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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2010 01:05 AM | 显示全部楼层

直銷產業旋風 襲捲全球經濟市場


直銷新聞網([url]www.directsellingnews.com) [/url]在2010年3 月的產業新聞中,針對全球各國直銷市場的經營特性及狀況,發表了一篇短文,概略性的說明了各國直銷產業的發展狀態。中華民國直銷協會代表台灣地區直銷產業,提供了相關資訊列入報導中,謹將原文中譯,分享全體會員參考,亦期望對各會員公司能提供有助益的訊息交流內容。

Direct Selling News. comIndustry News / March 2010
Top-Performing Global Markets


作者:凱薩琳龐德(Catherine Ponder),蕾貝卡拉森(Rebecca Larson)

「直銷」持續在全球雷厲風行,目前有十七個國家每年透過這個銷售管道創造出超過十億美元的年營業額,其成效是無庸置疑的。當企業在北美持續延攬業務員;亞洲企業雖然在營收表現稍有下降,但直銷業務員人數卻上升;南美持續蓬勃成長,歐洲市場穩健發展。「歐洲直銷聯盟」(DSE)理事長馬克‧包溫(Marc Pouw)表示:「這項產業持續茁壯,並且提供絕佳收入與工作機會給每位歐洲直銷聯盟會員,2010 年將會是另一個豐收年。」
「世界直銷聯盟」(WFDSA)對直銷業的狀況持同樣觀點,但它注意到,這項產業所創造的不止是財富上的亮麗成績而已。從經濟層面上來看,它對工作機會、個人收入增加帶來貢獻,還可擴大投資與稅收;另一方面,同樣重要的是,它可以增進個人家庭生活與幸福,為社會帶來貢獻。因此增加自尊、自信、組織與管理技能,將是建立為直銷業務人才,包括為了他們的家庭、他們的社區和國家建立更茁壯未來的關鍵。 我們來看看這項產業,是如何在這些國家創造超過十億美元的年營業額,以及直銷業務有哪些地方和你(妳)瞭解的稍有不同:

美國的直銷業約有1,500 家企業,其中包括安麗(Amway)、雅芳(Avon)、玫琳凱(Mary Kay)和特百惠(Tupperware)等跨國公司,此外全球並有44家頂尖直銷企業將企業總部設置在美國。這些大企業銷售的產品種類多元化,2008年最主要的銷售產品中,有25.4%是家用品及家庭保養或家用耐久用品,22.7%則是保健用品,21.5%是個人保養品,還有16.6%是服務或其他產品。超過90%的直銷商,每週工作時數少於30小時。
2009年的金融危機看起來並沒有威脅到直銷業。「從2009年一項與科學無關的數據調查顯示,有企業在非正式報告中提到該年聘僱率有增加」DSA媒體公關副總經理艾美‧羅蘋森(Amy Robinson)表示「從銷售面來看什麼情況都有,部份企業提報去年是豐收的一年,而其他的企業有些表現持平,有些經歷萎縮,要等到年底『成長與展望調查』(Growth & Outlook Survey)數字出來才會確定年終的情況。」
展望2010年,DSA總裁尼爾‧歐棻(Neil Offen)和DSA計畫要審慎地觀察並研擬參考直銷商的分級制度。協會同時也將持續接觸新媒體和社會行銷手法,以期為直銷開創積極且正面的形象。

日本直銷協會密切與日本經濟產業省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,簡稱METI)通力合作,緊守住「挨家挨戶,送貨到府」的守則,不但能保護消費者和直銷業的權益,同時也相當重視消費者對會員公司的客訴。
日商公司「For Days」是專賣健康食品和化妝品的公司,公司總裁和田惠子(Keiko Wada)觀察到,受到2009年金融海嘯的衝擊,消費者變得更加謹慎。她說,「大家都不買額外的東西,即便有些東西並不昂貴也不買。」消費者這樣的心態促使「For Days」和其他企業開始著手改善並增加產品的價值與需求性。「我們的產品能持續創造佳績,是因為它們很獨特,使用可增進健康。」和田說,「同時,我們專注於顧客第一,它讓我們得以在市場上獨占鼇頭。」
根據「世界直銷聯盟」的資料顯示,日本的直銷業包括了許多全球性的家用品公司,諸如雅芳、安麗和特百惠。日本在地的直銷企業則包括了房仲業三鬼商事(Miki Shoji)、日研總業株式會社(Nikken Sogyo)、福幼企業社(Fuyo Company)、株式會社日建總本社(Nikken Sohonsha)、Oppen 化妝品以及美伊娜多股份有限公司(Nippon Menard)。曾經獲獎,以家族企業起家,同時也擁有龐大在地勢力的直銷公司Pola化妝品在全日本就擁有超過10萬名顧問。

