发表于 15-1-2008 06:55 PM
回复 5# 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 daimon 于 15-1-2008 07:04 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 15-1-2008 11:32 PM
原帖由 e=mc2 于 15-1-2008 11:21 AM 发表
我们知道主耶稣基督是圣洁的羔羊,是没有罪行与罪性的,他来是为拯救我们这些失丧的灵魂,叫我们籍着他认识上帝,他就是道路,真理,生命,除他 ...
圣经上就说了啊... 证据也就是圣经咯.... |
发表于 16-1-2008 12:01 AM
回复 1# e=mc2 的帖子
5:6 因 我 们 还 软 弱 的 时 候 , 基 督 就 按 所 定 的 日 期 为 罪 人 死 。
5:7 为 义 人 死 , 是 少 有 的 , 为 仁 人 死 , 或 者 有 敢 作 的 。
5:8 惟 有 基 督 在 我 们 还 作 罪 人 的 时 候 为 我 们 死 , 神 的 爱 就 在 此 向 我 们 显 明 了 。
老死的话,就不是按着神所定的日期了。 |
发表于 16-1-2008 12:50 AM
但那都是不完美的,一定要用完全圣洁尊贵羔羊的血当祭,才能完全将人的污秽洗干净 |
发表于 16-1-2008 01:24 AM
JESUS死有50个理由。。。我很久之前已经分享了几次 |
发表于 16-1-2008 11:33 AM
原帖由 PenangPpl 于 15-1-2008 05:05 PM 发表
人犯罪 (吃禁果)
我们那么辛苦 因为我们的祖先 第一个亚当 犯罪
神不是 爽爽造人
神造人 是要让人统治整个地球的生物 享受世界的美丽 ...
造了人却又叫来大水(如果是真的话)把全部的人淹死除了那个叫挪亚的一家和全部的(三对?)动物.还不谈上当时挪亚是怎样从世界的每个脚落都带回一双的动物(不管是中国的熊猫,komodo dragon或北极的企儿??).
[ 本帖最后由 chtan69 于 16-1-2008 11:43 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 16-1-2008 04:46 PM
发表于 16-1-2008 04:50 PM
发表于 16-1-2008 04:59 PM
回复 13# 的帖子
yer。。。你要这样讲人咩。。。不是每个人都会那么容易相信的嘛。。。你去问你教会的弟兄姐妹看看下,他们当初也不会那么容易相信JESUS这样的神话的。。。 |
发表于 16-1-2008 05:09 PM
原帖由 liewjian 于 16-1-2008 04:50 PM 发表
那么你应当更加要感谢 神,你连他是谁,怎样的人都不知却又相信他成为你的救主,这是 神的恩典,也是你对他的信心的缘故,因信得义。
就好比你相信那位BAS SEKOLAH 的司机一样,为何你不先问问他会不会带你去何兰 ...
还有楼上的那一位,请读完全部的article才发表不迟.整篇article都是再说明Jesus的存在都是一个问题.NT Wright这个pseudoscientist观点也值得看吗?
还有建议你去看没修改过的old testement(应该很难找到了).去看看你所为的神是多残暴的.后爱的版本都经过修改的.去掉很多你们看不到"精彩"的"故事".
关于Ressurection of the son of god,你可知道不同版本的圣经都自相矛盾吗?我在很早之前以经在这里讲过了.
1. Matthew 28:1 states two women (Mary Magdalene, and the otherMary) came to the tomb; Mark 16:1 states it was three women (Mary Magdalene, and Marythe mother of James, and Salome); Luke 24:10 agrees it was three women but gives a different listof three than Mark (Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James); John 20:1 states it was only Mary Magdalene.
2. Mark 16:2 states "the sun hadrisen" at the time of this visit, while John 20:1 states "it was stilldark."
3. Matthew 28:2 says "an angel""came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it"; Mark 16:5 says the women encountered "ayoung man sitting at the right" of the tomb (rather than upon the stone); Luke 24:4 says they saw "twomen" who "suddenly stood near them in dazzling clothing"; in John 20:1, Mary Magdalene saw nothing other than a moved stone.
4. There is also a discrepancy as towhatever dialogue occurred between this angel(s) or man (men) and the women: Matthew 28:5-7 and Mark 16:6-7 generally agree the women weretold that Jesus (peace be upon him) had risen, and instructed to advise the disciples that"He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead ofyou into Galilee, there you will see Him" (Matthew 28:7), and ; Luke 24:6-7 contains no instruction to advise the disciplesabout an appearance by Issa in Galilee.
