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楼主: WoTSea

World of tanks SEA 8.1 patch, British tank的到来。

 楼主| 发表于 11-5-2012 07:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  WoTSea

ProYBoy 发表于 10-5-2012 02:07 PM




发表于 12-5-2012 07:51 PM | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 15-5-2012 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层


发表于 16-5-2012 11:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
楼主, 请问目前还是删档的OBT阶段吗? 删档从新开始后,目前的玩家可以把什么留下?


 楼主| 发表于 16-5-2012 07:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主, 请问目前还是删档的OBT阶段吗? 删档从新开始后,目前的玩家可以把什么留下?
king15809 发表于 16-5-2012 11:50 AM



发表于 17-5-2012 04:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
哦。 好的。 不错的游戏。


Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 17-5-2012 04:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
哦。 好的。 不错的游戏。
king15809 发表于 17-5-2012 04:15 PM



 楼主| 发表于 19-5-2012 05:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
Tank Commanders,

Care to do a little security work to earn some extra gold? Take part in our “Protect the VIP” event and stand to receive in-game gold when you successfully secure the safety of the VIP in your team and win the match by either eliminating the opposing team or securing their base.

CMs will create a room in the training room and players can join in to battle
VIPs will use AMX40 and the team members will be required to protect their VIP
The team that kills the opposing team's VIP and win the battle will emerge as the winning team

Protect the VIP Event

Secure the safety of the VIP in your team and win the match (either by eliminating the opposing team or securing their base) for victory!

Date of event: 19th May, 2012 (Saturday) – 20th May, 2012 (Sunday)

Time of event: 1st session 2 – 4pm (SG, MY, PH), 1 – 3pm (TH). 2nd session 6 – 8pm (SG, MY, PH), 5 – 7pm (TH)

Tiers Allowed:

Tanks up to tier 4

Artillery level : 2

Tank destroyer level : 3

Light tank level : 4

Medium tank level : 4

Heavy tank level : 4

Victory Conditions:

Protect your own VIP
Win the match by either eliminating the opposing team or capturing their base
BONUS: The player who lands the killing blow on the opposing team’s VIP will get an additional 300 gold, even if the player is in the losing team.


The winning team will receive 4,500 gold which will be shared among all the players in the team.
Players can only win once a day. Winners will not receive more gold by participating multiple times a day.




 楼主| 发表于 21-5-2012 10:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
Shot Bounced
We didn't even scratch them!
That one didn't go through!
We didn't penetrate their armor!
It bounced off!
That one ricocheted!
We've just dinged them.

Shot Penetrated
Punched right through their armor!
We've hit them hard!
They're hit!
Another one like that should finish them off!
Nice shot!
Enemy is hit.
Enemy armor is damaged.
We've got them.

Critical Damage To Enemy
Critical hit!
We nailed them bad!
Thats gotta hurt!
Looks like that one went right through!

Splash Damage To Enemy
That was close!
They're right outside!

Enemy On Fire
Enemy on fire!
Enemy fuel tank is hit!
We've torched him!
We lit that one up good!

Enemy Knocked Out
Enemy destroyed!
Another one down!
Enemy vehicle eliminated!
Enemy vehicle knocked out!
We finished him off!
Hes gone - find us another target!
They're knocked out.
Enemy armor is destroyed.
Enemy vehicle destroyed!

Friendly Fire
That was one of ours!
We've killed a friendly!
We've destroyed one of our own vehicles!
We've hit one of our own vehicles!

Player On Fire
We're on fire! Put it out!
Put out the fire!
Grab a fire extinguisher and put that out!
Smother those flames!
Fire, put it out quickly!
We're on fire!

Fire Extinguished
The fire is out!
We've put out the fire!
The fire is extinguished!
We've put out the flames!

Player Knocked Out
We're done for!
Bail out. This vehicle has had it!
Vehicle destroyed!
We're done for! Get out!
Bail out! We're finished!
We've had it! Let's get out of here!

Auto-aim Target Locked On
Target acquired!
Target locked!
Ready to fire on target!
Permission to engage!
Ready to fire

Auto-aim Target Lost
I can't see them anymore!
We've lost the target!
Target has moved away!
Where did the target go?
Target lost.
I don’t see the target.

Commander Killed
The Commander is knocked out!
The Commander is hit!

Driver Killed
Our Driver is dead We can barely move!
The Driver is hit! We can't go very fast!
The Drivers a goner! The controls aren't responding!

Gunner Killed
Gunner is dead! We're shooting blind!
Gunners gone - somebody get on the gun!

Loader Killed
The Loader is dead! Our rate of fire is slow!
Our Loader is gone! We can't fire as fast!
The Loader bought the farm!
They got our Loader!

Radio Operator Killed
The Radioman is dead! Our Radio range is reduced!
Our Radioman is hit! Radio range has dropped!
They got the Radioman! Stay close to other vehicles!

Ammo Damaged
Our ammunition rack was hit!
Ammo hit! We're lucky it didn't blow!
We've lost some ammo, but at least it didn’t explode.

Engine Damaged
The engine is damaged! We've slowed down!
We're losing power!
The engine is cutting out!
They hit the engine! We're losing speed!
We've lost half of our engine power.
The engine is smoking.

