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发表于 22-3-2013 01:19 PM
3月26日更新 flame & frost 第三章 : RAZING

March 26, 2013
A hybrid army erupts through fiery portals in the Shiverpeaks. A Molten Alliance between the dredge and the charr Flame Legion has created a force powerful enough to massacre any who stand in their way. One settlement, one homestead at a time, they’re wiping out all resistance. The razing has begun.
In Flame and Frost: The Razing you’ll meet the norn Braham and Rox the charr, two Tyrians who fervently believe in doing what’s right, no matter the risk. Join Braham and Rox in a desperate battle to defend their homelands from annihilation in the third installment in this four-part series!
一支由夏爾火焰軍團與地鼠人(都說是我流翻譯囉... )組成的地獄火聯軍,從那些灼熱傳送門殺出,敢膽擋路的傢伙們將被無情的屠殺;他們將從席娃山脈開始,一個據點,一個組織的進行攻擊...大屠殺即將開始,所有反抗者將會被剷除!
在這次更新裡面,你將會與Braham (諾恩)和Rox(夏爾)見面, 這兩位泰瑞亞的保護者將會不擇手段,不計風險地為正義而戰,他們歡迎你加入守護家園的抗戰,抵擋即將要大舉入侵的敵對新聯軍!

Braham’s Struggle
As the cities struggle to handle the influx of refugees, a valiant young norn named Braham seeks help for the besieged people of his homestead. Join Braham on his journey to find aid for those norn who stayed behind in the foothills of the Shiverpeaks—a journey that will bring you into conflict with the deadly Molten Alliance
此時,一個名為Braham的諾恩親年,勇敢地為了受難的同胞與家園挺身而出!你可以選擇幫助Braham,伴隨他與受難人民尋找新的家園 - 一個充滿危機,隨時有地獄火聯軍威脅的一趟危險旅途! Braham會在席娃山脈的山脊之處等你的加入!

Rox’s Mission
During the chaos, Rox—a charr ranger lacking a warband—is sent on a desperate mercy mission by Rytlock Brimstone himself. Team up with this young charr gladium as she strives to prove her worth on a dangerous errand in the midst of a war zone!
夏爾的領地在混亂之中,一個名為Rox的夏爾遊俠失去了她的戰團, 她被萊洛克欽點,去濟助那些無助的同胞
加入這位極力想證明自己能耐的夏爾鬥士吧, 看你是否和她都能通過這名為戰亂的考驗!

We’ve Been Infiltrated!
The dredge have constructed a series of surveillance posts throughout the Diessa Plateau and Wayfarer Foothills to keep tabs on their prospective new territory. Confound the Molten Alliance’s war efforts by destroying these spy posts wherever you find them!
那些地鼠人居然已在Diessa Plateau 和 Wayfarer Foothills搭建大量的監視崗哨!
我們必反抗地獄火聯軍的第一波攻勢,找到那些監視崗哨並摧毀它們! 不然敵軍奪取領地的野望可能成真...

New WvW Progressions and Abilities
There’s never been a better time to play World vs. World! We’re adding a brand-new WvW progression system—which includes new World XP and new WvW Ranks. You can use your WvW Ranks to purchase new titles and abilities that are exclusive to WvW. We’re also rolling out new WvW achievements to help you track and plan your progress; you can keep track of them in your Achievement panel.
大國戰時代來臨! 新的戰爭進度與功能
我們加入了新的WvW進度系統,你將可以取得"世界經驗"與"國戰官階" - 你將可以用你的官階購買WvW限定新頭銜與功能;我們同時推出新的國戰成就系統,幫助你追蹤與計畫角色的成長!

Improved World vs. World Performance
We’ve made vast improvements in World vs. World with the elimination of culling, a process that used to make some enemy players invisible in large groups. Beginning March 26, you’ll be able to see way more players on-screen in WvW, even in the largest pitched battles!
這次我們針對了永恆戰場做了許多改良與優化 - 包括不再另大量玩家在畫面上消失 (當然,這代表你的電腦配備可能要求更高,官方論壇似乎有提出有很多方案,到時候可以自己去設定選單設置) - 你將會見到更大量的暴民玩家同時出現在永恆戰場 - 準備感受更進一步的史詩級戰場吧!

New Guild Bounty Hunt Targets
More fugitives are on the run, and the Tyrian authorities need your guild to bring them in! Prepare yourself for a challenge, because these three new bounty targets are more elusive and menacing than ever. Bounty Hunt Training missions are perfect for a new or small guild looking to work their way up to bigger challenges.
更多惡名昭彰的人物逍遙法外了! 泰瑞亞各界需要你的公會將他們繩之以法!
但請小心 - 這些超新星(? 將會比以往的前輩更要凶暴!

Introducing Leaderboards
We’re excited to announce that we’ll activate Guild Wars 2 leaderboards with the release of Flame and Frost: The Razing on March 26. However, the leaderboards website won’t be visible to players until we’re sure it has stable information, which could take up to a week after the release goes live on March 26. Initially, the leaderboards will feature WvW rankings, PvP player rankings, and total achievement points.
世界排行榜將會有 "永恆戰場名次", " VP名次"與"成就分數名次"

Need Guidance?
Heralds in each capital city will bring you up to date on the latest Living Story content. Look for special scouts in Diessa Plateau and the Wayfarer Foothills who will point you towards nearby activities.
Check out our special Flame and Frost: The Razing post on the official Guild Wars 2 Forums.
別擔心,泰瑞亞各大主城已經確保他們請的導遊備有最新更新的資訊 - 以免他們遭到投訴或被開除的命運
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 22-3-2013 01:21 PM 编辑