5. To whom did Jesus (peace be uponhim) appear first: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as Matthew 28:9 claims? Mary Magdalene only as Mark 16:9 claims? Cephas (Peter) and then the other disciples,as 1 Corinthians 15:5 claims? Matthew 28:9 claims that Issa (peace be upon him) appearedbefore the women even had reported to the disciples what the found (or didnt) at the tomb.Also in Mark 16:9 the appearance to Mary Magdalene was before Mary madeany report to the disciples. However, John and Luke report no appearance before thewomen reported an empty tomb to the disciples.
6. Which disciples went to the tombeter alone (Luke 24:12)? Peter and John (John 20:2-8)? Did the disciples believe the reports of thewomen (or woman) and proceed to Galilee, as Matthew 28:16 claims? Or did they disbelieve these reports as Mark 16:11 and Luke 24:11 claim?
7. In appearing to the disciples, towhom did Jesus (peace be upon him) first appear: All eleven together (Matthew 28:17-18)? Two of them on the road, then to all eleventogether (Mark 16:12-14 and Luke 24:13-31)? To ten of the eleven (minusThomas) together (John 20:19-24)? To Peter, then the others (1 Corinthians 15:5)? The story recounted in John 20:25-29 is all premised on an appearance of Jesus (peacebe upon him) before the disciples at which Thomas was not present! Matthew 28:17-18, Mark 16:12-14 and Luke 24:13-31 all disagreewith John about any such meeting taking place in the absence of Thomas!
8. In Acts and the Gospel of Luke, thedisciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem and, in fact, met Jesus (peace be upon him)there (see Acts 1:4 and Luke 24:33, 47, 49). In Matthew 28:10 and Mark 16:6-7, the disciples are commanded togo to Galilee, and in Matthew 28:16-18, we are told they see Jesus (peace be uponhim) there, not in or near Jerusalem!
9. Mark says that after appearingbefore the eleven disciples together in Gallilee, Jesus (peace be upon him) ascended toHeaven (Mark 16: 14, 19). Luke says Jesus (peace be upon him) ascendedto Heaven at Bethany after walking with the disciples some time (Luke 24:50-51). John says Jesus (peace be upon him) appeared tothe disciples at three times and that some of these appearances were near the Sea ofGallilee (Lake Tiberias) (John 21:1, 14). According to Acts the disciples were at Mt.Olivet, a days journey from Jerusalem, when the ascension occurred (Acts 1:9-12).
10. In 1 Corinthians 15:5-8, it is claimed that Jesus (peace be uponhim) appeared to more than five hundred witnesses before his ascent to heaven - a claimdirectly contradicted at least by Mark, who says the ascension occurred immediately afteran appearance before the eleven disciples (Mark 16: 14, 19).
[ 本帖最后由 chtan69 于 16-1-2008 05:29 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-1-2008 12:52 PM
回复 15# chtan69 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 daimon 于 17-1-2008 12:59 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-1-2008 01:11 PM
如果怀疑耶稣是神这倒可以了解。。。 |
发表于 17-1-2008 09:28 PM
旧约。。上帝的种种很偏激的描述~的确让很多人不明白~因为就连我也不明白。。在读旧约时,我也一直有这个问题“上帝为什么你要这样做?他们都死了ei!!” sad..
anyway~祝平安喜乐 |
发表于 17-1-2008 09:36 PM
回复 18# 的帖子
JESUS是上帝,如果旧约的上帝是残暴的,那么JESUS也应该是残暴的。 |
发表于 17-1-2008 09:51 PM
说起来。。daimon~有时看你的帖会觉得很zadao。不懂你是一个怎样的基督徒。haha |
发表于 18-1-2008 09:43 AM
律法呢以摩西为中心 ,而基督就是耶稣。
身份不一样,因此在不同的时代的人们得到神待遇也是不一样的。 |
发表于 18-1-2008 12:53 PM
原帖由 e=mc2 于 18-1-2008 10:24 AM 发表
这可真奇怪,你是否看过没修改过的old testement呢?是指旧约全部37卷书吗?没修改过是指圣经原稿?羊皮卷?如果不是,那你怎么知道你看的那版本是没修改过呢? 况且整个旧约37本书的原稿都被发现了吗?
我的 ...
Psa. 145:9. The Lord is good to all. (Deut. 32:4; James 1:13)
Is. 45:7 I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things. (Lam 3:38; Jer. 18:11; Ezek. 20:25)
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. (Luke 2:14; Acts 10:36)
Matt. 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matt. 10:35-37; Luke 22:36)
Exod 32:27
Thus sayeth the LORD God of Israel, "Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour".
