


楼主: jogerhan

Marvel Avengers Aliance

发表于 12-1-2013 11:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
wolfa 发表于 12-1-2013 11:28 PM

希望大家喜歡我前面的文章XD我承認會讓人看到有一點累~那麼以下就長話短說好了整個PVP3我都用死 ...


因為有IMBA,接下去就可以考慮用no Hold Barred!!還是Happy to See you!!
我會選擇後者,因為會讓敵人去除掉BUFF還有產生BUFF BLOCKER讓敵人不能用什麼技能加血復活的。
注意一下蜘蛛人還有the things,還有那些有得累加狀態的角色,總共有25下,可以一口氣讓對方狀態+20恐怖角色,而且BangBangBang!!單位攻擊力低下,打DF高的角色時,數字都會不太好看。

可以用NO HOLDS BARRED!!去除掉自身的BUFF,不過我很少用,沒有IMBA我基本上都不會用,有IMBA讓人產生的BUFF也不會很多,我時常遇到的是一個或兩個BUFF甚至於零,超過兩個以上的情況個人就遇到很少,有時要拼運氣時,我都會用上去,通常是在用了Happy to see you!!後,等冷卻時間時用的招式,但第一選擇會是第一招。

前三招的攻擊力都差不多,如果對方的血比較少,我就用sharp pointy things,因為無視防也無視盾,攻擊力會高出後面兩招,直接殺死對方。

遇到infiltrator時,如Black Widow等,可以不用想太多(只是要注意對方有沒有可以幫擋下攻擊的角色或裝備,美國隊長的盾防,還有AGENTsacrafice等等)一口氣對他們放BANGBANGBANG!!因為第二下攻擊會是Sharp pointy things,你一口氣就會有兩個狀態了,使用Happy to see you!!就會讓敵人中兩個DEBUFFS,攻擊力也會更好看一點。



反正我個人就是覺得讓有buff Blocker效果的happy to see you!!為優先考量。
接下來就是sharp pointy thingsBangBangBang!!的交替選擇,no hold barred!!是我最少考慮用的(我之後會尝試溶入我的戰術)
OP效果的 BangBangBang!!會對回合加血的狀態追加攻擊(還滿意外的)(如Dr Strange的第二補血技能)
用死侍就是要時常注意他的狀態有什麼就可以很少配招了,雖然麻煩一點,但我認為到是增添了一點趣味XD,要是每一個狀態可以維持兩回合,這樣戰術的變化會更丰富,也希望死侍的其他招,可以配合所有的狀態的,因為他第一招sharp pointy things,可以沒有狀態可以加強,第二招bangbangbang!!也只能靠OP強化,而Totally Broken也只會在用Happy to see you!!時才會有用處。

最喜歡也最討厭的時候是,PVP清場之後,他會向著你堅起大姆指:LEVEL UP!!你會有一種:他媽你怎麼不早一點使出來的感覺!!


本帖最后由 wolfa 于 12-1-2013 11:31 PM 编辑


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
lowyatnet + 5 原创内容



使用道具 举报


发表于 13-1-2013 04:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-1-2013 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
非常谢谢 wolfa 大大的分析和分享,我们真的获益良多。

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发表于 19-1-2013 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 20-1-2013 04:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

3x Five Battles
https://apps.facebook.com/avenge ... 7-8b77-c6c76ec985a4

2x Full Energy (Click again tomorrow if it show already been claim.)
http://apps.facebook.com/avenger ... d-91b3-793f14260560

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发表于 21-1-2013 10:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
pvp4 end on tue 5/2/2013, 9am

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Follow Us
发表于 23-1-2013 09:43 AM | 显示全部楼层

When you use Iron Fist and Luke Cage in the same PVE battle, you will get a Heroes Team-Up Bonus, Heroes for hire, that gives 50 extra battle points! What other team-up bonuses do you know? Please accept and share the full energy pack (60 Units) below!

