美国: Earn all government legacy bonuses in half the usual time.
阿兹特克: Spend Builder charges to complete 20% of the original district cost.
巴西: Rainforest tiles provide +1 adjacency bonus for Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site, and Theater Square districts. Rainforest tiles provide +1 Housing for Neighborhoods built adjacent to them.
中国: Eurekas and Inspirations provide 60% of civics and technologies instead of 50%.
埃及: Districts and Wonders are built 15% faster if placed adjacent to a river. Floodplains do not block placement of districts and wonders.
英国: Each Archaeology Museum holds 6 Artifacts instead of 3 and can support 2 Archaeologists at once.
法国: +20% Production toward Medieval, Renaissance and Industrial era wonders. Tourism from wonders of any era is doubled.
德国: Can build one more District than the population limit would normally allow.
希腊: Receive an extra Wildcard policy slot no matter which government is chosen.
印度: Receive the benefits of all Follower beliefs of Religions present in your cities, not just the one you founded.
日本: All districts receive an additional standard adjacency bonus for being adjacent to another district.
刚果: Bonus Food, Production and Gold from each Relic, Artifact, and Great Work of Sculpture. Bonus Great Artist and Great Merchant points each turn.
挪威: Units gain the ability to enter Ocean tiles after researching Shipbuilding. Units ignore additional Movement costs from embarking and disembarking.
罗马: All cities start with a Trading Post, and Trade Routes passing through them earn additional gold. New cities within Trade Route range of the capital start with a road to it.
斯基泰: Combat units receive a bonus vs. wounded opponents, and heal when defeating a unit.
西班牙: Trade Routes between continents give additional yields; can combine ships into fleets.
苏美尔: Clearing a barbarian camp also grants a tribal village reward.
Leader Bonuses
西奥多罗斯福: Units receive a +5 Combat Strength bonus on their home continent. +1 Appeal to all tiles in a city with a National Park. Gain the Rough Rider unique unit when they research the Rifling technology.
蒙特祖玛: Luxury resources in his territory provide an Amenity to 2 extra cities. Military units receive +1 Combat Strength for each different Luxury resource improved in Aztec lands.
佩德罗二世: After recruiting or patronizing a Great Person, 20% of its Great Person point cost is refunded.
秦始皇: When building Ancient and Classical wonders you may spend Builder charges to complete 15% of the original wonder cost. Builders receive an additional charge.
克利奥帕特拉: Your Trade Routes to other civilizations provide +4 Gold for Egypt. Other civilizations' Trade Routes to Egypt provide +2 Food for them and +2 Gold for Egypt.
维多利亚女王: When you settle on a continent other than your home continent, receive a free melee unit. Gain theRedcoat unique unit when you research the Military Science technology.
凯瑟琳德美第奇: Has 1 level of Diplomatic Visibility greater than normal with every civilization she's met. Receives capacity to build an extra Spy with the Castles technology.
甘地: Receive a Faith boost for each civilization you have met that has founded a religion and with whom you are not at war. Other civilizations suffer additional happiness penalties for warring against Gandhi.
腓特烈巴巴罗萨: Additional Military policy slot, +7 Combat Strength when attacking city-states.
伯利克里: Bonus Culture for every City-State to which Greece is the Suzerain.
北条时宗: Land units receive +5 Combat Strength in land tiles adjacent to Coast; naval units receive +5 Combat Strength in shallow water tiles. Builds Encampment, Holy Site and Theater Square districts in half the time.
姆本巴•恩津加: Kongolese cities can't build Holy Sites, but they do receive the benefits of the Founder Beliefs of any religion that has established itself as the majority religion in that city. Receives a free Apostle whenever an Mbanza or Theater District is built.
哈拉尔.哈德拉达: Norwegian naval melee units can perform coastal raids.
图拉真: New cities start with a free building, usually a Monument.
托米丽司: When producing light cavalry units, receive two instead of one.
腓力二世: Combat bonus vs. units of factions following other religions; Inquisitors have 1 extra Remove Heresy charge.
吉尔伽美什: When fighting a Join War, Sumerian units share pillage rewards and combat experience with the nearest allied unit within 5 tiles.
dlct87 发表于 28-9-2016 03:03 PM美国: Earn all government legacy bonuses in half the usual time.阿兹特克: Spend Builder charges to complete 20% of the original district cost.巴西: Rainforest tiles provide +1 adjacency ...