发表于 28-10-2007 06:36 PM
那要看是unilateral contract or bilateral contract了...
Distinguish between this both type of advertisements...
Advertisement for unilateral contracts:
Those offering rewards for the return of lost property,or for information leading to the arrest or conviction of a criminal.
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball co.
Usually treated as offers,on the basis that the contract can normally be accepted without any further negotiations between the parties,and the person making the advertisement intends to be bound by it.
Advertisement for bilateral contracts:
These are the type of advertisements which advertise specified goods at a certain price,such as those found at the back of newspaper and magazines.They are usually treated as ITT,on the grounds that they may lead to further bargaining-potential buyer might want to negotiate the price.
Patridge v Crittenden
Reward广告是treated as offers.
1.Offers to the public at large.
参考Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball co.
2.Unilateral contracts do not usually require acceptance to be communicated to the offeror.
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball co.
要看Whether A was aware that B had fully perform the conduct before the offer is made or not.
If A do, B cannot sue A.
-Ignorance of the offer.
A person cannot accept an offer of which they are unaware,because in order to create a binding contract,the parties must reach agreement.If their wishes merely happent to coincide, that may be very convinient for both,but it does not constitute a contract and cannot legally bind them.
On the general principles,B is probably unable to claim the reward.
3.Offer & acceptance
不是看了报纸 才能懂A的offers吗?
那就是普通的aaceptance of an offer to enter into unilateral contracts.Unilateral contracts are usually accepted by conduct.
找狗-acceptance of offer
Make the promise binding -it's not necessary for anyone to contact A and say that B intend to take up the offer and find the dog.
如果A不给reward B,B可以sue A.
[ 本帖最后由 蓝蓝_鸡仔饼 于 28-10-2007 06:42 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 29-10-2007 04:55 PM
发表于 30-10-2007 06:53 PM
1. 什么是 contra proferentum rule ?
2. 什么网站看 british case 好?最好英文用词不要太深的..(我是笨蛋,英文不是很好)
3. if evidence show tat the minor is intention to deceive a car purchasing contract, the minor 依然无罪/不用 return advantages ??
4. With Contracts( Amendment) Act 1976 ...
“schoolarship agreement” 在私人的大学/学院是不可以用的啊?
5. “若一家境穷困的学生(minor)去偷了一件昂贵的衣服,那么在 minor contracts for necessaries 这点上, shop 不可以在 civil law 里面sue那学生?因为店不是提供他 necessary的supplier? ”
[ 本帖最后由 Zihau87 于 3-11-2007 01:23 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 31-10-2007 12:18 AM
我有问题想请问楼主。我现在是SAM student,在在taylor's念。 之后想拿law,我做research,发觉 有些大学offer law twinning programme,有些则offerUK law degree transfer programme. 请问twinning n uk degree transfer有什么差别? 我听一个朋友说twinning表示当我在本地的学院念时已经register as uk有关大学的学生, but uk degree transfer则是当我transfer 去uk有关大学,名义上仍然是本地大学的学生,而不是uk大学的学生,是这样的吗?情指教。。thx |
发表于 3-11-2007 01:16 AM
关于 postal rule 的疑问
Illustrations of s4.2(b) of contract act
B accepts A's proposal by a letter sent by post.
The communication of the acceptance is complete ---
as against A, when the letter is posted
as against B, when the letter is received by A
2. Hilary wrote to Amy offering for a sale.
The morning that she received the letter amy wrote to Hilary agreeing to buy at the asking price.
After she had posted the letter, but before it was delivered, Amy changed her mind and sent Hilary a fax asking her to ignore the letter when it arrived.
Is that any binding contracts exist between them ?
答案上是说:Conclusion :
In the case in question , it is submitted that the use of the post in within Hilary's expectation - indeed her own offer letter was sent by post - and therefore Amy is contractully bound as soon as she posts her letter of acceptance. Although it seems to be a harsh result, it appears that legally she is not entitled to revoke her acceptance by sending a fax. A contract exists.
疑问:可是 contract act s5 却说 B may revoke his acceptance at any time before or at the moment when the letter communicating it reaches A, but not afterwards.
[ 本帖最后由 Zihau87 于 3-11-2007 01:17 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 7-11-2007 02:55 PM
请问University Of London的 LLB Law degree 是全世界最难考的吗? |
发表于 7-11-2007 09:22 PM
发表于 25-11-2007 04:26 PM
我想知道国内私人学府念法律的学费(总的)。。。希望知道每一间有这科系的学费。。。有谁懂吗? |
发表于 28-11-2007 09:37 PM
我是一位正在读diploma in business admin 的学生,
我想拿到了diploma 后,转读LLB(UOL 的external programe).
