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Seagate hardisk 超级大麻烦 - ST_M13FQBL
各位请小心Seagate hardisk 最近有以下问题:
Update 它的firmware 后,在當機重開後會变成奇怪的型號ST_M13FQBL 進windosw能在裝置管理員能看到這型號但不會在我的電腦裡看到硬碟
mhdd的scan出現一堆驚嘆號 容量變 4GB
送到Seagate 他们说要洗掉里面的资料,internet 已有其它修理的方法,只是非常麻烦,他们的firmware 弄到我的hardisk这样,还那么没责任感,养了一大堆 "米虫" 工程师,废物。
老子这辈子再也不用Seagate hardisk.
[ 本帖最后由 咸煎饼 于 16-10-2009 01:10 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 14-10-2009 08:19 PM
发表于 14-10-2009 08:29 PM
感觉seagate最近一直在倒米 |
发表于 14-10-2009 08:55 PM
最近因为samsung hdd便宜,买了个750GB的,价钱和WD 640GB一样,用着还觉得不错下~ |
发表于 14-10-2009 09:21 PM
发表于 14-10-2009 09:39 PM
我剛剛買了500gb的seagate。 |
发表于 14-10-2009 11:03 PM
回复 1# bntan1971 的帖子
没事没事做么去update firmware?有人提点?
骂出口也可以哦~早知道我的seagate贴也妈一妈~ |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 08:32 AM
发表于 15-10-2009 11:53 AM
大约一年前Seagate的HD大部分的都有问题,因为那件事我选择了Western Digital ! |
发表于 15-10-2009 03:32 PM
请问实质问题怎样发生?是经过用户手动(manually)更新它的 firmware 才中招吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 03:45 PM
回复 11# 江夏 的帖子
對呀﹐以下有相關報導 (他們賣爛東西﹐不道歉還敷衍了事﹐怕老闆知道嗎? 國外連320 GB 的都中)
Seagate Employee Explains Firmware Debacle
Next news 7:20 AM - January 23, 2009 by Gavin Steacy X
Last week, Tom's Hardware reported that an escalating number of Barracuda 7200.11, ES.2 SATA and DiamondMax 22 drives were failing due to a fatal flaw in the firmware which caused the drive to suddenly lock itself up and prevent the BIOS from even detecting it in the system. There is no way of fixing this unfortunately, and the drive needs to be returned for replacement.
An employee from Seagate explained the situation from the perspective of someone who doesn't work in Public Relations. The original stuttering problem with the 1.5 TB drives was originally thought to be caused by poor chipset SATA implementation. When it became apparent that the issue was firmware related, several revisions were released to customers who contacted customer support so that the correct version could be given. This is standard procedure for Seagate, who usually do not allow general public access to firmware downloads.
The problem with the 7200.11 series bricking, which has been in the news for the last month, was what really got the ball rolling. The Seagate employee says that is an old problem that was difficult to diagnose. A log or journal is written to in the firmware when certain events occur. If this reaches 320 entries and the drive is powered down, it will produce errors during initialization and not report information to the BIOS. Engineers quickly began work on a new firmware update to prevent this from happening.
Normally, a customer would go through the usual process of contacting customer support for the new preventative update and “this firmware had to go through five different checks to make sure it applies to the specific conditions to qualify sending to a customer, before now. 5 chances for us to go 'your drive needs the other (or none) firmware update'.” However, management, in order to quell the possibility of liability for drive failures, pushed a general public release of the firmware. “Suddenly, it's down to one check, and even that was more designed for a contingency just in case the wrong firmware was sent out.”
Thus some drives, particularly the 500 GB models, failed after applying the SD1A update that was released early this week, and the firmware was removed from the site. Unlike the original issue with the journal, this "bricking" does not prevent the drive from reporting to the BIOS, so it can be reflashed at any time.
Seagate has just released a new firmware update to resolve the problem.
Source : Tom's Hardware US |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 03:52 PM
回复 11# 江夏 的帖子
Seagate's Update Bricking Working HDDs
Next news 11:10 PM - January 19, 2009 by Gavin Steacy X
Seagate recently released a preventative firmware update for Barracuda 7200.11 drives affected by a faulty firmware which caused the drive to lock up and fail to be detected by the BIOS. Unfortunately, the updating process has not gone smoothly for many people, especially owners of 500 GB drives.
ZoomA thread on Seagate's support forum, rapidly increasing in size, is full of ST3500320AS owners who have attempted to update their firmware according to this knowledge base article. A time of writing, 100 percent of users who attempted the update have bricked their drives with the new firmware, rather than preventing failure. The update is now "temporarily taken offline as of Jan 19, 2008 8PM CST for validation." This doesn't help those already affected however.
After updating to version SD1A, read errors occur preventing users from accessing their data. Fortunately, the failing drives are still detected by the BIOS and therefore updates to the firmware are still possible, unlike the previous SD15 version which locked out the drive.
