现在,CARM ~ Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry 不是一间神学院,所以如果有他的声明会来到更加有意义,因为,他指出哪些异端的特点,就连ICC~International Church of Christ 他也不放过,虽然这ICC不是异端,但他(CARM)强调远离他们,因为这个组织的作风很极端,是非常的极端。
The International Church of Christ (ICC), does not deny any of the essential doctrines of Christianity. Aside from its requirements on baptism as a necessary part of salvation, it is Orthodox. Therefore, I do not categorize the ICC as a non-Christian cult. Rather, I see the ICC as a Christian Church with some serious problems; namely, legalistic and excessive control over its members.
I recommend that people avoid this group
The following list has been compiled from the requests for information on different groups and people. Being on this list does not mean that the group or person is or is not Christian, good, bad, or anything. It means they are on the list to be researched.
L. Ray Smith - bibletruths.com
La Iglesia de dios
Lamb's Book of Life
Latter Rain movement
Lazaris.com - lazaris.com
Life Changers International church - lifechangerschurch.com
『神成为人,为要使人成为神』这话是亚他那修在他的著作《In The Incarnation》里的名句,李氏因着也看见这圣经中的真理,因此就提出『神成为人,为使人在生命与性情上,但不在神格上成为神』,两者在思想上是一致的。此外,历史上多位教父也有此思想,更是当时普遍的信仰-不知你是反对亚他那修,还是反对李氏?若你反对李氏,就等于反对亚氏,因为两者所话说的都一样。(你知道亚他那修是谁吗?)
这就要看他们的根据是什么了。若是根据如总司令所贴的那些没有深入与地方召会接触、光凭反对者揘造之不实虚谎言语,就会得到消极的结论。那些对地方召会有错误认识的,都是从那些反对者的片面之词所得,自己并没有亲身对地方召会有过接触。他们另一个反对的原因,就是地方召会的教导与他们的『神学』冲突,如『神成为人,为要使人成为神,但不在神格上成为神,而是在生命与性情上成为神』。然而,这种思想早在亚他那修的时代就早已提出,且是当时的信仰,地方召会只是把这信仰恢复过来,就遭到那些固守传统者所反对,并定罪为异端。然而,殊不知这是早期的教父们如亚他那修的著作,并且是当时的信仰,只是后来被忘掉,甚至被丢弃。地方召会则把这信仰恢复了。不知这段历史的人就以为这是李氏所独创,并不知其实早在亚他那修的时代就已经是普遍被接受的信仰,因此就反对,并定罪了。天主教已经把这信仰列在他们的《天主教教义》第460条里-这些都可以上网去查看──就是亚他那修的著作《In The Incarnation》(神成为人,为要使人成为神),以及天主教的《天主教教义》第460条。像这类的文章网上非常多。那个反对者只偏颇的给大家Link上反对地方召会的网页,目的为要误导众人。
《天主教教义》第460条乃是根据彼得后書1:04,以及亞他那修在他的箸作《In The Incarnation-道成肉身》里的名句『神成为人,为要使人成为神』、St. Irenaeus、St. Thomas Aquinas等等古教父的著作。在亞他那修以及那些古教父的时候,罗马天主教还沒成立,更正教更不用说。
460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
78 2 Pt 1:4.
79 St. Irenaeus, Adv. haeres. 3, 19, 1: PG 7/1, 939.
80 St. Athanasius, De inc. 54, 3: PG 25, 192B.
81 St. Thomas Aquinas, Opusc. 57, 1-4.