以年營業額100億美金成為全球直銷業成長最快速的巴西,它那充滿生機的生活風格對直銷業發展有推波助瀾之功。巴西直銷協會(Associacao Brasileira de Empresas de Vendas Diretas,簡稱ABEVD)在2009 年第三季締造了17.9%的成長率;在直銷商人數方面,根據2008年世界直銷聯盟的統計總數是200萬人,2009年則成長了19.2%。目前ABEVD有包括巴西全國直銷業龍頭巴西商Natura公司等28個直銷會員公司,這也使得化妝品、香氛成為銷售NO.1的商品。直銷商在巴西提供的產品種類非常廣泛,其中甚至包括食物和服務,個人保養品以及家用品。
去年並未讓巴西直銷業黯淡無光。「直銷業並未受到金融海嘯影響,自2008年第四季以來至2009年展現出實質的成果,主要就是因為直銷商數量增加」ABEVD的執行長羅貝塔‧庫魯茲(Roberta Kuruzu)說,「我們對直銷業2010年的展望是持續成長。」

德國已經登上國際排行榜,成為歐洲最具威力的直銷國之一,它在2008年創下了年營業額幾乎將近90億營收,擁有直銷商總數高達77萬8千人。德國有三家各超過美金1億元營業額的直銷企業,而且國產企業「福維克」(Vorwerk)也在其下企業增設子公司JAFRA化妝品公司。德國有Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland (BDD)和Unternehmensverband Direktvertrieb e.V. (UVDV)兩個直銷協會。因當地直銷業發展蓬勃,才得以容納兩個單位的機構。
被列名為全世界規模最大的直銷企業之一的福維克,創建於德國,是家擁有125年歷史的國產企業,旗下的子公司包括「亞太樂智」(Lux Asia Pacific)和JAFR化妝品公司。包含全職聘僱顧問與諮詢師在內,全球有61個市場超過50萬人為這家企業效命。近期由商界雜誌德國商業報「Handelsblatt」、求職雜誌「Junge Karriere」和「企業研究基金會」( Corporate Research Foundation)等所做的調查中顯示,福維克在德國20大雇主中名列14,該公司在所有項目均名列前茅,包括薪資、形象、生活與工作平衡、個人發展機會和企業文化,顯示了它的標語「我們的成功仰賴大家」不止是一句口號而已。
其他諸如特百惠、伊士曼(Eismann)、雅芳、LR 健康與美容系統(LR Health & Beauty Systems)和安麗等大品牌,佔去了大部分的市場,主要產品都集中在健康與個人保養品上。德國直銷業在2009年並沒有受到金融風暴波及,UVDV代表克里斯多夫‧法蘭克(Christel Frank)表示,甚至於展現出更亮麗的成績,德國穩坐歐洲直銷業龍頭地位,並朝新企業發展,以及參與更多跨國企劃案。她對2010年有極高期待,希望直銷業可以「非常積極茁壯」。

要在中國邀集直銷商是很困難的,因為中國的直銷協會組織比全球其他地區的更有監管權。根據「中國日報」(是中國有全球報導的媒體)報導,第十四屆「北京直銷業領袖學術研討會」(2009年11月)中,預期今年中國的直銷營業額將會成長超過30%,直逼600億人民幣(美金87.9億)。2009 年12月「紐約時報」的一篇報導指出,直銷業會成為中國的明星產業,創造出多樣化產品包含健康營養品、化妝品、牙膏和洗碗精等,高達80億美金市值的市場。
在1998年禁止直銷業之後,中國政府在2006年重新開放市場,同年發放第一張執照給雅芳。從此以後,各路人馬接踵而至,包括玫琳凱、如新、賀寶芙和優莎納。然而,中國政府卻給直銷業訂下非常嚴格的規定,包括預付資金的規定、堅持正規的合約、限制教材的成本、規定訓練會議的最多參加人數等。因為中國缺少單一的直銷協會,因此香港的直銷協會會員便網羅了許多美商巨頭,譬如安麗、玫琳凱、和優莎納以及一些本國企業,包括「全美世界美容保健公司」(Best World Lifestyle)和「無限極國際公司」(Infinitus Co. Ltd)。

