《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》PS5 加强版正式发表 尤菲登场
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade announced for PS5
SQUARE ENIX 在今(26)日上午举办的 PlayStation 直播节目《State of Play》中,正式宣布角色扮演游戏重制版《Final Fantasy VII重制版(Final Fantasy VII Remake)》(PS4)将在新一代主机 PlayStation 5(PS5)上推出强化版《Final Fantasy VII 重制版Intergrade》,提升画质追加新内容。
《Final Fantasy VII重制版 Intergrade》将配合 PS5 硬件进一步提升画质,包括提升材质表现,强化烟雾特效与光照效果,提供着重分辨率的「图像模式」和注重和注重与着重流畅度的「效能模式」选择。 大幅提升读取速度,追加 Classic 模式的普通难度与「拍照模式」,以及收录新角色「尤菲」登场的两个全新章节。
Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade for PlayStation 5. It will launch on June 10 worldwide.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
■ Enhancements
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade takes advantage of the latest generation hardware and includes a wealth of graphical, gameplay and system enhancements for the PlayStation 5:
Immerse yourself in the city of Midgar like never before, with improved textures, lighting, and background environments. Players can switch between two game modes:
“Performance Mode” prioritizes smooth action at 60 frames per second.
Capture and share your memorable moments from the game with a fully customizable “Photo Mode.”
Enjoy immersive battles by using the DualSense wireless controller, with its haptic feedback integration, and enjoy dynamic bike racing with its adaptive triggers.
New difficulty settings for “Classic Mode” provide new ways to play.
Jump into the action faster with optimized loading times.
■ Free Upgrade
As a thank you to those who have purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake for the PlayStation 4 console, Square Enix are providing these players a free PlayStation 5 enhancement update* that will include all next-gen visual and gameplay enhancements detailed above at no extra cost when playing on a PlayStation 5 console.
■ New Episode
As well as introducing many exciting new enhancements, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade also includes a brand-new episode featuring Yuffie as the main character. In this new adventure, play as ninja Yuffie Kisaragi as she infiltrates the shadowy Shinra Corporation to steal a powerful materia and restore glory to her homeland. Play alongside new characters and enjoy an expanded gameplay experience featuring multiple new combat and gameplay additions, bringing a new perspective to the Final Fantasy VII Remake story that cannot be missed.
Players, who purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 and upgrade to PlayStation 5 can purchase the new episode featuring Yuffie as a standalone download from the PlayStation Store. Owners of the disc version of Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 will require a PlayStation 5 console with disc drive in order to take advantage of this digital upgrade.
■ Game Editions
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade will be available as a physical and digital Standard Edition, and as a Digital Deluxe Edition from the PlayStation Store. The Digital Deluxe Edition of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade comes with a digital mini soundtrack featuring songs, such as “Descendant of Shinobi,” and a digital artbook which includes concept art and character sheets. Customers who pre-order the digital Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade will receive the pre-order bonus Cacstar weapon for use in the new episode featuring Yuffie.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, the PlayStation 5 enhancement update, and the standalone downloadable episode featuring Yuffie will be available for the PlayStation 5 console worldwide on June 10, 2021.
What are the enhancements and new system and gameplay additions in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade includes a wealth of graphical, gameplay and system enhancements:
Immerse yourself in the city of Midgar like never before, with improved textures, lighting, and background environments
“Performance Mode” prioritizes smooth action at 60 frames per second.
Capture and share your memorable moments from the game with a fully customizable “Photo Mode.”
Players can enjoy immersive battles by using the DualSense PlayStation 5 controller with its haptic feedback integration.
On which platforms is Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade available?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is available for PlayStation 5.
Where can I buy Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is available for PlayStation 5 physically from local and online retailers and digitally as a Standard or Digital Deluxe Edition downloadable from the PlayStation Store
Do I need to own Final Fantasy VII Remake for PlayStation 4 in order to play Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PlayStation 5?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade for PlayStation 5 is an independent game, so prior purchase of the Final Fantasy VII Remake PlayStation 4 is not required.
Do I need to buy Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade if I already own Final Fantasy VII Remake?
If you already own Final Fantasy VII Remake for the PlayStation 4 (physical or digital version) and own a PlayStation 5, you can download the free Final Fantasy VII Remake PlayStation 5 enhancement update. This update does not include the new episode featuring Yuffie. The new episode featuring Yuffie can be purchased separately. An internet connection is required to obtain the free PlayStation 5 enhancement update. However, if you have purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake (physical edition) for PlayStation 4, and own the PlayStation 5 digital edition (the model without a disc drive) then you are not eligible to download the upgrade.
Can I upgrade Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 to Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PlayStation 5?
