Crystal Dynamics 在微软 E3 发布会上公布《古墓丽影:崛起 | Rise of the Tomb Raider》今年11月10日在 Xbox One 发售。游戏总监 Brian Horton 表示,在开发上作时,他们有机会挖掘了 X1 的机能潜力,本作的开发过程是针对 Xbox One 而特别打造,这次的光源、动画、表情等各个系统,都已经重新改写。他们与微软团队紧密合作,其它开发者遇到 eSRAM 的限制对他们来说不是问题,目标是 1080p30。随着最新 SDK 的发布,采访的媒体认为不难达成。
游戏预定 11 月 10 在 Xbox One、Xbox 360 平台发售,与年度大作 Fallout 4 同一天。
During E3 2015, Game Director for ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ Brian Horton explained to GamingBolt how they will be pushing the power of the Xbox One to deliver a stunning gameplay and visual experience this holiday. Horton revealed that working on the definitive edition of the Tomb Raider reboot allowed them to push the Xbox One to its limits and everything that you will see in Rise of the Tomb Raider has been developed from the ground up.
“We were working during a generational shift where we were able to learn about the power of next generation consoles when we made the definitive edition of Tomb Raider but we really wanted to make Rise of the Tomb Raider from the ground up. Everything has been rewritten, the lighting engine has been rewritten, the animation engine for Lara’s facial expression has been completely redone. All of our material processing, lighting engine and everything has been overhauled to utilize the full power of the Xbox One,” Horton explained to GamingBolt.
Working closely with Microsoft meant that the development team did not face any issues with eSRAM or with the console itself, says Horton.
“We have a fantastic relationship with Microsoft. We got work directly with them and were able to understand how to get most out of the system and it has been a flawless experience so far.”
And finally, he confirmed that they are targeting 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second for the Xbox One version. And if the recent Xbox SDK updates are anything to go by, we are confident that Rise of the Tomb Raider will indeed achieve that resolution standard.