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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2010 01:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
2008年 「世界直銷聯盟」公佈的數字顯示,南韓以3,089,163名直銷商人數,創下70億美金的的驚人營業額。「南韓直銷業在2009年是成長的」,南韓直銷協會理事長、同時也是「韓國安麗」總裁的朴世俊(Se Joon Park)指出,「採用挨家挨戶行銷的直銷業在韓國國內表現特別突出。一般說來,大型企業都有成長,小型企業則面臨一些困境。」
雖然年度最後的總銷售數字尚未公布,但佳績可期。擁有62個會員公司的韓國直銷協會(KDSA)包括國產企業的熊津食品集團(WoongJin)、愛茉莉太平洋集團(Amore Pacific)、DagKyo和Univera,以及跨國企業像是安麗、如新、賀寶芙、雅芳、立新、大溪地諾麗和優莎納等。它們瓜分市場,在健康營養品創造了36.5%的營業額,在化妝品創造30.6%營收,而在其他項目創造了7.3%的收益。
朴世俊預期韓國直銷業在2010 年會有更卓越的成長,「南韓在經濟方面已經成功克服國際金融危機。在直銷業方面,韓國以人際網絡以及人際關係設立了另一種商店,加上韓國人強烈渴望成功。因此,直銷業在韓國的發展將大有斬獲。」

不論對跨國企業或是本土企業來說,墨西哥都是個很重要的市場,它在2008年締造了40億美元的營業額,直銷商人數更高達190萬人。「墨西哥直銷協會」(Asociacion Mexicana de Ventas Directas,簡稱AMVD)擁有41個會員公司,這一年直銷業44億的產值,佔2008年全國總收入的85%。除了外商公司以外,墨西哥自有的「奧協生」公司(Omnilife Manufactura)—擁有數百萬生產商,將會領導直銷業邁向更卓越的成長。
但儘管如此,墨西哥在全球金融海嘯中卻未能倖免。「2009年,直銷市場的經濟狀況跟美國同樣艱辛」,墨西哥直銷協會理事長、墨西哥安麗的總經理耶塞司‧阿凡瑞司(Jesus Alvarez)說,「直銷業和大部分其他產業面臨到難以為繼的困境,不過,在2009年,的確有更多直銷商進入墨西哥開始經營事業。」阿凡瑞司補充,營養保健產品公司持續在國內增設據點,而且在業界開始有獨占鼇頭之姿。直銷業成績斐然,不僅給墨西哥帶來挨家挨戶行銷的文化,並且也提供低收入者就業機會。
其中有些墨西哥本國企業在2009年不但沒有經營困難,對2010年更是保持樂觀態度。「Ardyss 」國際公司的創辦人之一亞雷漢德羅(Alejandro Diaz de Leon)說,「2009年,Ardyss看到了,透過網路行銷模式進軍美國帶來的翻紅業績。」他的合夥人安東尼歐‧迪亞茲(Antonio Diaz de Leon)補充說:「2010年看起來對Ardyss而言,會是豐收的一年。隨著我們在美國市場的持續成長,以及打算進入新市場的計畫,我們已經為自己設定了無止盡的茁壯。我們將會繼續擴張我們的龐大生產線,為消費者生產更多有價值的產品。」

在英國,直銷業的發展持續一帆風順。全國估計有40萬直銷商,其中超過33萬人來自於隸屬於「英國直銷協會」(UK Direct Selling Association,簡稱UKDSA)旗下61個會員企業。最近「英國直銷協會」的統計數據顯示,優異表現的數字甚至超越了「世界直銷協會」所做的統計:美金36億,其中還有5個公司創下超過美金3000萬的營業額。
英國直銷協會的常務理事李查‧貝里(Richard Berry)同時也擔任「歐洲直銷聯盟」(Federation of European Direct Selling Associations)主席,他對市場有著希望能遍及全歐陸的宏觀看法。英國直銷業的一帆風順,部分原因要歸功於直銷商人數的增加,隨著越來越多人想尋找不妨礙正職工作與時間的副業收入,因而創造了會員公司將近30%的成長。

直銷業在義大利,正在經歷一段復興的歷程,這點可以從全國超過30億美金的營收獲得證實。義大利人過去比較喜歡購買耐久性的家用品,其次是食品/營養品,接下來則是化妝品和時尚配件。和全球大部分其他地區需求相同的是,根據國家產業機構「全國直銷服務與消費協會」(Associazione Nazionale Vendite Dirette Servizio Consumatori,簡稱AVEDISCO) 的統計顯示,義大利的直銷商也在增加中。2009年1月到9月,直銷商人數成長了7.9%,創造了2.6% 的業績成長率,第四季的資料顯示成果充滿希望,我們預期,2009年終時,業績成長將會在3.5%到4%之間。
「全國直銷服務與消費協會」執行長喬治奧‧朱利亞尼(Giorgio Giuliani)表示。挾著超過106個直銷公司在義大利,其中有38個企業隸屬於「全國直銷服務與消費協會」麾下,義大利有更多機會做買賣。

