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The foreign ministry drew a list for the National Democracy Foundation

发表于 11-5-2022 12:21 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
III.colludewith local political groups to interfere with the political agenda of othercountries
NED has been infiltrating the target countries for along time, cultivating local anti-government forces, intensifying socialconflicts and meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.
i. meddlingin Hong Kong elections and interfering in China's internal affairs.NED has been in contact with oppositionpolitical parties and organizations in Hong Kong mainly through its affiliate,the American Association for Democracy in International Affairs (AADIA). Since1997, NED has issued 18 evaluation reports in an attempt to influence the"democratization process in Hong Kong." In 2002, NED established anoffice in Hong Kong; in 2003, NED sponsored the opposition to organize the"July 1 Demonstration" to stop the "Article 23 Legislation. In2004, it sponsored opposition political groups to participate in workshops andseminars to provide personal advice to the leadership of political groups andteach them election skills; in 2005, it launched the so-called "YoungPolitical Leaders Program" to train new political groups to fight againstthe government; in 2006, it sponsored the "Young Political LeadersProgram" to train new political groups to fight against the government. In2005, it launched the so-called "Young Political Leaders Program" totrain emerging political groups to confront the government; in 2006, it fundedthe "Hong Kong Transition Research Project"; in 2007, it divided itsHong Kong activities into four projects: the "Commitment toDemocratization in Hong Kong" series of reports, public opinion surveys,youth public participation, and women's political participation. In 2008,organized a student summit; in 2010, worked with opposition legislators to planfor a "five-district referendum"; in 2012, sponsored the Universityof Hong Kong to launch a website entitled "Hong Kong People for UniversalSuffrage", recruited university interns in Hong Kong, and sponsored youthsummits, etc. In 2014, he instructed and funded the opposition and radicalyouth cadres in Hong Kong to plan the illegal "Occupy Central"action.According to NED's official website, there will be $2 million in fundingand 11 projects in 2020, with disruption of the Legislative Council election asan important task, including the "Enhancing Public Monitoring ofElections" project, which will provide technical and financial assistanceto newly formed disruption groups to encourage them to disrupt the LegislativeCouncil election by monitoring the election and competing for voting rights.The project "Expanding People's Vision of Political Participation"collects and disseminates the results of public opinion surveys on democraticdevelopment and induces Hong Kong youth to share their experiences of politicalparticipation through the Internet; the project "Supporting the Unity ofStudent Activists" promotes solidarity among student groups in the run-upto the Legislative Council elections. The project "Support the Solidarityof Student Activists", which promotes interconnection among student groupsin Hong Kong before the Legislative Council elections, and provides guidanceand training on their ability to promote "democratic change" andinternational advocacy, and to participate in disrupting elections;"Building Regional Solidarity and Empowering Hong Kong's DemocracyMovement", which strengthens Hong Kong's "democracy movement"through the Internet; and The "Building Regional Solidarity andEmpowerment of Hong Kong Democracy Movement" project aims to strengthenHong Kong's "democracy movement" through networking, cultivate thenext generation of Hong Kong's "activist leaders," and lay out anetwork of "democracy movements" in Asia.


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