One user who contacted Seagate customer support was told that only drives manufactured in December need to be updated, and their drive, manufactured in October, failed after update because of this. No indication is given on the knowledge base article that the date of manufacture was important, only a list of affected models and firmware. The user was also told to revert to version AD14 for the time being, which has temporarily fixed some people's drives.
Users of 1 TB (ST31000340AS) and 750 GB (ST3750330AS) drives are reporting successful updates. However, while the firmware is not available for download, anyone who wants to update will have to wait. Remember that only drives which have not already locked up can be updated with the new firmware.
Seagate was not available for comment at present time of posting. Stay tuned.
Source : Tom's Hardware US |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 04:00 PM
回复 11# 江夏 的帖子
文: Spike Lam / 新聞中心
全球最大硬碟生產商 Seagate 宣佈,承認在 2008 年前生產的部份 Barracuda 7200.11 、 Barracuda ES 及 DiamondMax22 型號的 SATA 硬碟機,在某些特定情形下,用戶開機後無法讀取這些硬碟上的資料。 Seagate 表明儘管可能存在固件問題,但不會影響存於硬碟內的資料可靠性。
據 Seagate 指出,絕大多數的消費者並不會受到此問題的困擾,多數受影響的硬碟也可以正常使用, Seagate 亦已提供免費的固件升級服務,以解決那些受影響産品的潛在問題, 1 月 16 日已提供固件下載服務時所出現的相容性問題,對所有因固件問題給消費者帶來的不便深感抱歉。
對於部份 Seagate 硬碟使用者希望得悉所使用的產品,是否受到影響, Seagate 到已提供了批號查詢服務,大家可前往:
http://seagate.custkb.com/seagat ... 7931&NewLang=zh
Seagate 進一步指出,萬一此問題造成硬碟無法讀取資料,請放心此問題並不會影響您所存儲的資料,資料仍然保存在硬碟中, Seagate 承諾會以最高處理閣下的送修。
首先,寫電子郵件 (sfdc.apacsupport@seagate.com )以獲得協助,並在郵件中注明以下硬碟資訊以便迅速處理,包括産品序號 (serial number) 、産品型號 (model number) 、現在固件版本號 (current firmware revision) , Seagate 將會儘快提供反饋資訊。 |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 04:10 PM
回复 11# 江夏 的帖子
香港用戶也中 (注意送修時Seagate的反應跟上面的報導不一執﹐修理?換給你啦!)
Seagate firmware有問題的硬碟係出問題後你地既處理方法?
好多報道都話Seagate指依次事件只係少部份硬碟受到影嚮,但我琴日上Seagate度要求番維修個時見到唔少人係上去換硬碟既,變相令我覺得依次事件並唔係少部份受到影嚮。而Seagate方面就唔願意提供維修,最多以一換一既方式提供所謂既"保養"。我相信,硬碟入便既資料價值絕對係大過一個全新既硬碟。所以我希望買左Seagate有問題硬碟而又未換既,可以保留番佢集體向消委投訴,要求原廠提供番data recovery
在此統計一下,用Seagate硬碟而又係硬碟出現問題後,多數的人又會點選擇呢。 |
发表于 15-10-2009 04:47 PM
回复 15# bntan1971 的帖子
我不敢想象对工作效率很认真的日本人,如果花了很多时间和心血准备了一份提案,储存在 Barracuda 7200.11,然后碰上这种问题而无法面对客户,损失亿¥生意。。。真的不跳楼也不行。 |
楼主 |
发表于 15-10-2009 06:12 PM
回复 7# 2打6 的帖子
災情擴大,日本秋葉原 Seagate 製 HDD の一部が販売停止中
日本秋葉原 Seagate製HDDの一部が販売停止中
Dospara、TWOTOP、clevery 都已經在各自該網站上
告知消費者 Seagate 所爆發的瑕疵事件
針對 Seagate 所爆發的大規模韌體瑕疵事件系列硬碟機
「Barracuda 7200.11」
「Barracuda 7200.11」
「DaimondMax 22」
「Barracuda ES.2 SATA」
通電後無法動作 Access、系統當機、崩潰凍結、資料毀損、鎖死、容量消失了…等
至於剛推出的 Baracuda 7200.12 全系列
发表于 15-10-2009 08:43 PM
刚检查我的两颗 Barracuda,分别是 7200.7 & 7200.10。
幸好。 |
楼主 |
发表于 16-10-2009 09:04 AM
发表于 16-10-2009 11:03 AM
原帖由 bntan1971 于 15-10-2009 06:12 PM 发表
災情擴大,日本秋葉原 Seagate 製 HDD の一部が販売停止中
日本秋葉原 Seagate製HDDの一部が販売停止中
消息來源︰日 ...
那么请问一下LZ的事情解决了吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 16-10-2009 11:33 AM
回复 20# 糖 的帖子
我是上個月update firmware 才中的。
[ 本帖最后由 咸煎饼 于 16-10-2009 01:09 PM 编辑 ] |
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