One Full Energy Pack! --> http://play.dm/q000A



参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
lowyatnet + 5 thx



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发表于 24-1-2013 12:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
4 x Five Battles (Reclaim)
https://apps.facebook.com/avenge ... _t=app_notification

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发表于 26-1-2013 09:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
Reclaim: 25/1/2013
2x Command Point
https://apps.facebook.com/avenge ... _t=app_notification

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-1-2013 10:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
op6 start today.
Mission Tips
  • Recruiting Heroes: You will need certain heroes to face epic bosses in order to complete some tasks. To face the Epic Boss in mission 2, you will need to recruit Nightcrawler and Phoenix. To face the Epic Boss in mission 3, you will need to recruit Beast, Deadpool, and Tigra.
  • Preparation: Make sure you have distress calls available to be collected, otherwise use them so you can collect them the next day.
  • Completing Tasks 1 ~ 6: These should be relatively straight forward. Defeat the medium threat to complete task 1. Then collect a distress call from a friend to complete task 2. Both mini-bosses should appear, so choose to face either one to complete task 3. In order to complete task 4, you will need to defeat the remaining mini-boss and high threat because they contain Hellfire Elites. Then defeat the main boss to complete task 5. Finally start the research and wait for it to be completed to finish task 6.
  • Completing Tasks 7 ~ 11: Wait until your research is complete to restart mission 1. After starting it, face a mini-boss so you can use Havok's Shattering Punch 3 times to complete task 7. Now you should have also unlocked the Master of Magnetism Sidequests, and the first task tells you to defeat 10 hellclub soldiers. Complete the rest of the mission and you should accomplish this goal, and you should also get 2 stars in mission 1 if you didn't already get it in your first run. If for whatever reason you did not get 2 stars yet, make sure you do before you start task 8.
    Choose whether or not you want to go for the epic boss or not (I did because it coincides with one of the tasks in the sidequest to defeat the epic boss of mission 2) when completing mission 2. Don't defeat Avalanche by himself. Utilize one of the optimum paths provided below to 2-bird the boss. Here you will want to defeat Avalanche (and two of either Sabretooth, Juggernaut or Mystique if you didn't complete task 2 of the sidequest) before losing the fight purposely. This should complete task 8 and task 9 will automatically be completed afterwards. Now you can go ahead and two-bird the main boss again, this time defeating it to complete task 10. This method should get you a higher mission score. Finally start the research and wait for it to be completed to finish task 11.
  • Completing Tasks 12 ~ 16: If you decided to go after the epic boss, you can wait til the research is done to face the epic boss so you can complete task 12 (and task 3 of the sidequest). Otherwise, just replay either mission 1 or 2 and wait at a boss so you can use Havok's abilities in battle. I recommend repeating mission 2 to get 2 or 3-star mastery if you haven't done so already.  Task 13 requires you to complete deploys, which should be able to be done outside of specops. Have some flight ops ready to be collected to complete task 14 and then fight pvp battles to complete task 15. Finally start the research and wait for it to be completed to finish task 16.
  • Completing Tasks 17 ~ 21: On the day that your research ends, do not collect any UISO-8 beforehand. Make sure you got at least 2-stars in mission 2 before starting task 17.  Since task 17 cannot be done outside of specops, you will need to do at least 2 runs of mission 3 to complete it. Once done, task 18 should automatically complete itself. For task 19, you should be in the middle of the second run and ready to take on a mini-boss. Choose to fight Toad because Havok is a team-up and you can use his fourth ability three times to complete task 19. Task 20 involve winning PVP fights and you can complete task 21 by collecting UISO-8.
  • Completing Tasks 22 ~ 25: Now you need to collect 10 lockboxes. You could do this by completing the Master of Magnetism sidequests, or get lucky through deploys.  Once done, continue or repeat mission 3 and defeat the main boss to complete task 23. Now all that is left is to repeat mission 3 until you get 3 stars to complete task 24 and beat the epic boss to get Havok!

http://avengersalliance.wikia.co ... s_-_Cry_Havok/Tasks
http://forum.playdom.com/showthr ... al-Operations-Guide
本帖最后由 lowyatnet 于 2-2-2013 07:00 PM 编辑


