading also means replacing labour with machinery, which will allow the company to have better quality products and cut down on manpower and labour requirements.   It is also important as the oil majors, especially the US companies, pay close attention to injuries at the workplace.  Currently, Mohamad Reezal said internal margins were about 17% and hoped it would rise to 20% once the upgrading of yard and expansion is complete.  “By moving up the value chain and by being able to do bigger structures, we will not be competing with the masses.  “If you go past 15,000 tonnes, you are joining a handful of players in Asia. That is where we want to position Ramunia,'' he said.

Ramunia to buy yard, upgrade machinery

July 12 2007

RAMUNIA Holdings Bhd has allocated RM350 million to acquire additional yard and upgrade machinery and equipment at its fabrication yard in Johor, managing director Dr Ahn Chung-Sung says.
"By the first quarter of 2008, we will set up tubular steel rolling facilities and press machine at our yard, not only for cost-savings but also preparation for deep-water structures," he said in a statement.
Ahn said the company wants to make its Ramunia Yard in Johor the most productive, competitive and efficient deepwater fabrication yard in Asia.
It is said to be the largest contiguous yard in South-East Asia at 68 hectares.

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
An ace up its sleeve
A big piece of the puzzle fell into place when Dr Ahn came on board.
THERE is certainly an argument to be made for striking while the iron is hot, especially in a sector generating as much buzz as the oil and gas industry. With oil prices hovering around US$60 per barrel, exploration and production spending on the up and up and the Trans-Peninsula Pipeline poised to revolutionise logistics in the sector, it's certainly heating up for oil and gas players in Malaysia.  With that in mind, there is bound to be heightened demand for services both up and down the sector's value chain in the near future. That's where Ramunia Holdings Bhd comes in.  Ramunia is a Johor-based fabricator of oil and gas structures, the gargantuan rigs perched atop the ocean that harvest black gold from its briny depths. The company makes jackets and topsides, while also providing services including commissioning and maintenance for offshore installations.  As the sector booms, Ramunia is one of the companies that you've probably heard about a lot in recent months – and you're about to hear a whole lot more.  That's because the company is perfectly poised to cater for the upswing in demand that is set to rear its head. Unlike most companies seeking to cash in a particular sector that's swiftly heating up, Ramunia already has an ace up its sleeve. It's the one little word it can whisper in the ear of prospective suitors and those bidding for its services alike: capacity.  What it boils down to is the size of Ramunia's fabrication yard. Located on the east coast of Johor's southern tip, its location shelters it from the potentially destructive attentions of monsoons in the South China Sea, while it is in close proximity to Malaysian oil fields as well as ports in Johor Bahru and Singapore.  
Reezal: Delivery is king right now.
Most notably, however, the 170 acre yard is the largest in Malaysia and South-East Asia.  “Size matters!” is the enthusiastic take of chief financial controller Mohamad Reezal Siddiq. “It means you can take on big structures, and that is where we are positioning Ramunia. We've all got all the important elements that make up a good yard, such as a long wharf area to load and unload big structures, water depth, and size.”  The yard's deep sea front allows Ramunia to load its products directly aboard vessels. It has a 836 metre (m) quay with current water depths between 3m and 9m, with the option for further dredging to increase depths up to 12m or 15m in order to accommodate bigger structures such as floaters and semi-submersibles.  Ramunia's two previous yards come up to 90 acres, which the company is currently operating at 50% capacity. The company recently added a third yard which increases its total yard size to the aforementioned 170 acres (see sidebar), adding an additional 80 acres of unused capacity at just the right time.

