楼主 |
发表于 17-10-2006 12:39 AM
原帖由 chew_hong 于 15-10-2006 09:44 PM 发表
股名 介绍日期 当时价钱 现在价钱(13/10)
LKT 1/8/2006 3.20 3.84(升了20%)
BONIA 6/9/2006 1.36 1.56(升了15%)
BONIA-WA 6/9/2006 ...
说来幸运,我在2003年中在朋友的介绍下才知道佳礼论坛网站,有幸拜读了 klse.8k 的投资文章,加上其它网友们分享的经验和功课,为我的投资理念和策略打下正确的根基。少走很多冤枉路。
1. ROE > 15%
2. EPSG > 30% 越高越好。 (EPSG = Earning Per Share Growth)
3. PE 越低越好。
4. D/E < 0.5, (如 EPSG 够高,可以妥协)
重要的 ROE>15%
高 ROE 代表高赚钱能力。Warren Buffet 选股首重 ROE>15%。这也造成各基金经理选股也首重 ROE>15%。
而我们买入 ROE 有机会达到 >15% 的股也意味着基金接下来会来‘帮’我们推高股价。
我并不刻意追求 ROE 要至少 3 年或 5 年 > 15%,通常一只股超过两或三年 ROE>15%,都不再享有‘落寞’的 PE。
(落寞的 PE,是指 PE <= 6)
通常,一个公司如果业务盈利成长,并取得或有机会首次达到 ROE>15% 时,这个时侯通常是很好的买入时机,也就是所谓的蓄势待发。
2003 年买入的 topglov 和 TSH, 2005 年买入的 Mah Sing,其中 TSH 和 MahSing 在买入的那个时候还未取得 ROE>15%。
而 Topglov 则是唯一一个成为连续十年成长高达 40% 千里马。TSH 则不敌棕油周期的走势,其 EPS 在 Ekowood 上市时达到高峰,之后便一路下跌了。
Mah Sing 则取得五年的不错 EPSG, 不过要取得 Topglov 的地位,则需努力奋斗保持 EPSG 多五年。
EPSG: 开翻的硬道理
从这里,我的经验中,排除了被炒作的因素,一个股价的中长期走势,和她的 EPSG 的走向有着十分密切的关系。
所以,我分析股项的时候,其未来 EPSG 的走势,已成为我高度关注的数据。
也可以说,当我觉得这个股今年以及明年的 EPS 有很大的机会成长或走高,我会考虑买进。
当我觉得她的 EPS 已经来到高峰,无法再突破时,我会考虑卖出。
如果她公布的 EPS 和我预测的差很远或大幅下跌,我想会即刻卖出全部或部分止损。
相信有驾奴过千里马或有以基本面分析开过番的老虎及朋友们,都不会否认 EPSG 的重要性。
加上大牛(PE>30 的那种牛)在我心中已‘成为神话’,投资要开翻唯有依靠 EPSG (或股息)开翻了。
所以,有潜能取得强劲 EPSG 的股项,才会提起我的兴趣,进一步去探讨她的未来 ROE, PE, D/E 等。
当你发现我对 EPSG 的重视后,就不难发现我选的股都有良好的 EPSG 历史纪录:
Mahsing EPSG
2006 = >30% (我的预测)
2005 = 80.37%
2004 = 70.51%
2003 = 177.05%
2006 = >50% (我的预测)
2005 = 192.37%
2004 = 转亏为盈
2006 = >25% (我的预测)
2005 = 67.50%
2004 = 9.58%
2003 = 196.05%
EPSG 的改变,将影响什么呢?