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发表于 30-1-2013 12:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
10 Challenge Points! --> http://play.dm/j004l

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发表于 2-2-2013 01:36 PM | 显示全部楼层

1x Full Energy (February 1, 2013)
https://apps.facebook.com/avenge ... F1dltsHLuVUNmlW#_=_

3x Five Battles  (November 26, 2012)
https://apps.facebook.com/avenge ... _t=app_notification

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-2-2013 01:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-2-2013 01:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-2-2013 12:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

2x Large Energy (November 27, 2012)
http://apps.facebook.com/avenger ... kiDisFyogXhsX3v#_=_


使用道具 举报

发表于 3-2-2013 09:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
List of Tasks:
Please Read: These tasks must be completed in order, you will not unlock the next task before the previous one is complete. The only tasks that can be done ahead of time are ones that require you to reach a certain mastery star in a mission. Unless otherwise stated, these tasks must be done in Special Operations missions.
  • Club Hopping:  Defeat 3 Hellfire Club Soldiers - Hellfire Club soldiers are the best mercenaries that money can buy. They can be found in Mission 1: Dragon's Kiss.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Broadcast:  Get 1 Distress Call - You can only receive Distress Calls by visiting allies. Add allies to help you win more battles.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 1000 Silver
  • Villains for Hire:  Defeat a Mini-Boss in Mission 1 - Defeat either Bullseye or Constrictor in Mission 1 to complete this quest.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 200XP
  • Guns of the Elite:  Defeat 3 Hellfire Club Elite Soldiers - Hellfire Elite soldiers are experts in squad based combat. They can be found in Mission 1: Dragon's Kiss.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 1 CP
  • Dragonfire:  Defeat Dragoness - Dragoness is the Boss of Mission 1: Dragon's Kiss.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP and Pymaridion
  • Capstone:  Research the Pyramidion in the LabTakes 8 hours, and costs 100 Silver and 60 UIso-8
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: Pyramidion
  • Shattered:  Use Havok's Shattering Punch 3 times - Shattering Punch is Havok's first ability, which applies Melt Armor. Havok is a Team-Up in all Spec Op 6 Missions.
    10 gold to skip
    Reward: 10 Lockboxes and Unlock Mission 2 and Master of Magnetism Sidequests.
  • Bad Vibrations:  Defeat Avalanche - Avalanche is a Mini-Boss in Mission 2: Brotherhood In Arms
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 1000 silver
  • Mission Accomplished:  Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 2000 silver
  • New Leader of the Brotherhood:  Defeat Mystique - Mystique is a Boss of Mission 2: Brotherhood In Arms.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 3000 silver and Acinaces
  • Weapons of the Ancients:  Upgrade Acinaces to Spatha in the Lab - The Spatha can be researched after acquiring the Acinaces.Takes 24 hours, and costs 100 silver and 80 UISO-8
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Catch the Wave:  Use Havok's Plasma Wave 3 times - Plasma Waves is Havok's second ability, which causes Burning and removes the buffs from enemies. Havok is a Team-Up in all Spec Op 6 Missions.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Neighborhood Watch:  Complete 5 Deploys - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and powerups.This can be done outside of specops
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 1 CP and Mission 3 Unlocked
  • Jet Set:  Complete 5 Flight Deck Missions - Send any hero on any flight deck mission.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Versus:  Fight 5 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode.
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP and Radian Pistol
  • Weapons of the Future:  Upgrade the Radian Pistol to the Radian Rifle in the Lab - The Radian Rifle can be researched after acquiring the Radian Pistol.Takes 48 hours, and costs 300 silver and 120 UISO-8
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 1000 silver
  • Magneto's Legacy:  Defeat 10 M-Series Sentinels - The M-Series Sentinel was repurposed by Magneto to eliminate "Norms" instead of mutants. They can be found in Mission 3: Cosmic Forces.This CANNOT be done outside of specops
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Binary System:  Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 3000 silver
  • Plasma Donation:  Use Havok's Plasma Spheres 3 times - Plasma Spheres is Havok's fourth ability, which causes Dizzy and Slowed in all enemies. Havok is a Team-Up in all Spec Op 6 Missions.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Victory:  Win 3 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode.
    Requires 30 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP and Scythe of Ptah
  • Instability:  Collect 20 Unstable Iso-8 - Unstable Isotope-8 can be found in normal combat, as well as rewards from deploys and boss fights. You can also get some from your friends!
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 4000 silver
  • Collector:  Collect 10 Lockboxes - Collect lockboxes to unlock Magneto as a playable hero. They can be earned from lockbox sidequests, or won from deploys or Spec Op 6 bosses.
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 4000 silver
  • New Kingdom:  Defeat the Living Monolith - The Living Monolith is the Boss of Mission 3: Cosmic Forces.
    Requires 10 gold to skip
    Reward: 100 XP
  • Special Operative:  Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 6 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    Requires 25 gold to skip
    Reward: 5000 silver
  • Hidden Nightmare:  Defeat Green Goblin - Green Goblin is the Epic Boss in Mission 3: Cosmic Forces. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear.
    Requires 25 gold to skip
    Reward: Unlock Havok!

