


楼主: exclusive


发表于 12-3-2013 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
pirate1618 发表于 12-3-2013 05:09 PM
我的意思是如果muscle build up 了就很难减脂肪了。。。

错,muscle build up 了更容易减脂肪...


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
jason_81 + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 13-3-2013 08:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
分享 kelechi opera 对 HIIT 和 LISS 的看法

HIIT TIP more like myth dispelled?
please share share share if you like this and to dispel the myths plus it tells me hey I should write more of stuff like this. Excuse any typos as I am too lazy to edit and write this off of the top of my noggin from what I have learned over the years from coaching people and research papers I have read over the years

Ok I am assuming if you are reading this your Nutrition is on point . If not download my Nutritionist App because trying to out train your diet is like trying to out run a bear because it will eventually catch up to you . 80% of your results is determined by nutrition not training ..unless you are a profession athlete then it might be 50-50 or 60-40 anyway I'm getting off track lol.

HIIT: Everybody swears by HIIT (High intensity interval training) nowadays, proclaiming its superiority over LISS (low intensity steady state cardio). Usually I post pics of my HIIT sessions which I do on sundays but truth be told I also do LISS on the same day concurrently . Why? They both have their pros & cons .
Its like whey and casein none can be said is superior to the other.

Let me give you the benefits of both
✔Release of the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline this translates to the removal of triglycerides from their cells . The actual moving of fat so to speak
✔Release of Noradrenaline mainly and because of this it's not as efficient as HIIT in removing triglycerides from fat cells. However its better for newbies starting out because of the low impact
✔Glycogen (carbs) are the preferred fuel source during this type of activity.
✔Fat is the preferred fuel source

✔ (Excess post oxygen consumption) or what some people call the after burn effect . This is what HIIT is famous for. All this means is your body will continue to burn calories hours after you finish . However, this depends on two things 1) Duration of the HIIT session as Epoc increases linearly the longer it goes 2) Intensity of HIIT session EPOC increases exponentially with higher intensity
**However EPOC isn't as massive as people think.

✔Better Fat oxidation (fat burning) and insulin sensitivity ...good insulin sensitivity in a nut shell determines where calories go . In other words do most of it go to skeletal muscle or fat cells?

A tangent on an oft spoken myth : Doing HIIT preserves muscle
Although its widely known that doing excessive LISS when trying to gain muscle results in dietary protein being utilized to produce and increase mitochondria density instead of (building) muscle. This is in addition to muscle fibers actually shrinking in order to utilize oxygen more efficiently. Along the same lines, doing excessive HIIT impedes muscle growth by activating the molecule AMPK which directly interferes with the mTor ( mammalian target of rapomyacin) pathway. The mTor molecule is crucial to muscle growth. Its how the amino acid Leucine stimulates muscle growth by acting directly on the mTor molecule(pathway).

Bottom line
For fat loss, its best to do both HIIT and LISS back to back . As mentioned above, HIIT is better than LISS at removing/emptying the fat cells because of the Adrenaline and Noradrenaline it causes the body to release. LISS is better than HIIT at burning/oxidizing fat so with it released , makes sense to oxidize the fat with LISS right after HIIT
For Muscle gain
LISS for only 20 mins at 130 bpm 2-3 times per week this way you don't friggin balloon when you are to gain muscle plus it keeps metabolic pathways open so that when you decide to lean out you won't need 12 weeks

what a lot of people don't realize is that there's a threshold where HIIT actually is suppose to start and that's at 70% of your max hear rate. Anything less and you might as well call it LISS
How do you calculate max heart rate?

Max heart rate= 205.8 - (0.685 × age). Anything below 70 percent of this you are not pushing yourself hard enough!

special note: Keep in mind max heart rate will vary depending on your fitness level so two people at the same age may get the same Max HR from the formula but its not entirely true. The formula is meant to give you as close approximation as possible.

If this has been hlepful let me know as well as any questions...OH YEAH ! there was a study that came out this week in Australia? Might be England.. that showed subjects experienced the same amount of fat loss doing an hour of HIIT per week as person would doing 5-7 hours of cardio. One thing should be kept in mind

1) The were relatively untrained which is why the gained muscle at the same time
2) the control group ...that is the other subjects they were comparing against weren't even exercising so it would have been better if they would have at least done some form LISS as cardio
3)Diet the biggest cofounder ...this to my knowledge wasn't even monitored. Regard less the mechanism for their fat loss was at least correct which is what I identified above

Bottom line its best to perform both as each have a benefit the other doesn't . They as a matter of fact complement one another like whey and casein.

I hope this helps some of you! 本帖最后由 KaySea 于 13-3-2013 06:57 PM 编辑


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发表于 16-4-2013 09:00 PM | 显示全部楼层


我很肥,21岁, 身高170 ,体重107kg
我平均去一星期去5 次gym . 每次练不同部位。
大概每次两小时吧, 针对每个部位的练法,我坚持做5种不一样的运动。
有时会做7种。每一种运动,我会做4set.。。 1 set 十下。
每一set 都会增点重量。
每次我都会先做15 分钟的cardio 先才来练身体其他部位。
然后练完了我会又做15分钟的cardio 来当做cooldown .