强劲的 EPSG,将会使 ROE 强劲提升,使 PE 猛烈下挫,使负债 (D/E) 大幅度下降,使现金流获得改善:
我们可以看看他们之间的 formulae:
PE = Price/EPS
从这里,就可以发现 EPS 在基本法分析中的重要位置。
必须强调的是,EPS 里面的 Earning,必须是主要业务的盈利,而非卖地,卖厂,或卖股的盈利。因为这种盈利是一次性的,无法持久。
接下来,讲讲 D/E:
Mahsing 的 D/E ratio 也因为其盈利改善,从 0.91 下跌至 0.5x,Bonia 的 D/E 也有望从 1.x 下跌到 0.6x。
LKT 的负债则非常健康,接近 0.1x 而已,连 expansion 都不须借钱。
D/E 的改善是一个附加的有利指标。原因是基金投资机构都不喜欢高负债,高 D/E 的公司。
这也是为什么 Megan, YeChiu,Tawin,Bonia 等一直在低 PE 的价位徘徊。
最明显的例子非 Megan 莫属,其超高的 D/E 已经反映在其超低的 PE 上。
我曾经在 TSH-WA 和现在的 Mahsing-WA 开上两番。要在中短期一两年内得到如此高回筹,往往只有凭单做得到。
不过,高回筹的背后也意味着高风险,我也曾在以基本法分析下买入的 WCT-WA 亏近半翻和纯粹投机买入的 Kenmark-wa 全军覆没。
所以一旦 Bonia 来季出现无法预知或 out of expectation 的严重盈利下挫或亏损,我就必须忍痛断臂。
(回 cct65:Bonia-wa 截至日起是 2008年5月15日)
x x x
(Mah Sing, Digi, Ytl Cement 都是很好的例子)
x x x x
现在,讨论基本面数据分析的网友越来越少,不过我们最近还是有幸获得 kray_keigo, 北乔峰, jackphang, shuhjiunho, bnu, wtk75 等等的分享,希望每位网友能够以实际的行动,分享多一些好股,让论坛更为活泼实际。毕竟有认真做过功课,认真去找寻沧海遗珠的网友,都知道这是一个须要付出耐心及时间的过程。
[ 本帖最后由 os 于 17-10-2006 01:45 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-10-2006 01:32 AM
另外,Bonia-wa的Maturity Date不是15-5-2008吗?
难道是我搞错了? |
发表于 17-10-2006 10:19 AM
楼主 |
发表于 17-10-2006 01:48 PM
原帖由 chew_hong 于 17-10-2006 01:32 AM 发表
另外,Bonia-wa的Maturity Date不是15-5-2008吗?
不好意思,打错了。。。 |
发表于 17-10-2006 08:37 PM
以你的方法,凭单的投机很注重每季财政报告发布的买卖时机;在这方面你的看法又如何。 |
楼主 |
发表于 19-10-2006 12:13 AM
原帖由 human 于 17-10-2006 08:37 PM 发表
谢谢。逻辑上,如果要达到至少三年一个翻(或每年 26%)的回筹,那么我认为所投资的股项每年都必须取得 26% 以上的 EPSG。
即使 PE 保持不变,股价也会随着 EPS 的走高而走高。
不过我会尽力趋向寻找 EPSG > 40% 甚至 > 50% 的股项。
TopGlove aims for earnings 41% growth
新厂投产·生产力上升 顶级手套明年净利料增41%
刨花板(HEVEA,5095)斥資2億7000萬令吉興建刨花板新廠... 預計從2007年開始,營業額及盈利將增長4倍。
Techfast 放眼接下来三年取得介于 40 至 50% 的复成长率。
Mah Sing sales for the financial year ending Dec 31 are expected to hit RM600mil from RM509mil recorded last year
DiGi expects at least 20% growth in net profit
KNM sees annual growth of 30%
Ajinomoto M'sia targets double-digit growth for FY07
Reliance set for stronger growth
Uchitec keeps to average growth rate of 20%
GHLsys sees growth for next 25 years
Hexagon oversea growth
VS Industry: New plant to boost revenue by 20pc
PohKong's net profit surges 58%
SAAG 1H06 net profit surges 164% to RM7.7m
UMW's 1Q net profit surges 80%
Opus 1Q net profit surges 600%
Texchem's net profit surges 360%
x x x
我最常用来作估价展望的便是简单常用的 PE 了。
例如一毛左右的 Lbalum-wa 等。
(须注意的是,烂了可以再烂,再烂可以除牌 )
例如八分以下的 Silver-wa 等。
[ 本帖最后由 os 于 19-10-2006 12:35 AM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 19-10-2006 12:28 AM
Warrants/Loan Stocks Update: Potential in Bonia warrants
By Ng Kar Yean
Bonia Corp Bhd's share price has been going up since early this year. From a low of RM1.15 in January, it rose to the year's high of RM1.57 on Oct 6. Improving profits seem to be the main catalyst for this performance.
For the financial year (FY) ended June 30, 2006, the apparel and fashion accessories company's net profit increased by 70% to RM13.77 million, from RM8.09 million a year earlier. The jump in profit is much higher than the hike in revenue, which rose only 15% to RM221.37 million in FY2006 from RM192.04 million previously.
This gives Bonia a better net profit margin of 6.22% in FY2006, from 4.21% previously, and translates into a 60% increase in earnings per share (EPS) for the company to 31.68 sen. In the notes to its financial statement, the group says its better results were due to higher revenue achieved by its retail division and improvement in profit margin.