Master of Magnetism Sidequest Tasks - Unlocks after completing task 7 above.
These are optional tasks to help you obtain more lockboxes. Completing all tasks does not unlock Magneto. You need to obtain all 8 comic book covers that complete the Magneto collection to unlock Magneto.
  • No Mercy: Defeat 10 Hellfire Club Soldiers - Hellfire Club soldiers are the best mercenaries that money can buy. They can be found in Mission 1.
    Requires 15 gold to skip
    Reward: 8 Lockboxes
  • Brotherhood Hunt: Defeat 5 Mutants - Toad, Blob, Juggernaut, Sabretooth, Dragoness, Magneto, Mystique, and the Living Pharaoh are all mutants.Can be done outside of SpecOps. Some missions they can be found in C2M5, C3M4, C4M6, C6M2, C6M6, C7M2.
    Requires 15 gold to skip
    Reward: 8 Lockboxes
  • End of the Pharaoh: Defeat the Living Pharaoh - The Living Pharaoh is the Epic Boss of Mission 2. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear.
    Requires 30 gold to skip
    Reward: 16 Lockboxes
  • Bot Buster: Defeat 15 Sentinels - Sentinels are built for destroying mutants. They can be found in Mission 2: Brotherhood In Arms.This can be done outside of SpecOps. Some missions they can be found in C3M4, C7M2, C8M4.
    Requires 20 gold to skip
    Reward: 8 Lockboxes
  • Green and Mean: Defeat Green Goblin - Green Goblin is the Epic Boss in Mission 3. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear.
    Requires 40 gold to skip
    Reward: 16 Lockboxes
  • Completionist: Complete 4 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 6 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    Requires 50 gold to skip
    Reward: 32 Lockboxes


使用道具 举报


发表于 3-2-2013 11:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
Best defense in pvp4:
RED Agent + Emma + Cable Rec by WnGz
PURPLE Agent + Dr.Strange  + Ghostrider Face in PVP
Blue Agent + Emma + Thor (QJ + GoldAxe + IceHammer + Dragon Head)

Best offensive in pvp4:
BLUE Agent + Thor + Emma (PVP Scroll + QJ + Coulson Revenge + Nailgun) Rec by UNDERWORLD
BLUE Agent + Cable + BLUE Quicksilver Rec by KEN LAM
PURPLE Agent + Emma + Grey Widow (QJ + IceHammer + 6-S : Momentum Generator + OP 3-1 X-MEN : Marksman's Spotter) Rec by WnGz
PURPLE Agent + PSYLOCKE + BLUE Quicksilver (QJ + IceHammer + PVP Scroll + OP5 DragonHead) Rec by WnGz

本帖最后由 lowyatnet 于 8-2-2013 12:47 AM 编辑


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发表于 5-2-2013 07:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
New, 5/2/2013
10 Challenge Points --> http://play.dm/j004r

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发表于 7-2-2013 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

1x Full Energy


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发表于 9-2-2013 11:21 PM | 显示全部楼层

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