我也作了research 关于 LLB 的entry requirement.
UOL 可以接受我的diploma as minimum entry level. (Brickfield college 接受)
但我了解到CLP的entry requirement 没有提到diploma!
我问brickfield law 科系的负责人如果我是
我问他:在CLP 的entry requirement 没有state diploma.
他回答:只要我的diploma 是recognized, 就没问题,绝对可以考CLP.
原因是:diploma is equivalent.
是不是可以打电话到 THE MALAYSIAN BAR 问个清楚?
请帮帮我。。。 因为我的diploma 要毕业了。我很希望可以读LLB. |
发表于 29-11-2007 08:47 PM
大家都很忙? 没人回应。。。![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
发表于 29-11-2007 10:52 PM
原帖由 新新熊 于 28-11-2007 09:37 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
我是一位正在读diploma in business admin 的学生,
我想拿到了diploma 后,转读LLB(UOL 的external programe).
我也作了research 关于 LLB 的entry requirement.
UOL 可以接受我的dip ...
你就打电话去Bar Council问
怎样都比我们给的答案正确点 ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
发表于 29-11-2007 10:53 PM
发表于 30-11-2007 07:45 AM
原帖由 Zihau87 于 3-11-2007 01:16 AM 发表 ![](http://chinese3.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
关于 postal rule 的疑问
关于 postal rule 的疑问
Illustrations of s4.2(b) of contract act
B accepts A's proposal by a letter sent by post.
The communication of the acceptance is complete ---
as against A, when the letter is posted
as against B, when the letter is received by A
2. Hilary wrote to Amy offering for a sale.
The morning that she received the letter amy wrote to Hilary agreeing to buy at the asking price.
After she had posted the letter, but before it was delivered, Amychanged her mind and sent Hilary a fax asking her to ignore the letterwhen it arrived.
Is that any binding contracts exist between them ?
答案上是说:Conclusion :
In the case in question , it is submitted that the use of the postin within Hilary's expectation - indeed her own offer letter was sentby post - and therefore Amy is contractully bound as soon as she postsher letter of acceptance. Although it seems to be a harsh result, itappears that legally she is not entitled to revoke her acceptance bysending a fax. A contract exists.
疑问:可是 contract act s5 却说 B may revoke his acceptance at any timebefore or at the moment when the letter communicating it reaches A, butnot afterwards.
Communication of Acceptance is complete when :
(a)as against the proposer, when it is put in the course of transmission to the person to whom it is made
(b)as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer
A offers by letter on 1/1/2007 to sell a house to B. B accepts the offer and posts the letter of acceptance on 10/1/2007 which A receives on 12/1/2007. FOR A acceptance is complete on 10/1/2007 when B posts the letter (A CANNOT revoke after that) but for B it is complete only when A receives it on12/1/2007 and B CAN revoke acceptance BEFORE 12/1/207 .
发表于 9-12-2007 10:59 AM
发表于 13-12-2007 11:20 PM
这样可以进去读哪间学校的law吗? |
发表于 19-2-2008 12:37 AM
原帖由 新新熊 于 28-11-2007 09:37 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese3.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
我是一位正在读diploma in business admin 的学生,
我想拿到了diploma 后,转读LLB(UOL 的external programe).
我也作了research 关于 LLB 的entry requirement.
UOL 可以接受我的diploma ...
我现在也是在拉曼读diploma in public relations~
但不确定到底能不能这样做~ |
发表于 19-2-2008 08:41 PM
回复 197# Kk奶奶 的帖子
以HELP UC 的标准,你的成绩可以读法律系的啦。。 别担心,但须加强英文,因为以后你要靠它来吃饭。 |
发表于 20-2-2008 07:42 PM
发表于 5-4-2008 11:33 PM
想问如果我在 ipg/ptpl 拿 a-level 然后我 after a-level 转去别间学院拿 law 的course可以吗?
如果要读 law 的,a-level 要拿什么科啊?![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
发表于 6-4-2008 01:54 AM
原帖由 xiaobaby 于 5-4-2008 11:33 PM 发表 ![](http://chinese2.cari.com.my/myforum/images/common/back.gif)
想问如果我在 ipg/ptpl 拿 a-level 然后我 after a-level 转去别间学院拿 law 的course可以吗?
如果要读 law 的,a-level 要拿什么科啊?
什么科都可以,如果可以,最好拿law.可以建立基础。。最好拿3,4科。。。 |
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