本帖最后由 匿名 于 8-4-2024 10:03 AM 编辑
那个是要喝kopi的 , 法律上来说不算违规, 就印堂发黑,遇到他要说你违规你也没办法!
A conversation with a friend raised the question, “is it illegal to drive a car in Malaysia while wearing slippers?” For a definitive answer, we checked with our source in the police Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) in Bukit Aman, and this is what he has to say. “The answer is, yes, it is against the law to drive a vehicle wearing slippers in Malaysia,” he said. “But this only applies to drivers holding a Public Service Vehicle (PSV), or Goods Delivery Licence (GDL),” he adds with a laugh. Under the Road Transport Act 1987, a driver with a PSV or GDL is required to be dressed in accordance with regulations which includes wearing shoes. Failure to do so is a compoundable offence. This includes wearing collared shirts for PSV drivers who are required to maintain “a professional appearance” while on duty. Our source said this rule does not apply to drivers of private vehicles with a Competent Driver’s Licence (CDL) who are free to dress as they wish while driving, including wearing slippers. We asked the question if it was okay to drive shirtless and our source laughed, saying that is illegal too and relating an incident from early in his career. “Abang (elder brother), I was at a road block once and stopped a driver who had no clothes on, absolutely nothing, not a stitch on his body.”“I looked at him and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even want to ask him for his licence because I was afraid where he was going to take it out from,” said our JSPT friend. He continues, laughing, “I just looked away and waved him on. Anyone brave enough to be driving naked is already in enough trouble I think.” 果体警察也不抓!