日期 : 30/05/07
地点 : 马口无限网络中心
时间 : 早上9.00
格式 : 组别赛 (分数制)
时限 : 60分钟
模式 : All Pick (-AP)
地图 : DotA Allstars v6.41
报名费用 : 50零吉
组别限度 : 16
候补 :1人
冠军 : 1000零吉
亚军 : 500 零吉
季军 : 300 零吉
第四名 : 100 零吉
1.每场比赛将采用投币方式进行。(胜的一方优先选英雄,而负的一方则选择场地 ) 英雄选择方式将采用轮流制。
3.观众不被允许进入比赛场地除了裁判以及工作人员。(如有犯此规则,有关队伍将被扣分或取消资格) 我们将设定一个区域供观赛。
1. 能共用的道具 : 小净化药水, 瓶装蓝色药水, 侦察守卫,
岗哨守卫, 真视宝石, Essifation的远古祭祀, 回城卷轴。
2. 每组限量道具 : 圣殿指环x2, 梅肯斯姆x2, 死灵书x1,
3. 不能共享英雄操作权。
4. Backdooring被允许。
5. 封锁creep不被允许但允许缓慢creep。
楼主 |
发表于 9-5-2007 01:06 PM
DotA Competition
Date : 30 May 2007 (Will be inform if got any changes.)
Location : Bahau Network Cyber Café
Time : 9:00 a.m.
Type : Group match (Point Counting)
Map Time Limit : 60 mins
Mods : All Pick(-AP)
Map : DotA Allstars v6.41
Registration Fee : RM 50
Max Team Limit : 16
Reserved Player : 1
Champion : RM 1000
(If reach max team limit / will be reduce if not over the min team limit.)
Runner-Up : RM 500
2nd Runner-Up : RM 300
4th : RM 100
Information and Rules
1. Each game will be start with a coin toss. (Winner for coin toss can pick hero first and the other team who lose the coin toss can pick the side.) Hero picking is take turn.
2. All player must be sign up before the competition start.(10 minutes.)
3. No spectators is allow to enter in competition area except Marshalls. (If any team got supporter or any friends also not allow to enter and we will set a area for spectators.)
4. Respect to the Game Marshalls.
Items Sharing
1. Items can be share : Potions of Lesser Clarity, Flask of Water, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Gem of True Sight, Ancient Tango of Essification, Scroll of Town Portal. (WARNING : Items only can be share to use but not to sell.)
2. Items limit for a team : 2 Arcane Ring, 2 Mekansm, 1 Necronomicon, 1 Aegis.
3. No control sharing.
4. Backdooring is allowed.
5. Creep blocking is not allowed but creep slowing is allowed.
6. Trapping enemies in trees intentionally is not allowed.
Hope everyone who join this competition will enjoy and get more experience.
有兴趣者可到马口无限网络中心索取表格。。。 |
发表于 9-5-2007 05:56 PM
发表于 10-5-2007 01:38 AM
发表于 10-5-2007 01:46 AM
发表于 10-5-2007 06:09 PM
回复 #5 crystoaad 的帖子
听起来好像很好。。。。。 |
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