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[请教有关Swiss Perfect] 你们如何输入成绩如果有棋手中途弃权?
我在help file 看到以下的解释:
Results dialog box
This box allows you to enter match results. You can either type in the result or click an appropriate button.
Valid results for a single game are:
white wins 1:0
black wins 0:1
draw =:=
black forfeits +:-
white forfeits -:+
both sides forfeit -:-
white gets half a point, black gets naught =:0
black gets half a point, white gets naught 0:=
both sides get naught 0:0
我尝试用 +:- 来输入黑方弃权的成绩,后来view standing 时发现 Buchholz(对手分)有问题(其实是我的朋友发现告诉我的。我试了一个test case,发现确实如他所说)。所以最后都是用1:0来取代。
『對手分』= 比賽中所遭遇到的對手的『大分』通通加起來的數字。
『小分』的計算原則是,『全取贏過對手的大分』、『得一半和棋對手的大分』、『得不到你所輸對手的大分』。 |
发表于 8-11-2005 09:45 AM
原帖由 psim 于 7-11-2005 10:42 PM 发表
我在help file 看到以下的解释:
去View ---> List players ---> Double click the players who withdrawn
In the Player profile menu ---> you can see a Withdraw column --> key in which round the players withdrawn.
Once done, this player no more in the pairing after that round.
For those withdrawn, 对手分只萛一半.
Swiss perfect is design for International Chess. Some may not suitable for XQ.
我也是用 swiss perfect 來編排這次的佳礼象棋排名賽.
我是用2分制. 你只須在Option -->tournament那裡改就可以了!
大家交流一下.... |
楼主 |
发表于 8-11-2005 11:07 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 8-11-2005 09:45 AM 发表
For those withdrawn, 对手分只萛一半.
我刚刚试跑了一个3轮的比赛。从你的方法,电脑assign 一个bye的对手给余下的轮次。不过我还是发现对手分方面有问题,不知道你们有查过吗?
我这里还有一种情况,如果有些成人棋手由于工作关系,可能被迫弃权其中两场,然后再继续比赛,你们是如何做?我用Bye 的方法好像有问题。 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-11-2005 11:45 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 8-11-2005 09:45 AM 发表
我是用2分制. 你只須在Option -->tournament那裡改就可以了!
你的意思是把 Multi Games = 2, 这样每次你把成绩 1:0 写成 2:0时就不会有error message " The enter score violates the multi-games option in Options/Tournament/Admin Accept anyway?" 出现?因为 Swiss Perfect asume 这个比赛是采用两局制,所以才允许2:0。多谢分享。 |
发表于 9-11-2005 08:46 AM
原帖由 psim 于 8-11-2005 11:07 PM 发表
我刚刚试跑了一个3轮的比赛。从你的方法,电脑assign 一个bye的对手给余下的轮次。不过我还是发现对手分方面有问题,不知道你们有查过吗?
我这里还有一种情况,如果有些成人棋手由于工作关系,可能被迫弃 ...
"被迫弃权其中两场,然后再继续比赛" -> 這不萛退出比賽(withdrawn)啦。pairing 照跑, 不過判負.
你可以列出pairing/result & standing嗎? 我幫你看那裡出錯.
[ 本帖最后由 sembilan 于 9-11-2005 08:48 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 9-11-2005 09:41 AM
Withdrawing a player
1. Choose View|List of Players
2. Double click on the player you want to withdraw (or select Edit/Player). The Player Data dialog box appears.
3. In the Withdrawal edit box enter the number of the round before which you want to withdraw the player.
2. Click once on the player you want to withdraw.
3 Select the Player/Withdraw menu option.
4 Enter the round number.
Note: If you withdraw a player he/she will not take part in any of the rounds in or after the specified one. If you only want to withdraw a player for a few rounds and then have him back in the tournament use byes.
Buchholz (Apply FIDE adjustments) - FIDE requires that the Buchholz scores are adjusted in a particular way whenever there were forfeited games, byes or pauses. If a given player lost/won games by forfeit his score for the purpose of Buchholz calculations will be adjusted up/down by half a point for each such game. A player who had a bye in a given round is considered, for the purpose of Buchholz calculations, to have played, in that round, against a player who drew all his/her games.
去Option --> Tournament --> advance --> uncheck FIDE....試試. |
发表于 9-11-2005 05:25 PM
I can find SP98 having option - tournament but not - advance - uncheck fide.
SP 98 Tournamemt option have only Admin, Tie-breaks, Sort Criteria, Data Editor, Rating(Intl), Rating(Local) Pairing, Accelerated Pairings, Grand Prix and Club Standings only.
Sorry I am a new user |
楼主 |
发表于 9-11-2005 11:13 PM
原帖由 alusmatch 于 9-11-2005 05:25 PM 发表
I can find SP98 having option - tournament but not - advance - uncheck fide.
Option --> Tournament --> Tie-Breaks>Advance ...--> uncheck Apply FIDE adjustments. |
楼主 |
发表于 9-11-2005 11:34 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 9-11-2005 09:41 AM 发表
去Option --> Tournament --> advance --> uncheck FIDE....試試.
在uncheck Apply FIDE adjustments之后(这里我是使用之前的+:-的方法),现在对手分已经正确,只是 Swiss Perfect 禁止弃权者的大分被计算在小分里。这可能是Chess的制度,不过这已经不重要因为《2003 象棋比赛规例》对破平分所采取的区分顺序如下:
对手分 Buchholz
胜局多者为胜 Number of Wins
谢谢sembilan 点出uncheck Apply FIDE adjustments这个解决方法。
[ 本帖最后由 psim 于 10-11-2005 05:50 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 7-12-2005 04:38 PM
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