当然,我知道diet 也很重要。
早餐,我会吃些面包(2 到3 片) 或 我会吃些cereal with low fat milk .
午餐,我是看饿不饿,如果饿就吃些 low fat and low calories  的食物 。
晚餐, 我是完全不吃carbs 。 只是吃很多的蔬菜,两粒全熟蛋,然后鸡胸肉。

我有请教我的朋友,他说要减肥的话80%是靠diet , 20% 是靠training 。
还有一个小小的问题,我需要吃protein 吗?
听说吃protein 隔天肌肉不会那么疼痛。
各位大大,你们认为我应该喝protein 吗?
我最近在考虑买horley ripped factor protein 来喝。
我会选择horley 是因为觉得这个牌子好像比较出名,然后比较安全吧? 哈哈虽然是贵了点。  
因为它是给fat burn 之类的protein.


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发表于 16-4-2013 09:04 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
可以尝试Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey. 比较便宜,效果一流。

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发表于 16-4-2013 09:05 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
减肥原因 追女孩?哈哈哈

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发表于 16-4-2013 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
infernoliang911 发表于 16-4-2013 09:05 PM
减肥原因 追女孩?哈哈哈

你好, 哈哈。 猜对了一半,另一半是为了健康 。
hmm, 那么如果我的training 的方法还可以吧?

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发表于 16-4-2013 09:15 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Cardio 健身后才练吧,健身前要保留体力,所以最好不要先练cardio。
以你现在的阶段,focus 多点cardio比较好,重量练习等身体开始瘦下来了,才加重练习。

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发表于 16-4-2013 09:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
infernoliang911 发表于 16-4-2013 09:15 PM
Cardio 健身后才练吧,健身前要保留体力,所以最好不要先练cardio。
以你现在的阶段,focus 多点cardio比较 ...


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发表于 16-4-2013 09:24 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 16-4-2013 09:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
infernoliang911 发表于 16-4-2013 09:24 PM

determination !!

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发表于 16-4-2013 10:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
试看算你的 calorie intake。你朋友说的对,主要是靠饮食。另外,不可以 skip meal,会有反效果的。


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发表于 16-4-2013 10:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
加油。有时候吃些鱼很好。鱼油对减肥有帮助。你要炼大你的肌肉。这样可以烧跟多的calorie。 但是皮会松松的。我的还是松的

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发表于 17-4-2013 02:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
我个人不鼓励买burn fat supplement ...做cardio,diet就够了....说真的,,如果burn fat真的真的真的很有效..全世界没有肥的女人料....

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发表于 6-6-2013 05:47 PM | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 6-6-2013 07:27 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-6-2013 07:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-6-2013 12:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
我8个月 10kg..不用说什么希望。。敢敢去吧了

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发表于 7-6-2013 03:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 orange92637 于 14-4-2014 08:33 AM 编辑


参与人数 2人气 +8 收起 理由
oneavaya + 5 加油!身体健康最重要哦~!
gnne84 + 3 加油~



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发表于 9-6-2013 09:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
我也是肥男。。。172cm ,98.8KG

5月中因工作关系去美国公干了一阵子,狂吃狂喝爆肥到98公斤(小弟本来也超肥的,哈哈),过后认识了一班Gym freak鬼佬同事,最后一个礼拜被他们又骗又拐的带去了Gym Center折磨。刚开始也没做什么特别的,就和他们一样5分钟滑雪机热身,然后轮流举重,推胸,拿哑铃,还有拉两条绳子+weight(原谅我不会Gym的术语)。过后他们去冲凉,我就和另外一个肥仔继续玩滑雪机20-30分钟。

就这样和他们去了4 天Gym,饮食没什么改变。。。三天前,回到马来西亚的晚上,我不经意的秤了一下体重,竟然掉了3KG!!神奇之于也惊叹原来自己的体质如果运动的话可以瘦那么快。我是一个很容易流汗的人,只要上楼梯一楼我就会飙汗,非常恐怖!可能是身体已经超荷了,就好像吸满水的sponge,随便挤一挤就漏水了。意识到这个恐怖的现象,我终于认真了起来,现在体重95KG,目标70KG,为期9个月,要求不高,基本上只要轮胎减少一点,厚实的胸肌取代下坠的肥奶,宽阔的肩膀,大一点的三角肌,不需要有腹肌,小肚腩就好,屁股不要那么大,基本上大体的目标像那些Endomoph就好了。我期望不高,等目标达到了再定下一个目标,慢慢渐进,我怕太高目标太遥远。。。

其实单叫我做Cardio我会很懒惰,尤其是像我这种很肥的人,但是如果和重量训练一起做,我潜意识会觉得:“为了那厚实的胸肌,拼了阿!” ,当做完了重量后,看着别人跑步,心里会觉得:“反正都作了这么多重量,不在乎跑多那30分钟吧,去吧” 。。。 就这样半懒惰,半随便的心态下,我完成了cardio的那部分,还蛮神奇的。


今天早上又秤多一次,减少了0.9KG。。。94.1Kg 。。。路还很长,虽然不是很strict的diet plan,而且还是自己乱来编的,可是看着体重降下去和肌肉痛起来,真的很有满足感。现在在考虑要不要吃protein recover不然肌肉这样痛下去,迟早一天疯掉,哈哈 ...


参与人数 1人气 +3 收起 理由
gnne84 + 3 加油~



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发表于 10-6-2013 09:12 AM | 显示全部楼层



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