「俄羅斯直銷協會」(The Direct Selling Association of Russia,RDSA)持續傳出捷報。雖然2008年的營收只有30億美金,但2009年前九個月的業績卻已見向上攀升,而且直銷商人數也達到450萬。即使還未見到第四季的成果,但從直銷商人數增加判斷,業績數字也可能會同樣向上翻升。
「俄羅斯直銷協會」的總裁,也是「俄羅斯玫琳凱」政府與企業關係執行長塔瑪拉‧修科瑞芙(Tamara Shokareva)說,她和夥伴們都對2009年的成績感到很滿意,「在對抗金融危機環境下萎縮的零售市場,任何成長都該被視為是卓越的成果。」她說,「直銷業提供人們在景氣低迷且缺乏就業機會之際賺取額外收入的機會。」直銷商的數量增加對公司未來的成長是必要基礎。

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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2010 01:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
擁有24萬2千名直銷商的法國直銷業,是十分活躍的行業。「法國直銷聯盟」(Federation De La Vente Directe,簡稱FVD)加入了「法國直銷協會」(FEDSA),也帶進了它原有的地區性直銷商。2008年,「法國直銷聯盟」靠著超過110個會員和24億美金的業績,已經成為第二大會員,旗下擁有70%的法國自有企業。和義大利相似,法國的頂尖直銷產品也是耐久性家用品,其次是營養品和食品。此外,和其他全球的同業一樣,法國的直銷商人數正在增加,業績也是。
「2009年已經結束了,即使從各種通路、直銷業績和我們的特許公司所看到的成果很糟糕,但整體而言都保持了活力,其中有些通路還達到強勁的成長。」「法國直銷聯盟」主委賈克‧科司泥法羅(Jacques Cosnefroy)說,「我們在這樣艱困時刻還是有止跌的能力,不只可以從經濟面生息和國內媒體得到印證,還可以從直銷的製造業有機會克服新市場上看出。」
「法國直銷聯盟」的主席菲利浦‧賈奎林納(Philippe Jacquelinet)則將直銷業壯大與持續成長,部分歸功於它們著力於延攬謀職的年輕人。「與教育部的密切聯繫,使得年輕人能更早接觸到直銷的概念,瞭解那是可靠又正面的就業選擇。這些人都是未來的主人翁,這也是我們可以長期安全掌控直銷業的途徑之一。」


根據2008年的成績顯示,泰國的直銷業體質穩健,直銷企業有500萬家,創造的收益幾乎有16億美金。「泰國直銷協會」擁有29個會員公司,而且還有將近差不多500家公司從事直銷。「泰國直銷協會」經理蘇干達沖哈恰拉恰(Sukanda Chunhachatcharachai)說,安麗是泰國最大直銷公司,其暢銷產品是保健食品,佔總體業績的39.18%,其次是佔37.58%的化妝品,及佔9.76%的家用產品。

「哥倫比亞直銷協會」(Asociacion Colombiana de Venta Directa,簡稱ACOVEDI)理事長派翠西亞‧賽拉‧瑪達里雅佳(Patricia Cerra Madariaga)注意到,哥國前五大直銷公司:雅芳、Belcorp、哥國 Yanbal、INCA-DUPREE和 NOVAVENTA,都是販售化妝品、配件、精品、保建產品的公司,例如Nature’s Sunshine,也同時大有斬獲。

加拿大已經準備好,要在2009年迎接比2008年更好的成績。2008年的統計數字顯示,44個會員企業,60萬8778名直銷商的業績約是18億美金。「看起來,好像我們在業績上成果還會是一樣的,但我們也看到直銷商數量增加。」加拿大直銷協會的理事長兼秘書長羅斯‧逵伯(Ross Creber)說。「有些企業已經締造了極傑出的一年,有些不太好,有些則表現平平。的確,在現今的經濟環境裡,維持現狀並沒有不好,我們擁有一個相對不錯的成果。」
雅芳、優莎納、玫琳凱、安麗、 PartyLite和Arbonne、CAN是加拿大國內的頂尖直銷公司,其中最受矚目的趨勢,是營養食品的表現。家族企業Immunotec最擅長生產這個項目的產品,旗下非藥方產品洋洋灑灑羅列在「美國藥典」(Physicians’ Desk Reference,簡稱PDR),以及「加拿大藥典」(Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties,簡稱CPS)裡面。「對營養保健食品的莫大興趣,已經在過去4-5年逐漸形成,」逵伯說,「我們現在看重家庭聚會,傳統美容保養品、化妝品可預期將有增長,但真正帶動市場成長的是營養食品。」