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
Under the waves  Because of the time required to fabricate the likes of jackets and topsides, the work going on at yards around the world is a reflection of orders placed between two and three years ago. Before the relevant structures are constructed, a host of other work must be undertaken, beginning with exploration (see attached value chain).   Currently, heightened exploration activities are justified by the backdrop of rising crude oil prices. With this in mind, Ramunia has identified a three to five-year window during which it anticipates a glut of new fabrication projects on a massive scale.  
There are 10 open deepwater blocks located off Sabah and Sarawak, the first of which (the Kikeh field) will begin pumping oil in the third quarter of this year. In the next three to four years, Petronas will offer a further six or seven blocks. Ramunia is one of just seven Petronas-licensed major fabricators that can bid for fabrication works.  “The numbers boggle the mind,” says Reezal. He's not kidding – according to the company, upcoming local deepwater projects with proven reserves amount to RM42bil as at January 2007. At the same time, deepwater blocks currently under field study are worth a further RM30.5bil.  That's a whopping RM70.5bil worth of deepwater projects on the horizon. Of course, that figure is the cost of developing the entire block, while fabrication activities account for 20% to 25% of the total. Nevertheless, it's little wonder that fabricators across the country are scrambling to expand their yards.   However, capacity is very much at a premium, as Reezal explains.  “If you place an order with certain fabricators, they will only be able to deliver in three to four years' time. It's the same scenario everywhere, for just about all services, not just yards. We have a lot of capacity, which is against the grain in the industry right now, so it is the right time for us to move into this arena.”  
Breathing down the necks of fabricators is the threat posed by China's yards, which Reezal says will “fill in the gap very quickly”. As such, Ramunia feels it is imperative to get things underway and swiftly establish a track record.  Having the excess capacity certainly helps, allowing the company to aggressively gear up in terms of projects – just at the right time.  “Delivery is king right now,” says Reezal. “If one fabricator can deliver in ten months and another can deliver in 12, guess who's going to get the project? Paying a premium is not an issue, as timely delivery is paramount, but security of supply is important.”  It is precisely that reason why oil and gas majors enshrine a track record, and why Ramunia is so focused on building one. Reezal points out that the company has shown it can deliver, giving it a “running start” in terms of bidding for deepwater projects, but a big piece of the puzzle fell into place when Dr Daniel Ahn Chung-Sung came on board.  From Korea with love  Dr Ahn, Ramunia's newly appointed managing director, is the founder and former president of South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) offshore and engineering division. His presence has opened up many doors for a relatively young company seeking recognition and looking to recruit specialised talent.   “It's the chicken and egg story. When you're new, people ask what we have done, but of course we can't do anything until they give it to us! So having him on board allows us to bid for (bigger) projects because they know he has delivered before. Likewise, he has enhanced our ability to attract the top foreign talent,” says Reezal.  
Aseambankers, which initiated coverage on Ramunia last month with a glowing report and a strong buy call, feels that Ramunia will soon be transformed into an international player that has much of HHI's DNA incorporated into its business model.  “Dr Ahn's entry is part of the bigger picture, because we can't be upgrading our facilities without the right people. He brought in his team of experienced people from around the world,” says Reezal.  “He started with an empty yard for Hyundai 20 years ago, and he built it up, so the templates are there. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. They know what to do, and have given us a lot of good advice in terms of developing and upgrading the yard.”  Upgrading the company's facilities allows it to both improve productivity and bid for the grail of deepwater jobs. To this end, Ramunia has spent some RM356mil to acquire the additional yard, purchase machinery and automate services.  Most of the company's shallow water work is currently done outdoors. However, deepwater structures require more stringent controls on factors such as humidity, so Ramunia has also constructed several new structures and buildings in order to prepare.  Ramunia currently handles structures up to 5,000 metric tonnes (mt). The company is looking to position itself in the 15,000mt to 20,000mt niche, which very few yards in the region can currently handle. Reezal explains that though the big boys like Hyundai can go up to 40,000mt, their burgeoning order books have freed up Ramunia's chosen niche for the aforementioned three to five-year window.  Malaysian fabricators are traditionally labour intensive, and thus are lagging behind the likes of Korea and Singapore in terms of automation. Reezal feels that this is a privilege that is coming to an end, especially with more yards in China coming onstream. This automation will also help when Ramunia turns to deepwater topsides, which are made on a modular basis, thus requiring multiple modules to be constructed simultaneously.  “We're hoping to get this yard ready by the first quarter of 2008. By the second quarter we can start bidding for deepwater structures, while the financial impact will be felt in 2009. It's a process, not something you can just switch on and off,” he adds.