还有很多,迟些有空我paste上来.... |
发表于 18-1-2008 09:30 PM
创世纪:6:20 飞鸟各从其类、牲畜各从其类、地上的昆虫各从其类、每样两个、要到你那里、好保全生命。
至于在最初的圣经(比如那些希腊文或希伯来文的圣经是否用“到”这词我就不知道了。。还请其他人可以看看这说法是否说的通) |
发表于 18-1-2008 09:40 PM
回复 24# chtan69 的帖子
chtan如果真的对BIBLE很有兴趣的话,不妨可以学原文看看原文的BIBLE哦。。。加油 |
发表于 18-1-2008 10:15 PM
原帖由 chtan69 于 16-1-2008 11:33 AM 发表
造了人却又叫来大水(如果是真的话)把全部的人淹死除了那个叫挪亚的一家和全部的( ...
2〕什么是神?您对神的了解有多少?您有见过神的威力吗?挪亚建的船,您有亲眼见过吗?神preserve那些动物的方法难道就一定要根据science meh? "神是Omnipotent". 您明白吗?
3) 那个article是Atheist写的。他们当然会找理由来推翻神的存在。尤其是用所谓的Logic, common sense 还有各种science的推理等来解释神的不存在。科学证明不到的东西不代表他不存在,神的存在若这么容易的被science的推理证明到的话,我们还会称他为神吗?
4) 您所谓的“包你神父也答不了”的问题和矛盾:(很抱歉,由于我的华语很烂,所以就用英语〕
1. Matthew 28:1 states two women (Mary Magdalene, andthe otherMary) came to the tomb; Mark 16:1 states it was three women (Mary Magdalene,and Marythe mother of James, and Salome); Luke 24:10 agrees it was three women but gives adifferent list of three than Mark (Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary themother of James); John 20:1 states it was only Mary Magdalene. John 20:1 did not use the word “only”, it says “…MaryMagdalene came to the tomb…” and Matthew 28:1 did not states ONLY 2 women, itsays Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, this does not mean that ONLY 2 of themwent. Mark 16:1 – THE NEXT EVENING, when the Sabbath ended, Mary Magdalene andSalome and Mary the mother of James went out and purchased burial spices to puton Jesus’ body. This was actually a different story.*sigh*
2. Mark 16:2 states "thesun hadrisen" at the time of this visit, while John 20:1 states "itwas stilldark."
The sun had risen does not mean it was VERYBRIGHT It was risen but yet it can be dark….it was still dark does not mean itwas VERY DARK like during the night.
3. Matthew 28:2 says "anangel""came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it"; Mark 16:5 says the women encountered "ayoung man sitting at the right" of thetomb (rather than upon the stone); Luke 24:4 says they saw "twomen"who "suddenly stood near them in dazzling clothing"; in John 20:1, Mary Magdalene saw nothing other than amoved stone. Each Gospel writer chose to highlightdifferent details as he explained the same story, just as eyewitnesses to anews story each may highlight a different aspect of that event. Mark probablyemphasized only the angel who spoke. The unique emphasis of each Gospel showsthat the four accounts were written independently.
4. There is also a discrepancy as towhateverdialogue occurred between this angel(s) or man (men) and the women: Matthew 28:5-7 and Mark 16:6-7 generally agree thewomen weretold that Jesus (peace be upon him) had risen, and instructed toadvise the disciples that"He has risen from thedead; and behold, He is going ahead ofyou into Galilee, there you will seeHim" (Matthew 28:7), and ; Luke 24:6-7 contains no instruction to advise thedisciplesabout an appearance by Issa in Galilee. Contains no instruction does not mean it does not exist. Let say u bought 2 differentreference books for your SPM study (for example Chemistry, book A says “most ofthe catalysts are transitions metals” and book B did not relate catalysts totransitions metals does not mean that most of the catalysts are DEFINITELY NOTtransitions metals.
5. To whom did Jesus (peace be upon him) appearfirst: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as Matthew 28:9 claims? Matthew28:9 – And as they went, Jesus met them and greeted them…. MaryMagdalene only as Mark 16:9 claims?
Mark 16:9 - …the firstperson who saw him was Mary Magdelene… Matt 28:9 says Jesus met THEM , MaryMagdalene may be the first or may not,
Cephas (Peter) and then the other disciples,as 1 Corinthians 15:5 claims? 1 Corinthians 15:5 – He was seen by Peter and then by the Twelve. So… what isthe problem with this verse, nothing about 1st or 2nd is mentioned. Matthew 28:9 claims that Issa (peace be upon him)appeared before the women even had reported to the disciples what the found (ordidn’t) at the tomb. Please read this verse correctly and understand it. Also in Mark 16:9 the appearance to Mary Magdalene wasbefore Mary made any report to the disciples. However, John and Luke report noappearance before the women reported an empty tomb to the disciples. Luke 24:9 - So they rushed back from the tomb to tell hiseleven disciples-and everyone else- what had happened. ----- The whole thingdoes not show any contradictory.
[ 本帖最后由 Shwein1990 于 18-1-2008 10:17 PM 编辑 ] |
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