阿根廷,是全球直銷業10億美元國家名單上的新面孔。它的營業額從2007年的9億9200萬美元到2008年成長為11億7千萬美元。依此趨勢發展,很可能在2009年持續茁壯,連同2008年總數71萬4千的直銷人員數量也會跟著增加。國家直銷組織「阿根廷直銷商會」(Camara Argentina De Venta Directa,簡稱CAVEDI),擁有13個會員和5家供應商,佔了阿根廷直銷市場的80%,包括知名的安麗、雅芳、賀寶芙、富樂之家(House of Fuller )和Natura等等。

根據世界直銷聯盟的統計數字,2008年馬來西亞的直銷業績,在亞洲奪得第三名。雖然營業額在2008年是10億3千萬美金,直銷人員總數只有400萬,現今的數字很難超越這個規模。馬來西亞直銷協會(Direct Selling Association of Malaysia ,簡稱DSAM)的理事長余保羅(Paul Yee)在一次廣播專訪上分享了他的看法。

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-6-2010 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
Buffett 股神应该是属于投机那类型的吧?他的书也都是关于投机那类的吧?

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2-6-2010 02:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
Buffett 股神应该是属于投机那类型的吧?他的书也都是关于投机那类的吧?
不要乱乱用 ...
elearning 发表于 1-6-2010 05:25 PM

投机之神才是george soros。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-6-2010 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
投机之神才是george soros。
: ...
Buffett 发表于 2-6-2010 02:55 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 2-6-2010 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
elearning 发表于 2-6-2010 10:01 AM



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发表于 4-6-2010 01:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 11-6-2010 07:38 AM | 显示全部楼层

DSN Global 100: The Top Direct Selling Companies in the World

http://www.directsellingnews.com ... panies_in_the_world

1. Avon Products Inc.

Sales: $10.3 billion
Country: USA

Avon is the founder of modern direct selling and the acknowledged world leader in cosmetics, fragrances and toiletries. Avon’s well-known product lines include Avon Color, Anew, Skin So Soft, Advance Techniques Hair Care and Avon Wellness.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $10.3 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-&#8201;person
Compensation Plan: Single level and multi-&#8201;level
Products: Beauty, fashion jewelry and apparel
Markets: 100+
Distributors: 6.2 million
Employees: 42,000
Headquarters: New York, N.Y.
Year Founded: 1886
Stock Symbol: AVP—NYSE

2. Amway

Sales: $8.4 billion
Country: USA

Amway, under parent company Alticor, is maintaining its might in the industry. Its product banner includes Artistry cosmetics and skincare products, Nutrilite nutritional products and loyalty-inducing household products. Amway independent business owners work through the company’s e-commerce network.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $8.4 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Personal care, beauty and home care
Markets: 80+
Distributors: 3 million+
Employees: 13,000+
Headquarters: Ada, Mich.
Year Founded: 1959

3. Vorwerk & Co. KG

Sales: $3.58 billion
Country: Germany

Vorwerk is an 80-year-old, family-owned, German-based company that has always focused on the direct selling channel. Products include household appliances as well as high-quality cosmetics. Vorwerk & Co. KG is a global group that includes JAFRA Cosmetics, which reported sales volume of more than $500 million 2009.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $3.58 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and party plan
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Cosmetics and home appliances
Markets: 61
Distributors: 530,000
Employees: 23,000
Headquarters: Wuppertal, Germany
Year Founded: 1883

4. Mary Kay Inc.

Sales: $2.5 billion
Country: USA

Mary Kay Inc. was founded by the now-legendary Mary Kay Ash to give women more options. She struck a chord with the motto “God first, family second, career third.” Today, that message adjusts across borders and cultures to make the company one of the largest direct sellers of skincare products and color cosmetics in the world.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $2.5 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and party plan
Compensation Plan: Single level and Multi-&#8201;level
Products: Skincare products and color cosmetics
Markets: 35
Distributors: 2 million
Employees: 5,000
Headquarters: Addison, Texas
Year Founded: 1963

5. Natura Cosmeticos SA

Sales: $2.4 billion
Country: Brazil

Natura is the cosmetics giant born in Brazil. Corporate social responsibility is one of its core emphases, and its more than 900 products help consultants earn a living. Natura also has operations in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, France, Venezuela and Colombia.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $2.4 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and retail
Compensation Plan: Bi-level
Products: Personal care products and fragrances
Markets: 8
Distributors: 1 million+
Employees: 5,000+
Headquarters: S&#227;o Paulo, Brazil
Year Founded: 1969
Stock Symbol: NATU3.SA—S&#227;o &#8201aulo