Engine Destroyed
Engine stalled, we can't move!
Critical engine damage - we're stopped!
They hit the engine! We can't move!
They've taken out our engine - we're stuck!
Critical engine damage - we're stuck here.
Our engine is knocked out.

Engine Repaired
Engine fixed. Let's move on!
We've fixed the engine, but we can't go too fast!
The engine is holding together for now - don't push it!
The engine is fixed, but its not going to hold up the speed.
We've repaired the engine, but we can't go very fast.

Fuel Tank Damaged
Fuel tank hit!
Our gas tank is hit!
We've been hit in the fuel tank!
Our fuel tank is hit! We've lost half our gas.
Our gas tank's corrupted

Gun Damaged
Main gun hit!
Main gun damaged! We've lost accuracy!
Our cannon was hit!
Our main gun is damaged. Its working but not very well.
The main gun is damaged. We cant fire accurately.

Gun Destroyed
Main gun destroyed We can't shoot!
Main gun knocked out!
They've knocked out our cannon!
Our cannon is destroyed!
The main gun is destroyed.
They took out our gun.
The main gun is knocked out!

Gun Repaired
Main gun repaired but its not going to shoot straight anymore!
The cannon is up but the sights are still off!
The main gun is working but not very well.
The main gun is up, but accuracy is off.
We've fixed the main gun, but its still not very accurate.

Radio Damaged
Radio hit! We can only talk locally.
Radio is hit! Radio range decreased
The Radio is damaged! See if you can raise anyone!
The Radio is hit. We cannot raise anyone outside this area.
The antena is damaged! We can only talk locally.

Sighting Device Damaged
Optics hit! Spotting range reduced!
The periscope is damaged! Its hard to see!
Vision devices damaged - visibility decreased!
The rangefinder is hit.

Sighting Device Destroyed
Spotting range reduced to 50 meters.
Viewfinder knocked out! We can hardly see anything!
They've hit our viewports! Can't see anything!
We can barely see through the scope, nothing pass 50 meters.
The range finder took a hit, we can only shoot close targets.

Sighting Device Repaired
Optics repaired!
Viewfinder back up - visibility increased!
We've cleared the viewports! Keep your eyes open!
We've got the range finder working, but it's fragile.
The periscope is fixed, but it's still fragile.

Turret Rotator Damaged
Turret hit, rotating speed decreased.
Turret ring hit - its moving slowly!
They hit the turret controls!
The turret ring is damaged, we can barely turn it.

Turret Rotator Destroyed
Turret jammed!
They destroyed the turret controls!
The turret is stuck!
The turret controls are busted, we can't turn it.

Turret Rotator Repaired
The turret is fixed, but its still not turning quickly!
The turret works now, but be gentle with it!
You can turn the turret slowly now.
We've fixed the turret, but it still not turning very fast.
Try rotaining the turret slowly, it should be working now.

Track Damaged
Our track is hit! It could break any minute!
A track is damaged!
One of our tracks was hit!
One of ours tracks is damaged!
Track hit!

Track Destroyed
One of our tracks is gone! We can't move!
We've lost a track! We're immobilized!
They blew off our track! We're stuck!
We're immobilized!
We've lost a track!

Track Repaired
Track fixed, let's roll!
Track repaired, drive on!
We fixed the track! Get going!
Tracks up, lets roll!
We fixed the track, let's roll!


发表于 22-5-2012 11:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 foxjaden 于 22-5-2012 11:37 AM 编辑

新手上路。foxjaden 加我为友 ,


 楼主| 发表于 22-5-2012 01:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
新手上路。foxjaden 加我为友 ,
foxjaden 发表于 22-5-2012 11:33 AM



发表于 24-5-2012 01:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
KV 的弱点是他的大头,大头的侧面及后部都能让KV 伤得很严重。

我用 BDR 1B 以及 flank technique, 杀死了3辆 KV ,都是打头!

KV 很多人用但其实每个人只注意到 kv 的耐打,不知道 KV 不止速度慢,而且 view range 断。

BDR 有 710m view range, KV 只最多 300++m,
KV 的 camo 也少,体型大,很容易被敌人群轰。




发表于 24-5-2012 01:58 AM | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
WoTSea + 1 感谢分享,果然是实力派




发表于 24-5-2012 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 491# WoTSea

tier3了,我用usa m3 sturt n ussr t-46


 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2012 05:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
KV 的弱点是他的大头,大头的侧面及后部都能让KV 伤得很严重。

我用 BDR 1B 以及 flank technique, 杀死 ...
yanggood 发表于 24-5-2012 01:56 AM



 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2012 05:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  WoTSea

tier3了,我用usa m3 sturt n ussr t-46
foxjaden 发表于 24-5-2012 03:55 PM

tier 3 基本上还是会被人欺负,迟些拿了tier 5的坦克就不必忧虑了



发表于 25-5-2012 10:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
楼主,反应一下。这几天晚上的线都很卡, 这样会很难继续玩下去。


 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2012 03:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主,反应一下。这几天晚上的线都很卡, 这样会很难继续玩下去。
king15809 发表于 25-5-2012 10:28 AM



发表于 25-5-2012 08:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

(posted by mobile)


 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2012 11:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

(pos ...
FemaleSeeker 发表于 25-5-2012 08:22 PM



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