Despite the recent increase in its share price, Bonia is still trading cheap, at only five times its EPS in FY2006. This could be a factor sustaining trading interest in the stock.
Interest in Bonia's mother shares has also extended to its warrants. There are about 19 million Bonia warrants yet to be exercised. The warrants, which expire on May 15, 2008, have an exercise price of RM1.
The warrant price has been tracking the price movement of the mother share. Bonia warrants have seen their value increase by close to 200%, from about 20 sen in January to a year's high of 58 sen on Oct 5.
Last Thursday, Bonia's warrants closed at 57 sen while the mother share closed at RM1.52. With an exercise price of RM1 per warrant, it is now more expensive for an investor to buy a warrant and convert it into a mother share, than purchasing a mother share directly.
A total of 20.99 million warrants were issued under Bonia's rights issue of warrants last year. Bonia's shareholders were given the rights to subscribe for one warrant for every two existing shares held at an issue price of 10 sen per warrant. The warrants were listed on May 25, 2005. Proceeds from the rights issue of warrants and any exercise of such securities will be utilised for Bonia's working capital.
So, those who subscribed for the warrants at only 10 sen each now stand to gain. Based on last Thursday's closing price of Bonia's securities, a warrant holder could gain about 47 sen by selling one warrant. Alternatively, this warrant holder would gain 42 sen if he converted his warrant into a mother share by paying RM1 and then selling the share for RM1.52.
With such an investment gain, it is surprising that there are still 19 million Bonia warrants that have yet to be exercised. Only 10% of the total warrants issued, or about 1.99 million warrants, have been exercised.
One possible reason why Bonia shareholders are holding on to their warrants is that there is still upside to the company's mother share price, and in turn, the warrant price.
Last month, Bonia group managing director Albert Chiang told reporters that he expects the company to see better sales and profit margin with the tourism initiatives taken by the government for Visit Malaysia Year 2007. He expects a 20% sales growth in FY2007.
If Bonia's target is met, its revenue in FY2007 will increase by RM44 million to about RM265 million, from RM221 million a year earlier. Assuming that the company's net profit margin remains at 6.22%, it stands to rake in net profit of RM16.48 million in FY2007. This is a 19% jump from the RM13.77 million net profit posted a year earlier. These higher profits could lift Bonia's share price further. The company's generous dividends also lend support to its share price. Bonia has proposed a final dividend of eight sen per share and a special dividend of two sen per share less tax in FY2006. Based on its share price of RM1.57, this means a gross dividend yield of 6.3%.
Chiang says Bonia plans to open two boutiques at the Hong Kong International Airport by year-end, and also in Dubai airport next year.
In the next three to five years, Bonia hopes to double its overseas contribution, from 30% of revenue now, to 60%. It currently has 13 airport outlets, including four at Singapore's Changi Airport. The company's 200-odd overseas retail outlets are in Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. |
发表于 23-10-2006 12:38 AM
星期四我会进20粒bonia,我看好这间公司。今天我去lot10和1 utama,bonia店看到很多人潮。他的品牌也满高档的。。。 |
发表于 26-10-2006 04:19 PM
原帖由 ccsbih 于 23-10-2006 12:38 AM 发表
星期四我会进20粒bonia,我看好这间公司。今天我去lot10和1 utama,bonia店看到很多人潮。他的品牌也满高档的。。。
[ 本帖最后由 chew_hong 于 26-10-2006 04:21 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-10-2006 04:44 PM
希望明天能以低过RM0.70的价钱买回吧. |
发表于 26-10-2006 07:06 PM
PohKong's net profit surges 58%
surge是升还是跌? |
发表于 26-10-2006 10:57 PM
原帖由 chew_hong 于 26-10-2006 04:19 PM 发表
没有买到啊!我keyin rm1。56真后悔。。。明天一定要买。 |
发表于 27-10-2006 11:16 PM
发表于 30-10-2006 05:09 PM
发表于 30-10-2006 08:07 PM
现在BONIA & BONIA-WA 以经升了,还可以买进吗? |
发表于 30-10-2006 09:32 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-10-2006 11:12 PM
哈罗 kawan, 没有资料咧 |
发表于 31-10-2006 08:11 PM
Bonia-wa的涨幅比较大,我考虑等价钱在0.5=0.6进2千多块 |
发表于 1-11-2006 12:48 AM
发表于 5-11-2006 11:12 PM
我今天查到bonia股东(chong chin look)卖了很多票,各位大大知道他是谁吗? |
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