


楼主: bt5354


发表于 30-5-2013 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
据我说知,不要吃少过1200大卡因为如果少过我们的basic metabolic rate,这样对身体是不好的。



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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2013 11:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
lucpy 发表于 30-5-2013 11:23 AM
据我说知,不要吃少过1200大卡因为如果少过我们的basic metabolic rate,这样对身体是不好的。

http://ww ...


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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2013 11:39 AM | 显示全部楼层

Why 1200 calories isn’t healthy or acceptable

Hey Dolls! How are you all doing?

Thought I’d enlighten a bunch of you on how your body and calories work since I’ve been reading a lot of questions which revolve around the same point.

Alright. So, the human body is a machine. It runs on fuel, called calories. Calories are also the reason you gain weight.

Here’s how it goes: your body needs a certain amount of calories to work. This is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate. This differs from person to person based on how active you are. A person who has a desk job will have a lower metabolic rate than, say, someone who works in a machine shop and is constantly moving. Generally speaking, you need between 1600-2200 calories a day, unless you’re an athlete, in which case, you are undergoing training and know all this stuff already.

BMR is the calorie used by one’s body even if they lay in bed all day long. It’s the calories needed to be alive (breathing, heart beat, digestion etc..). Since most people don’t do nothing all day long, their body uses more calories. To know that amount, you have to multiply your BMR by a coefficient depending on your activity level.

You should never go under your BMR because it basically means your body don’t have enough calories to function normally so your metabolism slows down and you get energy from your muscle instead of fat (fat main usage is protection. when starving, it gets used after muscle).

Anyway, your body needs these calories to work. If it doesn’t get them, you’ll feel tired. If you get too much of them, they’ll be stored as fat. Quite a dilemma isn’t it? When you eat foot, your stomach digests it’s components. However, different components are digested at different rates. Carbs are digested the fastest, while fat is digested the slowest. Now, while it’s being digested, blood is flowing in and out. The food that’s in your stomach is being deposited around your body. Since fat is stored the most in your stomach, it is the most that gets deposited around your body. There is another factor in the equation, and that is your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is how fast you burn calories. The faster your metabolic rate, the faster you burn calories, the less fat gets deposited in your body. Are you seeing a pattern here?

(FYI, that was a very simple explanation on how your body works. If you want to know exact details, ask a doctor or nutritionist.)

Now, how do you lose weight? You need to create a calorie deficit. What does that mean? If means your body has to have less calories than what it needs. That way, it will eat the calories stored in your body as fat.

Now that’s the basic rule, but there are a few things to be aware of. You might be wondering “HEY! If I eat 100 calories, I’ll be able to lose a lot of weight really fast!!!”. Yes, that is true, but there is a catch. Your body needs to protect itself from harm, and to do that in this example, it goes into what is known as starvation mode. In starvation mode, your body is lethargic, you lack energy, you don’t move at all, and anything you eat will be stored in your body. That means even an apple will make you gain weight. That is because your body needs fat content to survive and it is saving everything it can since you won’t give it the fat it needs.

Generally speaking, eating anything less than 1200 calories is considered dangerous because your body kicks into starvation mode.

That 1200 thing was created as a shortcut but everybody is different so it’s not that accurate. When losing weight and doing that -500 thing, you should substract 500 from your total calorie use (BMR multiplied by activity level), not from you BMR.

Now, while not eating any food is a good way to lose weight, the moment you put anything in your stomach, you’ll gain it all back, and then some. The only way to not gain weight by eating VERY LITTLE, is by EATING VERY LITTLE all the time, and staying on your diet, in which case, your body will shrivel up and you will die. THEREFORE STARVING YOURSELF IS NOT A GOOD PLAN.

So, to diet, you need to eat slightly below your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and over 1200 calories. To get exact numbers, visit a nutritionist.

Now, a few points:
-Even if you eat less than your BMR, you still need to eat clean. The reason for this is you need nutrients for your body to function properly. Trust me, it’s a good thing.

So, say you have a calorie deficit in your diet and you lose weight, can you go back to eating normally? Yes you could. Is there a fear of you gaining back all the weight you lost. Yes, there is. And there’s a trick to that.

Remember when we spoke about your metabolic rate? That’s the thing that caused you to gain weight in the first place. It’s slow, and therefore made your body store the fat whenever you ate. So you could lose all the fat, and there’s still the possibility of gaining weight once you’re off the diet.