6. Herbalife Ltd.

Sales: $2.3 billion
Country: USA

Herbalife sells nutritional supplements and weight-management and personal-care products. Its extensive product line has gained a following and credits success to scientific backing. All of its products have been developed by scientists, physicians and nutrition experts, including Nobel laureate in medicine Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $2.3 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Nutritional supplements, and health/fitness, wellness, personal-care, skincare and weight-management products
Markets: 72
Distributors: 2 million
Employees: 4,000
Headquarters: Los Angeles, Calif.
Year Founded: 1980
Stock Symbol: HLF—NYSEa

7. Primerica

Sales: $2.2 billion
Country: USA

Primerica provides financial products and services, including term life insurance, mutual funds, variable annuities, loans and other services to 6 million clients. The company dates to 1977 when it began a crusade to transform the life insurance industry. Previously owned by Citigroup, Primerica is now publicly traded.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $2.2 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Financial services
Markets: 5
Distributors: 100,000
Employees: 2,000
Headquarters: Duluth, Ga.
Year Founded: 1977
Stock Symbol: PRI—NYSE

8. Tupperware Brands Corp.

Sales: $2.1 billion
Country: USA

One of the first party plan companies in the world, Tupperware Brands Corporation today is a global direct seller of storage and serving solutions for the kitchen and home. Brands include Armand Dupree, Avroy Shlain, BeautiControl, Fuller, NaturCare, Nutrimetics, Nuvo, Swissgarde and, of course, Tupperware.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $2.1 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and party plan
Compensation Plan: Single level and multi-&#8201;level
Products: Storage and serving products; beauty and personal-care products
Markets: 100
Distributors: 2.4 million consultants; 1,800 distributors
Employees: 13,000
Headquarters: Orlando, Fla.
Year Founded: 1946
Stock Symbol: TUP—NYSE

9. Oriflame Kosmetiek B.V.

Sales: $1.8 billion
Country: Sweden

Oriflame is the market leader in more than half of the countries where it operates. Though it has no U.S. presence, it operates in Mexico and Central America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The company offers a wide range of high-&#8201;quality beauty products.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $1.8 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Beauty products
Markets: 62
Distributors: 3.3 million
Employees: 7,000+
Headquarters:  Stockholm, Sweden
Year Founded: 1967
Stock Symbol: ODI-SDB.ST—Stockholm

10. Forever Living Products*

Sales: $1.7 billion
Country: USA

Forever Living is the world’s largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera, and this inspires them to make environmental responsibility a priority. The company offers a complete line of aloe vera drinks, skincare products and cosmetics, as well as a full line of nutritional supplements and products from beehives.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $1.7 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Aloe vera drinks, skincare products and cosmetics, nutritional supplements and Forever Resorts
Markets: 142
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 9.3 million
Headquarters: Scottsdale, Ariz.
Year Founded: 1978

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 楼主| 发表于 11-6-2010 07:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
11. Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.

Sales: $1.3 billion
Country: USA

Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. is a global direct selling company operating in 48 international markets throughout the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Going far beyond cosmetics, toiletries and fragrances, Nu Skin sells more than 200 products through three distinct brands: Nu Skin, Pharmanex and Big Planet.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $1.3 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Personal-care, nutritional and technology products, anti-aging skin care and nutritionals
Markets: 50
Distributors: 760,000+
Employees: 1,200
Headquarters: Provo, Utah
Year Founded: 1984
Stock Symbol: NUS-NYSE

12. Pola Inc.*

Sales: $1.03 billion
Country: Japan

Pola sets the standard in Japan. It is the nation’s fourth-largest cosmetics company and the biggest direct seller. Pola products include cosmetics, skincare, personal-care and nutritional products sold in department stores, retail stores, through mail order and door to door.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $1.03 billion
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Single-level
Products: Cosmetics, skincare, personal-care and nutritional products, fashion and jewelry
Markets: 16
Distributors: 100,000
Employees: 1,049
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Year Founded: 1929

13. Belcorp/L'Bel Paris

Sales: $1 billion+
Country: Peru

Belcorp/L’Bel Paris focuses on women. It has more than 500,000 independent beauty consultants in 15 countries and 18 Latin American specialty stores. They sell the well-known L’Bel, &#201;sika and Cyzone brands.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $1 billion+
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and party plan
Compensation Plan: Single level
Products: Skincare, fragrance, makeup, body care, hair care
Markets: 15
Distributors: 500,000+
Employees: Not available
Headquarters: Lima, Peru
Year Founded: 1949