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
The way forward  According to Reezal, this will make Malaysia the first deepwater centre in Asia, and the fourth in the world after West Africa, the North Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.   Should Ramunia ride the wave in Malaysia, the company can then take a look at the bigger region, where the likes of Indonesia are currently awarding deepwater blocks for exploration.  All the same, he is well aware that the process is not going to happen overnight. As such, he emphasises that Ramunia is not going to give up its bread and butter, namely the structures that it currently fabricates.  
Going forward, Ramunia is looking to introduce more value streams to its existing operations. One option is decommissioning, which the company is already licensed to do, and is looking at implementing in three to five years. New environmental laws prevent platforms from being abandoned, ensuring that they are dismantled and brought back, a potentially significant business within the upcoming window.  On that note, the company has also set up tubular steel rolling facilities in collaboration with Mackra Pte Ltd. The facility's initial capacity will be 36,000mt per annum. Aseambankers reckons that this will allow Ramunia to derive potential cost savings of about US$400 per mt.  Reezal notes that all Malaysian fabricators currently send out to Batam, Korea or Thailand, so the facility would serve Ramunia's internal requirements while also allowing it to capitalise on demand in the Malaysian market.  Over and above that, Ramunia can also capitalise on Dr Ahn's international networking, for instance the company's move to enter the Indian market.  “We're looking at India in a big way,” says Reezal, pointing out the company's recent collaboration with Punj Lloyd Ltd to bid for the RM1bil Mumbai High North Development project.  
“At the end of the day, our short-term objectives are as important as our long-term health. The point to make is that whether you're doing one big project or 10 smaller ones, you're using the same team. Shifting our focus to bigger projects allows us to maximise our resources in terms of economies of scale.”  Ramunia recorded a net profit of RM5mil during the first quarter of the current financial year ending December, on the back of RM82.7mil in revenue. The earnings represented a substantial increase over RM1.2mil and RM32.7mil recorded respectively during the previous corresponding period.  In the 2006 financial year, the company recorded RM17.6mil in net profit on RM351.6 in revenue, up from a net loss of RM27mil and revenue of RM183.2mil the previous year. It currently has an order book of about RM1.3bil, is bidding for some RM9bil worth of projects and maintains a 20% to 25% strike rate.  “Our vision is to be the preferred contractor within the EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) sphere. We want repeat customers,” sums up Reezal, outlining Ramunia's target of US$1bil in turnover by 2010 combined with its approach to win customers' trust via reliable delivery, product quality and pricing.  Size does not matterJUST how did Ramunia Holdings Bhd, listed on Bursa Malaysia's second board in January 2005, become the largest fabricator in Malaysia?   As chief financial officer Mohamad Reezal Siddiq points out, it goes back to the story of the company's yard.  Established in 1981, the yard formerly belonged to Promet Bhd, before Danaharta took over following the financial crisis.  Even during its Promet days, Yard C was leased to Sime Engineering Bhd. Ramunia Energy & Marine Corp Sdn Bhd (Remcorp) took over in 2001, purchasing all three parcels.  Because the company was still starting up, Yards A and B were injected into the listed company, while Sime Engineering was allowed to maintain its operations in Yard C. This allowed Ramunia to commence operations with a manageable amount of capacity while deriving rental income from the middle yard.  According to Reezal, Ramunia saw more visible development in 2005, and thus took over Yard C. Sime Engineering's rental had expired by then, so the yard was absorbed into Ramunia's existing facilities.   Aseambankers notes that this enabled Ramunia to raise its annual fabrication capacity by 174% to 85,000 metric tonnes (mt), translating into a combined open fabrication space of 590,084 m2.  But why the big fuss over a piece of land? Reezal explains that in the oil and gas fabrication industry, capacity is hard to come by. There are natural barriers to entry, as setting up a yard of this nature requires reclamation and construction that typically take 24 months. From that point, the yard needs to settle before it can be certified as being able to undertake a certain tonnage of capacity.  “For all the money in the world, if you want to start a new yard, you literally have to wait between 30 and 36 months before you start bidding. However, there is always the option to look at acquiring existing yards,” says Reezal.   Private talk  Last September, Ramunia was looking down the barrel of a takeover when Sime Darby Bhd came a-calling. Armed with a war chest of some RM3bil, Malaysia's oldest conglomerate was eyeing fabrication yards, and the fact that Sime Engineering's lease had come to an end was not wasted on its parent.  Synergy Drive Sdn Bhd put paid to all that. The merger of Sime Darby, Golden Hope and Guthrie to form the world's largest listed oil palm plantation company saw the former's focus shift away from acquiring Ramunia. Still, as Reezal explains, it was hardly the first time Ramunia had such an offer, and it is unlikely to be the last.  “Over the past three years we have been approached by everyone from Singaporeans to regional players, and some local players. They have all been unsolicited offers, and at the end of the day, they are looking at the yard space. It was the same thing with the Sime story, as their capacity was halved almost overnight when the lease expired.”  Reezal takes great pains to emphasise that Ramunia does not solicit offers, but it also cannot control unsolicited offers. But what of the mixed signals the company seems to be sending, especially considering its mooted transfer to Bursa Malaysia's main board?  “If that doesn't send a clear signal, we don't know what will. We are planning to make the transfer happen in the middle of next year, as the merits of the move include a better profile, increased credibility, and more institutional investors. It also makes it easier for us to raise funds,” is his take.  “We are growing our balance sheet gradually to cater for bigger and bigger jobs. We need to be mindful of gearing; we're going to start borrowing on a project basis as projects get bigger, so we need to match it with the equity side so our debt/equity ratio doesn't go out of whack.”  Upon sourcing funding and the full exercise of its existing warrants, employee share option scheme (ESOS) and full conversion of existing ICULS and ICPS, Ramunia's paid-up capital will enlarge to 919.9 million shares.  However, Aseambankers notes that the ICULS and ICPS cannot be converted prior to their maturity dates of Dec 20, 2007 and Dec 20, 2009 respectively, so the only dilution to earnings per share (EPS) in the current year is the potential warrant conversions.   The research house has a target price of RM1.80 for Ramunia, based on 15 times financial year 2008 (FY08) EPS.”Nevertheless, we believe there is further upside potential to Ramunia's earnings and target price beyond FY08, which is when growth will really kick in as the majority of its yard is expected to be fully-loaded,” says Aseambankers.

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发表于 12-7-2007 07:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-7-2007 08:48 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 12-7-2007 09:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 heamq 于 8-7-2007 12:35 PM 发表

买其他callwarrants的人也是起了就卖,不看多 ...

哦。。。 这几天Ramunia的成交量都高过ramunia-LA
hairan ler ...

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 木头远 于 12-7-2007 21:06 发表

哦。。。 这几天Ramunia的成交量都高过ramunia-LA
hairan ler ...

这证明买ramunia , 不买-la , 是对的啦

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-7-2007 10:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 弹煮 于 12-7-2007 07:46 PM 发表


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发表于 12-7-2007 11:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-7-2007 11:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #59 33333 的帖子

40 lot = 40x100= 4000
4000X ~1.4 = ~RM5600?

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