发表于 2-10-2005 12:46 PM
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发表于 3-10-2005 02:03 AM
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发表于 3-10-2005 02:08 AM
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发表于 3-10-2005 02:15 AM
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发表于 3-10-2005 02:33 AM
发表于 3-10-2005 09:29 AM
Solanum laciniatum
Solanum laciniatum ©ANBG
Solanum is the type genus of the family Solanaceae, which contains such well-known economic plants as the potato, tomato, tobacco, egg plant (aubergine) and many more. In Australia there are 117 species, of which 87 are endemic.
distribution mapSolanum laciniatum or Kangaroo Apple, a common name shared with the closely related S. aviculare, occurs in temperate regions of New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and associated islands on a range of soil types. It forms a large shrub 4 m high by 5 m wide.
Solanum laciniatum produces two types of foliage: large lance-shaped or irregularly lobed juvenile leaves 300 mm long by 250 mm wide and smaller generally entire lance-shaped adult leaves 150 mm long by about 30-50 mm wide. Both types of leaf are a rich dark green on the upper surface, and a lighter green underneath, with conspicuous veins. They are held on dark green succulent stems, which turn black, then a rough light-brown, with age.
Solanum laciniatum (fruit) Murray Fagg © ANBG
The 5-petalled flowers are 30-50 mm across, bluish-purple, with bright yellow anthers. The flowers appear spasmodically in spring and summer in clusters of 3-5 in the leaf axils. The egg-shaped berries, 20-30 mm long, are a bright orange-yellow with a warty appearance when ripe.
Solanum laciniatum has been cultivated at the Australian National Botanic Gardens since 1969, with no frost damage or major pest or disease problems apparent.
As a fast-growing species, hardy in most soil types and conditions, except salt spray, S. laciniatum is ideally suited as a screen plant, in the understorey of a wind break, or for bank and erosion stabilisation. It has also been used in soils with a high concentration of heavy metals when reclaiming mine wastes. Solanum species are earlier colonisers of cleared or disturbed areas, such as roadways.
In cultivation they are relatively short-lived shrubs, with a life expectancy of 5-6 years in good conditions. Older plants tend to split at the base, which allows wood rot fungi to take hold. Such splitting could be prevented to a large degree by corrective pruning from an early age. Propagation may be from seeds, which require no pre-treatment, or from cuttings taken from spring to autumn.
Since the mid 1960s S. laciniatum and S. aviculare have been cultivated and studied in the USSR, NZ, India, Egypt and other countries. The plants, and in particular the young foliage, contain a series of steroids which are of commercial value as raw material for the manufacture of contraceptives. For the home gardener S. laciniatum is ideal as a quick growing screen plant, while slower shrubs are establishing. It may be hard to obtain through garden centres.
Text by Stuart Donaldson, ANBG (1983)
巧克力最后一次了 |
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发表于 3-10-2005 03:20 PM
发表于 3-10-2005 03:35 PM
发表于 3-10-2005 06:02 PM
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发表于 3-10-2005 06:13 PM
发表于 3-10-2005 06:46 PM
原帖由 schokoladen 于 3-10-2005 06:13 PM 发表
你的电脑弄好了吗??[img]http://flowers. ...
是北京话内常听到的用词,最近看了北京制作的京戏,就常常听到戏内的主角对白常常引用到旮旮旯旯一词,忍不住查了词 典,原来就是角落的意思,北京话的用词很有意思,啥"搅(混)" 撂(放)"撵钱" 咋(怎么)甭(不用) 还有"掰"啦,"孬种" 还有好多从未看过的生字. 若你有兴趣, 咱们就来学学北京话的用法.
哟,我的电脑的mother board找不到spare part, 电脑店的老板竟然跟我说,我的mother board 绝版啦!,, 你说说看,该咋着呢? 多天没上网,我居然忍之不禁,向电脑店借了电脑, 搅进佳礼来罗.
[ 本帖最后由 缘起缘灭 于 3-10-2005 06:47 PM 编辑 ] |
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发表于 3-10-2005 07:13 PM
原帖由 缘起缘灭 于 3-10-2005 06:46 PM 发表
是北京话内常听到的用词,最近看了北京制作的京戏,就常常听到戏内的主角对白常常引用到旮旮旯旯一词, ...
哟,我的电脑的mother board找不到spare part, 电脑店的老板竟然跟我说,我的mother board 绝版啦!,, 你说说看,该咋着呢? 多天没上网,我居然忍之不禁,向电脑店借了电脑, 搅进佳礼来罗.
哇........你的电脑可以当古董料....... 我的也是........
我的电脑现在上气接不到下气......叫大陆仔帮我修理......他说:这样旧....丢掉它买1部新的吧...... |
发表于 3-10-2005 10:17 PM
发表于 3-10-2005 10:21 PM
原帖由 ah_may82 于 3-10-2005 10:17 PM 发表
jiu ri ri jiu |
发表于 3-10-2005 10:38 PM
原帖由 svenja 于 3-10-2005 10:21 PM 发表
jiu ri ri jiu
缘大人电脑烧机料。。上不来教大家料 |
楼主 |
发表于 4-10-2005 02:20 AM
发表于 4-10-2005 12:41 PM
原帖由 ah_may82 于 3-10-2005 10:17 PM 发表
ga la ,北京话不叫角落,若你在北京旅游时,要去胡同逛逛,就对导游说可以咱们去旮旮旯旯溜达溜达吗? |
发表于 5-10-2005 09:17 PM
发表于 5-10-2005 09:48 PM
发表于 5-10-2005 09:57 PM
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