14. Miki Corporation*

Sales: $969.2 million
Country: Japan

Miki Corporation began as a textile importer and seller. Today, it is a multimillion-dollar seller of supplements made from prune extracts, of household cleaners, personal-care items and much more. The company has “sales agents” in Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $969.2 million
Marketing Style: Not available
Compensation Plan: Not available
Products: Foods, cosmetics and household products
Markets: 3
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 270
Headquarters: Osaka, Japan
Year Founded: 1964

15. Melaleuca Inc.*

Sales: $879 million
Country: USA

Melaleuca Inc. sells more than 350 products, including personal-care items, cosmetics, household cleaning supplies and vitamins to consumers through a network of sales representatives, as well as catalogs and websites.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $879 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Single-level
Products: Personal-care products, cosmetics, cleaning supplies and vitamins
Markets: 18
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 1,200
Headquarters: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Year Founded: 1985

16. Ignite Inc.

Sales: $845 million
Country: USA

Ignite Inc. was founded in 2004 by parent company Stream Energy to meet the changing needs of consumers. With energy-service deregulation, more choices exist for consumers and entrepreneurs, and Ignite seeks to meet the needs of both.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $845 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Electricity and natural gas
Markets: 1 (Texas and Georgia in USA)
Distributors: 150,000
Employees: 275
Headquarters: Dallas, Texas
Year Founded: 2004

17. MonaVie LLC*

Sales: $785 million
Country: USA

Introduced in January 2005, MonaVie develops and markets scientifically formulated, premium-quality nutritional products, featuring an exclusive blend of a&#231;ai berry and other nutrient-dense fruits. MonaVie is designed to provide consumers with the antioxidants and phytonutrients they need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $785 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Foods and nutritional  products
Markets: 12
Distributors: 1 million+
Employees: 450
Headquarters: South Jordan, Utah
Year Founded: 2005

18. Omnilife*

Sales: $750 million+
Country: Mexico

Omnilife Manufactura S.A. de C.V. is owned by ultimate parent company Grupo Omnilife S.A. de C.V. The company has independent consultants in 23 markets in South America, North America, Central America, Asia and Europe.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $750 million+
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Nutritional supplements, weight-management and beauty products, beverages, cosmetics, fragrances
Markets: 23
Distributors: 4.5 million
Employees: 400
Headquarters: Zapopan, Mexico
Year Founded: 1992

19. PartyLite (Blyth Inc.)

Sales: $621.6 million
Country: USA

Beginning with a single line of bayberry candles, PartyLite is, today, the world’s largest direct seller of candles and home-fragrance products. Blyth Inc. became the parent company in 1990. In select markets, consultants also offer Two Sisters Gourmet foods.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $621.6 million
Marketing Style: Party plan
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Candles, candle warmers, flameless fragrance, home accents, personal-care products and food products
Markets: 14
Distributors: 64,000
Employees: 1,250
Headquarters: Plymouth, Mass.
Year Founded: 1973
Stock Symbol: BTH—NYSE

20. NOEVIR Co. Ltd.

Sales: $613.9 million
Country: Japan

The Noevir Group consists of 13 companies, headed by Noevir Co. Ltd. in Japan. With five domestic—and eight international—subsidiaries, Noevir is developing a global business. The Noevir Group distributes its portfolio of brands through a variety of channels, including direct sales, retail and business to &#8201;business.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $613.9 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person, retail and business-to-business
Compensation Plan: Not available
Products: Skincare, body care, nutritional supplements and cosmetics
Markets: 8
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 1,085
Headquarters: Japan
Year Founded: 1964
Stock Symbol: 4916/TYO SE

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 楼主| 发表于 12-6-2010 10:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
21. ACN

Sales: $553 million
Country: USA

ACN is one of the pioneers in digital phone service. It also provides communications bundles with video phone, local and long distance phone service, Internet, wireless, satellite TV, and home security products.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $553 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Telecommunications services (including mobile and video phones), satellite TV and home security
Markets: 20
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 1,100
Headquarters: Concord, N.C.
Year Founded: 1993

22. WIV Wein International AG

Sales: $535.4 million
Country: Germany

WIV Wein is a direct seller of wine, providing at-home wine tastings for customers. The company has its own estates/cellars and forms partnerships with top-quality wineries. Its largest markets are Germany, France, Britain, Japan, the United States and Italy.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $535.4 million
Marketing Style: Direct selling and retail
Compensation Plan: Not available
Products: Wines
Markets: 23
Distributors: 4,000
Employees: 1,511
Headquarters: Burg Layen, Germany
Year Founded: Approximately 1960