The trick is to have a fast metabolic rate. But how do you do that if you have a slow one?

You eat.

Now you’re probably confused. How is it that eating can boost your metabolism, yet eating also makes you gain weight?

It’s a bit tricky, but here’s how it works:
If your body burns food fast enough, it gets used to burning food fast enough. It speeds up your metabolic rate because it’s gotten used to the rhythm. Therefore, you need to eat food that digests really fast so you can digest food really fast so you can boost your metabolism. Yes, I’m aware of the grammar in that sentence.

So, eating two meals of 800 calories a day isn’t the best thing you can do. Even though your total is less than your BMR, it’s not healthy, as say, eating 4 or 5 meals with a total of 1600 calories.

A good diet that boosts your metabolism is one where you eat every 3-4 hours while you’re awake. You should be getting hungry that often. That’s a good sign. It means your body is digesting fast. It also means if you keep this up, your body will boost it’s metabolism, and you’ll be eating all the fat calories you have.

Start off by eating breakfast. Nothing fattening.  3 egg whites are a good start.

A few hours later, have something small, like some almonds or greek yogurt with some fruit.

For lunch have a slice of chicken breast, fruit, and veggies.

After that, have another snack, some fruit is a great choice.

For dinner, you can go for some fish, or a salad and some protein. Try to keep it light, as your metabolism slows down when you sleep, and you don’t want to eat heavily right before bed.

Follow this, and eventually your body will boost your metabolism so high that you will burn calories when doing nothing (like on your rest days .

Please note though, just because you have 1 cheat meal a week, it won’t ruin your diet. Having 1 cheat day won’t ruin your diet either. To gain weight in 1 day, you will need to have a surplus of 8000 calories. So you need to sit and eat a ton of food to gain weight in 1 day. Don’t let that discourage you. One day won’t ruin your diet. Craving that ice cream won’t ruin your diet. Having that (slice of) cake won’t ruin your diet. What will ruin your diet is making them a habit and having them over and over again. So have that ice cream if you crave it. Know that all it will do is slow down your progress by a little bit, but it won’t kill it.

Some foods worth having:

skimmed/low fat greek yogurt

Eat them. Snack on them. Have lots of vegetables and fruit (not too much fruit though).

Remember, dieting is the major part of losing weight, but doing it alone without exercise won’t work. You need both. Cardio and strength training both help you lose weight, and doing both together will make you lose weight faster. Remember to have a recovery drink/meal/supplement after your work out. Your body will thank you for it.

Remember, don’t starve yourself, but don’t over it. As with everything else in life, moderation is the key. Don’t lose focus, and don’t lose sight of your goal. Once you get there, you’ll love it, and you’ll wonder how you always lived without.

Good luck, and happy weight loss!!

If you’re doing a program and actually have a calorie intake question, message me   

Ps diets don’t work.  Eating clean and making changes (thus the name of my url) is how you get healthy and in shape.  

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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2013 02:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

早餐 - mission wrap (133卡) 不用食油的煎蛋(73卡)生菜,大葱,番茄,一点辣椒酱(50卡)
午餐- 小饭+1菜+2小块鸡胸肉 (330卡)
下午茶- 2片全麦饼干(94卡)+ 1颗HERSHEY'S KISSES CHOCH (22.2卡)
晚餐 - 1碗白萝卜排骨汤(250卡) 榴莲2包 (100卡)鱼饼5-6个 (大概200卡)
运动 - 跑步40分钟+瘦腿操2set

今天家里煮垃圾食品。。吃了都不爽。。。 本帖最后由 bt5354 于 30-5-2013 10:59 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 1-6-2013 08:44 AM | 显示全部楼层

早餐- 3茶匙燕麦(60卡)+ 2个3寸香蕉 (90卡)
午餐- 1小饭+ 3 青菜 (350卡)
下午茶- 2个3寸香蕉 (90卡)+ LEXUS饼干1包(101卡)
晚餐 - ABC排骨汤1碗(250卡)+ 炒鱼片数片(大概100卡)+ 嘴巴氧吃一点零食 (大概60卡)
运动 - 上健身房就没有,但在路边就走到气喘,因为晚上7.30才发现road tax 过期差不多1个月了。。吓到直接跑去pudu bas station 的UTC。。。平时很少坐lrt的关系。。蒙查查在masjid jamid 下车。。。哇!原来要走那么死鬼远的。。又下雨。有路滑。。。很吃力叻。。。最够力是那边的POS说system down 不能还保险!!!所以空手而归咯。。到家差不多10点了。。。累死我。。。。

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发表于 1-6-2013 09:31 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 1-6-2013 01:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
xiao_zhu 发表于 1-6-2013 09:31 AM
可以尝试不吃饭,吃米粉,效果会更好,我也是从96kg减到71kg,快两年的时间。还有不要常时间坐,如果能站就 ...