If you already own Final Fantasy VII Remake for the PlayStation 4 (physical or digital version) and own a PlayStation 5, you can download the free Final Fantasy VII Remake PlayStation 5 enhancement update. This update does not include the new episode featuring Yuffie. The new episode featuring Yuffie can be purchased separately. An internet connection is required to obtain the free PlayStation 5 enhancement update. However, if you have purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake (physical edition) for PlayStation 4, and own the PlayStation 5 digital edition (the model without a disc drive) then you are not eligible to download the upgrade.
Can I play Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 if I’ve purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PlayStation 5?
Your purchase of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on Playstation 5 does not entitle you to play Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4. Customers who would like to play Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 need to purchase it separately.
Is the new Yuffie Episode available on the PlayStation 4?
The new Yuffie Episode is optimized for PlayStation 5, so it is not available on PlayStation 4.
Can I play the new episode featuring Yuffie on PlayStation 5 without purchasing Final Fantasy VII Remake or Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?
The new episode featuring Yuffie can only be played by either purchasing Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PlayStation 5, or by purchasing it separately after completing the free PlayStation 5 enhancement upgrade.
How do I access the new episode featuring Yuffie?
After downloading the content to your system, the new episode featuring Yuffie is playable immediately through the PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake title menu. For new players of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade it is recommended to play the main campaign first, although not required.
Will my save file for Final Fantasy VII Remake work with Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?
Yes. You can carry over save data from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5.
An update patch which supports carrying over PlayStation 4 save data will be available before the PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is released.
After the patch has been applied, an option will appear on the title menu for the PlayStation 4 version to carry over your save data.
An internet connection is required to carry over save data to PlayStation 5. However, if you have purchased Final Fantasy VII Remake (physical edition) for PlayStation 4, and own the PlayStation 5 digital edition (the model without a disc drive) you are not eligible to download the PlayStation 5 enhancement upgrade but can still transfer your save data should you purchase Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade digitally.
What versions of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade are available for purchase?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade will be available as a physical and digital Standard Edition, and as a Digital Deluxe Edition from the PlayStation Store.
What is included in the Digital Deluxe Edition of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?
The Digital Deluxe Edition of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade comes with a digital mini soundtrack featuring songs, such as “Descendant of Shinobi”, and a digital artbook which includes concept art and character sheets.
PlayStation 5 游戏《Final Fantasy VII 重制版Intergrade》的光源、材质和背景看起来更加真实, 请告诉我们除此之外,还有其他表现力更加进化的地方吗?
SQUARE ENIX 今(26)日宣布,将于2021年在Android/iOS智能手机平台推出经典角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy VII》的大逃杀游戏《Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier》。《 Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier 》时空背景设定在《 Final Fantasy VII 》本传 30 年前的米德嘉,采用时行的大逃杀玩法。 游戏中玩家将扮演神罗战士的候补生,必须在战斗中活用各种能力来求取生存。从目前公布的视频中,可以见识到包括远距离射击与近身搏击等不同的战斗风格。
创意总监:野村 哲也
脚本监督:野岛 一成(STELLAVISTA LTD.)
开发:Ateam Inc.
Square Enix has announced battle royal action game Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier for iOS and Android. It will launch in 2021.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is a battle royal action game set in Midgar before the events of Final Fantasy VII. As a SOLDIER candidate, the player will make full use of their magic and abilities in a battle for their survival.
SQUARE ENIX 今(26)日宣布,将于2022年在Android/iOS智能手机平台推出经典角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy VII》的另类重制版《Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis》。《Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis》是款章节制单人游戏,将承袭《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》的故事内容,并以接近《Final Fantasy VII》原作的 Q 版风格来诠释。 战斗部分则是采用接近《Final Fantasy VII重制版》的等比例写实风格与实时动作战斗。 此外还会收录来自所有《Final Fantasy VII》系列衍生外传的故事。
Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis for iOS and Android. It will launch in 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis is a chapter-structured single-player experience which will cover the whole of the Final Fantasy VII timeline, including the events of the original game along with all the Final Fantasy VII compilation titles, as well as new story elements, penned by Final Fantasy VII Remake story and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, surrounding the origins of SOLDIER.
创意总监:野村 哲也
脚本监督:野岛 一成(STELLAVISTA LTD.)
开发:Applibot, Inc.
至于复活的「COMPILATION of FINAL FANTASY VII」──《EC》和《FS》。北瀬一开始向我提到要同时推出两部作品时,我也吓了一跳。我原本以为只做其中一部,但他说「两个都要做」,甚至我还有一段时间提议是不是该专心开发一部就好。即使如此,在这两部作品的制作人市川的热忱影响下,我决定既然要做,那就绝对不能在完成度上有任何妥协,因此我给了开发团队相当严苛的指示,导致开发难度大幅提升,但他们也确实达到所有要求。如今顺利发表,我感到十分高兴。使用者测试的回响也相当受到好评,还请大家多加期待。