23. LG Household & Health Care*

Sales: $520 million
Country: South Korea

LG H&H is an established leader in the Korean household goods and cosmetics industries. Products include Perioe, Elastine, Tech, OHUI, WHOO, ISA, KNOX and others. Its household good include oral-care products, skin- and hair-care products, laundry products, and paper products. LG H&H cosmetics products comprise foam cleansers, facial moisturizers, eye shadows, pressed powders, foundations, lipsticks, eye creams, essence, lotions and perfumes under the brand names of OHUI, LacVert, ISA KNOX and VONIN.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $520 million
Marketing Style: Not available
Compensation Plan: Not available
Products: Cosmetics and household products
Markets: 5
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 2,745
Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea
Year Founded: 1947
Stock Symbol: 051900—SEO

24. Pampered Chef Ltd.

Sales: $500 million+
Country: USA

Pampered Chef sells more than 300 gourmet kitchen tools, cookware, cookbooks and foodstuffs. Founded in 1980, Pampered Chef was sold to Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by billionaire Warren Buffett, in 2002.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $500 million+
Marketing Style: Party plan
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: High-end tools for cooking and entertaining
Markets: 6
Distributors: 60,000
Employees: 800
Headquarters: Addison, Ill.
Year Founded: 1980
Stock Symbol: BRK-A—NYSE

24. Shaklee Corp.

Sales: $500 million+
Country: USA

Founded in 1956, Shaklee manufactures its products and distributes them through its website and more than 750,000 representatives in North America and Asia. The company is known for its green products and social responsibility efforts.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $500 million+
Marketing Style: Person-to-person (also retail in Singapore)
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Nutritional supplements, skin care, weight management, green cleaners
Markets: 8
Distributors: 1.25 million members and distributors
Employees: 750
Headquarters: Pleasanton, Calif.
Year Founded: 1956

26. Yanbal International/Unique

Sales: $490 million
Country: Peru

Yanbal International was founded in Peru and sells cosmetics, personal-care products, fragrances and jewelry through catalogs and its beauty consultants.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $490 million
Marketing Style: Party plan
Compensation Plan: Single level
Products: Personal-care products, cosmetics, jewelry and fragrances
Markets: 8
Distributors: Not available
Employees: 3,000
Headquarters: Lima, Peru
Year Founded: 1967

27. Amore Pacific

Sales: $475.5 million
Country: South Korea

Amore Pacific is an old favorite in South Korea, and its products can now be found on Sephora shelves in the United States. The company’s products use Asian botanicals and nanotechnology to deliver skincare and personal-care items.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $475.5 million
Marketing Style: Direct selling/retail stores
Compensation Plan: Not available
Products: Cosmetics, personal care, health products and tea
Markets: 3
Distributors: Not available
Employees: Not available
Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea
Year Founded: 1945
Stock Symbol: 090430 (Korea Stock Exchange)

28. Sunrider*

Sales: $462 million
Country: USA

Sunrider International manufactures and sells high-quality herbal products. With more than 400 individual products, the company offers many options. It changed its business plan on March 1 to make prices more market-sensitive, income opportunities more accessible, and the overall compensation plan easier to understand.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $462 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person and retail
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Food and nutritional products personal-care and household products
Markets: 42
Distributors: approximately 300,000
Employees: approximately 420
Headquarters: Torrance, Calif.
Year Founded: 1982

29. Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc.

Sales: $458 million
Country: USA

Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. was one of the first companies in the United States organized solely to design, underwrite and market legal expense plans. The company currently provides legal services to more than 1.5 million members across the United States and Canada.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $458 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Legal consultation services
Markets: 2
Distributors: 425,000
Employees: 813
Headquarters: Ada, Okla.
Year Founded: 1972
Stock Symbol: PPD—NYSE

30. Tahitian Noni International Inc.

Sales: $450 million
Country: USA

Tahitian Noni International (TNI) makes and markets juices, nutritional supplements, and skincare and hair-care products from Tahiti’s noni fruit. TNI was one of the pioneers in the superfruit beverage market.

Wholesale Corporate Revenue: $450 million
Marketing Style: Person-to-person
Compensation Plan: Multi-level
Products: Noni-based drinks, supplements, skincare, hair care
Markets: 30
Distributors: 500,000
Employees: 1,200
Headquarters: Provo, Utah
Year Founded: 1994

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发表于 22-7-2010 10:09 AM | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-7-2010 03:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 30-7-2010 01:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
Buffett 发表于 15-2-2010 01:20 AM



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 1-8-2010 12:55 AM | 显示全部楼层

市场上的直销已经 ...
taihou86 发表于 22-7-2010 10:09 AM


使用道具 举报

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