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发表于 1-6-2013 01:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
bt5354 发表于 1-6-2013 01:06 PM
我身边有很多姐妹有这样减肥,但她们一旦吃饭就会复胖。。。所以我坚持吃一点饭,我的小饭是4-5tablespoo ...


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 楼主| 发表于 1-6-2013 03:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
xiao_zhu 发表于 1-6-2013 01:56 PM

还好我不喜欢喝汽水和饮料的,比较喜欢开水,甜食也不是很爱。。有时候一个月可能会和表妹share share吃一片咯。。。
我最失败是我喜欢薯片。。。如果那天我吃不多然后还有quota。。我还是会偷吃2-3片。。。 吃后就很内疚,过后在健身房多跑10分钟

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发表于 1-6-2013 03:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
bt5354 发表于 1-6-2013 03:12 PM
还好我不喜欢喝 ...

haha... 加油咯,毕竟减肥不是一两天就能做到的,必须坚持下去,偶尔可以吃一些“垃圾”啦,放松下下。慢跑一个小时左右,效果比较好哦。

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 楼主| 发表于 2-6-2013 08:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
xiao_zhu 发表于 1-6-2013 03:30 PM
haha... 加油咯,毕竟减肥不是一两天就能做到的,必须坚持下去,偶尔可以吃一些“垃圾”啦,放松下下。慢 ...



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发表于 2-6-2013 08:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2-6-2013 08:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

早餐 - 2片面包 (181卡)+ 鸡蛋碎掺糖少许和美乃至的 (80卡)+ 1个3寸香蕉(45卡)
午餐 - 1小贩+ 1青菜+1快鸡肉小的 (350卡)
下午茶- 2个3寸香蕉 (90卡)
晚餐 - 1\3 泡菜炒饭, 1\3韩国炒年糕(大概500-600卡)+ 木瓜半片(30卡)
运动- 骑脚踏车35分钟,跑步35分钟。。。这只能弄掉早餐和下午茶。。。明天再跑给他够力够力的

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发表于 2-6-2013 08:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
加油!! ^^

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发表于 2-6-2013 12:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
xiao_zhu 发表于 1-6-2013 09:31 AM
可以尝试不吃饭,吃米粉,效果会更好,我也是从96kg减到71kg,快两年的时间。还有不要常时间坐,如果能站就 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 3-6-2013 09:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
2/6/13 (家庭日)

早餐- 2茶匙燕麦(40卡)+ 1片面包和鸡蛋碎 (130卡)
午餐- 老油鬼鬼的粥 3/4 碗-感觉味精很多 (大概200卡)
下午茶 - Lexus饼干1包(101卡)+ yakult 1 罐 (46卡)
晚餐 - 和家人去吃大炒,里边有沙煲豆腐,炒空心菜,炒鲨鱼和咸鱼花腩煲。。。全部吃一点但没有吃饭 (卡路里不会算了。。。 )吃完了跑去NSK走1小时,开车到处逛逛。。。回到家又饿了。。。赶快睡觉。。。
运动 - 健身房脚踏车35分钟+瘦腿操3set。。。跑步机有人用。。。今天用不到。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 3-6-2013 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
ginnyhoong 发表于 2-6-2013 08:29 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 3-6-2013 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
grace.cce 发表于 2-6-2013 08:46 AM
加油!! ^^


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发表于 3-6-2013 09:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
加油, 天下无难事,只怕有心人~

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 楼主| 发表于 3-6-2013 09:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
lucpy 发表于 2-6-2013 12:52 PM



rice noodles 是米粉
long rice noodles 我也没有概念是什么,看起来有点像冬粉

本帖最后由 bt5354 于 3-6-2013 09:37 AM 编辑


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