1. 如果你是對社會科學有興趣的那麼俺其實和你一樣。 在下還是活著好好的。 功利主義照常他們這樣想, 謝謝你耐心的讀完俺寫的不起眼雜文。基本上管理學的基礎理論也是建立在社會科學上, 只是這個國家無法承認, 管理學就像一個混成體。 其實很多學科都是混成體。我們叫:跨領域。
2. 俺也是在學日文 (學著玩, 慢慢學而已, 所以你的是要比我認真, 嘿), 是蠻複雜的,但是, 如果以你現在學, 以後可能可以委派到日本在新加坡或吉隆坡子公司呢? 日人就看上你會英文,馬來文和中文, 他們很需要你這個橋樑? 那麼你就佔優勢。
3. 和你一樣, 我比較喜歡日本。 但就是喜歡, 它最好的一面, 和最黑暗醜陋的一面也略懂些。
4. 這個科系也是社會科學的一環, 但是最後看你自己要把自己定位在那裡, 我自己是定位在人類學。 你可以把自己定位在社會學, 政治學, 有些人把自己定位在政治經濟學的方式研究日本。 以後你可以接觸的比我更加多。
http://cn.nytstyle.com/internati ... mp;utm_campaign=cur
5. 同時閒言閒語, 那些就是一般的人, 理不料那麼多, 笑笑就好, 除非你要和我一樣, 喜歡嘲諷: 人家是讀出來幹嘛。 我都說: 讀出來準備失業! 不做工, 自由ren
6. 有時候, 科系也少, 人家就越需要你, 應為在公司裡面, 會日本的就那幾個, 嘿嘿嘿。
7. 國際的智囊團, 或外交的組織, 大使館的研究員, 也需要你。
The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur (RM 1800):
The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur (M 2500 to 4000 depending on experience.):
http://www.jfkl.org.my/events/no ... c-relation-officer/
JOB LOCATION The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur (JFKL)
18th Floor, Northpoint Block B, Mid-Valley City, No. 1 Medan Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur JOB TITLE Public Relations Officer (Full time) JOB DESCRIPTIONThe position is to assist broader range of public relation tasks. It includes coordination, execution and development of Public Relations for all the programs in Cultural Affairs Department and issue relating to the Public Relation of JFKL. Although the task will be under supervise and direction of the senior officers who produces the programs/events, it is much encouraged for the person to take active part in charge as well as to develop new ideas and to contribute to more effective work. [Media Relation] (1) Media Relation and Marketing [Production of Publicity Materials] (2) Publicity Materials such as poster, flyer, program booklet, invitation, questionnaire and so on.
(3) JFKL Website and Facebook
(4) JFKL E-mail News
(5) “Teman Baru”(bi-monthly newsletter booklet) [Coordination of PR Related Task for Event] (6) Managing and scheduling of the public relation task to obtain appropriate audiences and attention to the program.
(7) Arranging photo and video shooting for the show and summarizing questionnaire.
(8) Assisting implementation of the JFKL programs/events including ushering, artist and guest attend, reception and so on. [ Management of General Inquiry and Database] (9) Attending email inquiry of the general inquiry address, answering phone calls
(10) Maintaining the JFKL Database. [ Other ] (11) Assisting such other duties and matters as JFKL may assign from time to time.
2. Other Condition (1) Salary – RM 2500 to 4000 depending on experience.
(2) Holidays: Saturday and Sunday, and other holidays determined by JFKL.
(3) Leave: Annual Leave 14 days, Medical Leave 14 days for the first year.
(4) Entitlement includes personal/accident insurance, transportation allowance, EPF, SOCSO and other additional benefits to the employees.
(5) Duration of Contract: 3 years and possible to renew (first 3 month will be Probation Period). ELIGIBILITY / REQUIREMENTS 1. Possess a Diploma or Degree
2. Age: From new graduates to around 35 (negotiable).
3. Language: Fluent in Bahasa Malaysia and English. (Japanese Language is not necessary but would be an advantage.)
4. Basic computer skills are indispensable (i.e.. Microsoft office, internet use, Email manners)
5. Those who can complete whole term of the contract (3 years) are much preferred.
6. Having related experience especially in the areas below will be given preference.
[Public Relations, Service Industry, Performing Arts / Fine Arts / Film Industry, Cultural Agency and International Agency] 7. Good communication and task management skills