Dragon Quest XI for PS4 introduces ‘Bowgun Adventure’ feature
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》PS4版本独特要素及魅力介绍
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SQUARE ENIX 预定于7月29日发售的PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》本周JUMP杂志继续公开新情报,这次主要介绍了PS4版的魅力,在广阔的世界中骑马驰骋、在幻想风的洞窟中探索、攀爬屋顶拾取隐藏道具、极具临场感的战斗、剧情的代入感也非比寻常。
The latest issue of Weekly Jump reveals a new “Bowgun Adventure” feature for the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.
There are specific targets all over the world that you can shoot with a bowgun. And there will be rewards for doing so. It seems that the bowgun adventure begins through an invitation from an NPC in a certain town.
Other than that, the magazine reveals a new “Magic Slot” casino game, which is a bonus game that starts if you get all sevens on the slots.
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
Dragon Quest XI Nintendo Direct details 3DS-exclusive features
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》举办任天堂直播 统整 3DS 版本特色
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SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》今(21)日在任天堂官方频道举办了介绍 3DS 版本的直播节目「勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光 Direct 2017.6.21(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて Direct 2017.6.21)」,统整了 3DS 版的游戏特色。
3DS 版将会活用该掌机的双屏幕特性,在序章部分将会同时在上画面呈现时下主流的 3D 多边形画面、在下画面呈现令老玩家怀念的 2D 点阵画面,上下两画面的事件场景也会连动。 《勇斗》生父堀井雄二表示,玩家将可以在游戏中一次体验到《勇者斗恶龙》30 年来的画面演进。
序章过后则是可以让玩家自由选择要以 3D 多边形画面或 2D 点阵画面呈现,包含地图与战斗都可以依照自己喜好,在教会和野营处随时切换。
3D 模式的特征是会以指针式方式遇敌,除了带来角色背后视点的战斗画面之外,在 3DS 主机下画面会显示地图,在冒险途中还可以跳跃。
Nintendo hosted a Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time-themed Nintendo Direct today, revealing a host of details specific to the 3DS version of the game. Among those details, it was revealed that players will be able to take on various quests in which they travel to the worlds of past Dragon Quest games.
Here are all the new details:
In 2D mode, there are secret locations called “Hidden Spots” that you can find.
In 3D mode, there are symbol-based encounters. By using the A button, you can perform a preemptive attack.
2D mode uses random encounters.
The bottom screen displays the map. You can switch between the full map and the area map.
There is a “Travel Memories” feature that lets you look back on events in 2D and 3D modes.
The circle pad is used for 3D screen movement, while the d-pad is used for 2D screen movement.
The 3DS version uses “StreetPass” functionality.
The main element of StreetPass sees players interacting with a race known as the Yocchi.
The Yocchi will request that you rescue the Yocchi in critical situations that you encounter along your journey.
The key to rescuing Yocchi is a dungeon called the “Labyrinth Beyond Time.”
You can form a party of up to eight Yocchi from among the Yocchi you gather, and send them off into the dungeon.
In the dungeon, you can choose whether to control the Yocchi directly or proceed automatically. Choosing the latter means both movement and battles are automatic.
There are treasure chests and you can obtain items in the dungeon.
The abilities of each Yocchi differ, and various types exist from weak to strong. They will not return if they’re killed by the enemy. You can gather Yocchi in the field or from other players through StreetPass.
By defeating the “Gate Keeper” awaiting at the end of the dungeon, you will obtain an “Adventure Log Password.”
By giving the Adventure Log Password to the Yocchi elder, you can go the worlds of past Dragon Quest games.(In the Nintendo Direct, we see the player visit the worlds of Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest V.)
There are problems occurring in the worlds of past Dragon Quest games, and resolving them has something to do with saving the Yocchi.
The Nintendo Direct also revealed that starting today, 3DS users in Japan will be able to pre-load Dragon Quest XI from the Nintendo eShop.
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》刚刚于上周六(7月29日)发售,早在发售前的制作人采访中官方就曾经神神秘秘的透露给玩家一个细节,那就是《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》在通关后会有意想不到的好东西,制作人还表示会祈祷“宝物”被发现的那一天。原来这个通关“宝物”竟然就是《勇者斗恶龙》初代,而且不光是 PS4 平台,3DS平台也有哦!
玩家只要通关《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的真结局,ED 之后的演出中会出现“复活咒文”,然后只需要在商店中输入“咒文”就可以免费下载初代了!Square Enix 这个隐藏的小彩蛋不仅卖了情怀,还给了玩家无限的惊喜,真可谓是一箭双雕。
PlayStation 4 trophies for a “Dragon Quest (Free Version)” have shown up on Exophase.
The appearance of the trophies follow the release of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on July 29.
The original Dragon Quest first launched for Famicom in Japan on May 27, 1986. It has since been ported to MSX, Super Famicom, Game Boy Color, mobile phones, Wii, and iOS and Android.
It has been revealed that the original Dragon Quest is a bonus for users who clear Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age.
To obtain the original Dragon Quest on either PlayStation 4 or 3DS, the player simply needs to enter the “Spell of Restoration” that appears in the credits after the true ending. Doing so will enable the player to download the original Dragon Quest.
在新情报的部分,现场由两位开发者介绍了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》繁体中文版将会带来「冒险新手套组」的产品代码作为早鸟购入特典,玩家可在游戏中取得战斗后获得经验值增加的美妙背心「幸福背心」、 战斗后获得金币增加的金光闪闪背心「暴发户背心」以及恢复套组(药草 ×3、解毒草 ×3、魔法小瓶 ×3)。 另外,实体版预购特典将会赠送限量「勇者斗恶龙 XI 颈带」一条,在 PlayStation Store 预购下载版还可获得「技能种子」10 个。