(报到)UK WHM-已决定出发/已成功申请/即将申请/计划或有兴趣申请者请到这里报到
发表于 30-7-2008 01:13 PM
发表于 30-7-2008 10:23 PM
回复 2440# salty_cake 的帖子
by the way, 不知道他如何了。 |
发表于 31-7-2008 02:00 PM
发表于 31-7-2008 11:59 PM
发表于 1-8-2008 12:02 AM
准备好了没? |
发表于 1-8-2008 08:53 AM
发表于 1-8-2008 11:00 AM
现在上诉好象都要等久久哦,我有一个朋友也是等了快两个月 |
发表于 1-8-2008 02:10 PM
发表于 1-8-2008 02:20 PM
发表于 1-8-2008 02:26 PM
发表于 1-8-2008 02:30 PM
原帖由 sokai! 于 30-7-2008 10:23 PM 发表 ![](http://cforum006.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
by the way, 不知道他如何了。
是咯...不知道他如何了......还没有回来这里报到.... |
发表于 1-8-2008 06:38 PM
发表于 1-8-2008 07:08 PM
回复 2452# ls_33 的帖子
希望是明智的选择吧........最希望是可以成功......... |
发表于 1-8-2008 07:09 PM
对了....sweetmilk的男朋友上诉时间距离现在有多久了呢???? |
发表于 1-8-2008 07:31 PM
原帖由 salty_cake 于 1-8-2008 19:09 发表 ![](http://cforum005.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
应该有两个月了。。。 |
发表于 1-8-2008 11:03 PM
回复 2450# salty_cake 的帖子
salty cake 你要加油....我们等你来... |
发表于 2-8-2008 11:33 PM
PCFAIR 回来了...买了价ASUS 的电脑.. |
发表于 3-8-2008 11:41 PM
发表于 3-8-2008 11:49 PM
7月31号 晴天 一个决定我命运的日子。
我和我男友都很担心,因为我们是在前一天才开始读书。我的appointment 是在10.30am。 早上我准备了我要补交的doc, 去和我男友meet up 然后搭132 去Bristish high commission 只有两个bus 132 和111)。整个早上,我们的对白就是“我好惊”。 132 会在领事馆的门口停。 到了只是10am, 吹下风后就去他的gate。 security A 好像并不知道interview 这样东西,还叫我们去vfs 哪儿交form。 然后换一个高级一点,也是问我们很多东西。(我开始担心是不是去错地方)。 后来才给我们进去guard house 旁边的房, 交ic。 这时, 她又讲有我的名但是没有我男友。 这时我看到他的list 今天只有4个人而已, 我是第二个,我男友是第一个。原来ic 没有写英文名,我男友填form 时放英文名,所以她以为没有。然后交hp 给他们(这时候,我想起batman-the dark knight)。 然后查包,进去。进去左右都有人扎枪,然后还有靓仔带路。这时我又想起xuean_c讲 并不是每个人都有机会进入 英国大使馆
进到去, 有按号码的mechine,但是没有visa interview。 后来才知道interview 是不需要按得。 我们这时都不到10.30am。 这个有很多鬼佬进进出出作东西, 但是就没有人像我们那样,没人理。为了纾解紧张和等待的心情, 我拿起桌面的一本儿歌,唱twinkle twinkle little star。 (其实, 整本我只懂这首)。 后来11++一个鬼婆出来, 和我们讲非常不好意思,让我们就等,因为她有要事所以迟了。问我们可不可以再等多一会儿。不然和你讲不可以meh。 so。。wait again。 我等到睡着了。 终于在大约11.45am 她interview 我男友先。后来, 我男友出来, 他和我讲, 他同officer 讲我们会住在我姐到,我姐到有3 间房。OMG, 他的letter of invitation 住的地址和我不一样,他这样讲就不符合啦。。。 糟糕!!!!! 进了去,她只是问我how are you, who fill the form, why u apply the visa。 在我回复他第三个问题时, 我提到我姐姐。他就问我关于住的问题。( 以下是大约的0
o:where will your staying?
s: i will be staying at my sis place.
o: who is staying with your sister place now?
s: my sister and her friend.
o: but this is not wat your bf told me. (他的表情变得很不爽了。)
o: how many room is there in your sister house?
s: 3 rooms
o: is your sister own the house?
s: nope.
o: so is she rent the house or room?
s: ......erm, i not sure that whether the tendancy agreement was write my sister name or not. but she rent a room and sharing others with friend.
o: this is not wat your bf told me. her bf is not staying with her.
s: that will be later part. when one of the housemate move out later on, her bf wil move in.
o: so, from whom she get the consent to let your stay?
s: u mean the landlord?
o: anybody.
s: i'm not sure from whom she get the consent. as my plan to uk is very long ago, i just ask her is it okay for us stay and she just said ok only. i think she get the consent from all her housemate.
o: so u do not know who she get the permission from?
s: yes. for me i definately do not know wat is the situation there. that is just a place for us to stay when we go to uk. if the condition is okay, then we stay 3 mth.(我男友和他说三个月。)if the condition is not okay, then we will find a room to move.
officer 没有出声,她的样子也好像比较接受我的解释。
o:where you want to travel.
s: As i will stay at london initially, so i will go XXX(我不记得我说过什么咚咚,因为由很早开始我已经进入语无伦次的境界)---(这时我想起追梦一族讲过拉长句子)this place is significance of london. if i never go to these places it seen like i never go to London. ( 他点点头、笑笑,嘿嘿再加药). some of the places is very beautiful like cornwall the land's end, i saw the photo at the website, youtube, and book, this is a very nice place. and i with my boy friend like to take photo, so we will take photo over there. Also i will go to peak district and lake district. this place also very nice. this is the gift of the natural we shall appreciate it. place like stonehenge and avebury stone circle . this is something that leave from ancient. Also, i will go to vineyard.
o: what kind of work you will doing?
s: as now i'm a qs. i will try to look for some contract or part time QS. (他的样好像有东西讲)。 because in the contruction industry, it is very common that to employee contrac qs or part time qs. cuz they might be suddenly very busy, have a lot of project, then they will look for a contract qs for 6 month or 12 month. (我特别讲6个月和十二个月 是如estherchea 讲的确保不会overwork,)。
这时, 他的表情好像很不大满意。 so, 我continued
s:if the case that i cant find any contract qs, i find picking farm work. Also, i find a website call royal historic place. at london bridge... sorry is the london tower, they looking for volunteer. i will join them, as i can learn something from it. (他好大个Q mark 写在面上),they need qs to call tender for sub con to maintainence. in Uk a lot of ancient historic place still in very good condition. So, i wish i can learn this kind of maintainence which this hardly to find in asian. my sister tell me some of the building might be few century ago even from 12th century but still in very good condition.
o: XXXXX ( 我忘了她是说good o great o correct , 总之是positive 啦。)
o: what is your planning after two years?
s: come back here.
o: come back here? you are.....
s: Permenant residence here.
o: ok
s: because here near to malaysia where i can visit my parent frequently.
然之后, 他就翻我submit 的doc。他其实手上的那份是photocopy, 到后来我才知道全部的doc 还在kl。
看到我的bank passbook ,
o:this account is singapore account?
s: yes.
o: so X,XXX is in sing dollar.
s: YEs.
继续翻,看到我姐send 给的email. ( invitation)
o: what is this? i saw the same letter in your boy friend application.
s: the letter from my sister saying that i will stay at her place.
当我answer 着时,他在翻我男友的doc,找回那封email。
o:so you are saying that you will stay here ( 指我姐姐那封email 的address)
o:who is this。。。 mr。XXX(指我男友那封email)
s:is my sister boyfriend
o: so your boyfriend is not staying with your sis?
s: yes. because guy stay with guy will be more convenience. if my boyfriend stay with my sister will not so convenience.
o: but your boyfriend is not telling me that.
CONTINUE AT 2481楼。。。。
[ 本帖最后由 sokai! 于 7-8-2008 12:17 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 4-8-2008 12:11 AM
2008 WHM 的贴较冷淡...没关系2007般热闹...SOKAI..期待你的分享 |
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