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如何网上订购火车票? 信用卡转账不被接受
目前我在Thalys网站订购Train票但每当来到转账的时候却被拒了. 我是用Visa 的.
请问你们有曾遇到这样的问题, 能怎么解决呢? 一般说可能他们不接受其他国家的信用卡来转账.
除了Thalys, NS Hispeed也是有同样的问题. 相反的我订购Easyjet和Ryanair的时候都没问题.
谢谢. |
发表于 6-12-2011 04:15 PM
发表于 6-12-2011 04:42 PM
楼主 |
发表于 7-12-2011 01:47 AM
我在其他人的貼回復過類似的問題,我們的信用卡是不能在荷蘭境內過賬的。你的信用卡必須是歐洲銀行(或 ...
HeGe 发表于 6-12-2011 04:42 PM
Amsterdam -> Brussel (Intercity) 这个好像可以当时才买因为价钱是一样的.
Brussel -> Paris (Thalys)
我也google了一下,其他人的建议也是用TGV(因为我也正想前往法国). 可是同样的列车, TGV订票更贵. 这点我不能接受, 而且票价是转换SGD, 所以更贵了(而且还征收手续费). 66EUR 变成 SGD127.
还有什么其他的办法吗? |
发表于 7-12-2011 09:22 AM
楼主 |
发表于 7-12-2011 11:30 AM
哦,你應該是選擇歐洲以外網站,所以網站會把你帶到星加坡的RailEurope網站去。TGV 的主頁現在不能進入 ...
HeGe 发表于 7-12-2011 09:22 AM
好的,谢谢你. 订了票. 但是慢了, 所要买的班车已经卖完了.
请问一般上必须在多少时间之前要到达车站呢? 因为座位都订好了所以是否时间一到就直接上车呢? 但行李是如何处理的? 那手提行李又如何处理呢? 谢谢你.
请问我想买的Amsterdam -> Brussel (Intercity不是Thalys), 是不需要预订的吗? 一趟才19Euro. 到时候直接到车站买的吗? 价钱是不会变的吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 7-12-2011 11:44 AM
Buying at the station on the day is a good idea for many shorter journeys, where you don't need a reservation, you just buy a ticket at a fixed price and hop on the next train. Journeys like this include (1) local, suburban & regional trains in almost all countries, and (2) internal trains wholly within each of the following countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria. Journeys falling into this category include Pisa to Florence, Florence to Siena, Brussels to Bruges, Paris to Versailles, Geneva to Bern, and (although in fact international, just bear with me on this) Brussels to Luxembourg and the hourly (non-high-speed) InterCity trains between Brussels & Amsterdam. The price for these journeys is the same whether you buy in advance or on the day, and tickets can never 'sell out', so there is no advantage whatsoever in pre-booking other than saving time at the ticket office. There's in fact a third case where buying at the station can be a good idea. Long-distance international & internal tickets in eastern Europe are often as cheap or cheaper bought at the station than bought through a western European rail operator or agency, because special reduced fares are often available at the ticket office which are not available outside that country, and also because the tariffs provided by that country for sale by other European rail operators are usually higher than the fares they themselves charge at their ticket offices. Examples include Krakow to Prague, Budapest to Bucharest, Zagreb to Vienna, Warsaw to Krakow, Istanbul to Bucharest, all easy and cheaply bought at the station. But as reservation is compulsory for most of these journeys, you should weigh up the desire for cheapness with the peace of mind in having your travel plans safely sorted in advance. If the journey is mission-critical you may want to pre-book, if not, buy at the station. In practice there are almost always places available even on the day of travel.
查看了, 有人说往返Brussels-Amsterdam的车票是不需要预订的. 而且价钱也是固定的.
确认是真的吗? |
发表于 7-12-2011 02:17 PM
好的,谢谢你. 订了票. 但是慢了, 所要买的班车已经卖完了.
请问一般上必须在多少时间之前 ...
hikki_hikki 发表于 7-12-2011 11:30 AM
哦,不是Thalys那麼應該是NS Hi-Speed吧。那個19歐元是折扣價對吧?如果是折扣價,那麼難免到時的價錢會不一樣了(比如折扣票賣完了)。要到時買的話會有這樣的風險咯 |
发表于 7-12-2011 02:37 PM
查看了, 有人说往返Brussels-Amsterdam的车票是不需要预订的. 而且价钱也是固定的.
hikki_hikki 发表于 7-12-2011 11:44 AM
這個嘛。。。我有所保留。除非你搭乘Regional火車然後換站,不然的話直達車我不太確定。因為如果你搜查NS (http://www.ns.nl/en/travellers/home)網站,阿姆斯特丹到布魯塞爾的火車不是NS Hi-Speed(NS Hi-Speed網站所謂的IC列車)就是 Thalys,所以我不太肯定是否有所謂的“每小時班車”。 |
楼主 |
发表于 7-12-2011 03:56 PM
這個嘛。。。我有所保留。除非你搭乘Regional火車然後換站,不然的話直達車我不太確定。因為如果你搜查 ...
HeGe 发表于 7-12-2011 02:37 PM
是Intercity 的票, 而不是Thalys的. 但是特价票. 但我真的想不到还有什么其他方法可以购买此票了. |
发表于 7-12-2011 04:13 PM
楼主 |
发表于 7-12-2011 04:31 PM
試試看比利時鐵路的網站。。。不然的話你可能得打電話過去訂票了(不懂可行嗎,因為我們 ...
HeGe 发表于 7-12-2011 04:13 PM
这个网站我之前也尝试了, 也是不行.
Travel with InterCity trains
No need to book your seat on these trains: you just buy a ticket for the required route, and you can hop on any train you want during the validity time of your ticket.
只是不懂价钱是否会有变动. |
发表于 7-12-2011 04:38 PM
这个网站我之前也尝试了, 也是不行.
hikki_hikki 发表于 7-12-2011 04:31 PM
哦,那就沒辦法了。那19歐元是折扣價咯,先到先得。或許你到了那裡、出發前幾天再買吧 |
发表于 8-12-2011 03:09 PM
哦,我個人的習慣是至少半小時之前抵達車站,可以確認一下要在哪個月台上車。如果是Thalys的話,對,先 ...
HeGe 发表于 7-12-2011 02:17 PM
想请问下,我打算明年去意大利的嘉年华,我的飞机会抵达罗马,然后会坐火车从罗马去佛罗伦萨,然后再坐火车去威尼斯。请问我需要先订火车票吗?有人告诉我不用,因为很多班车会从罗马去佛罗伦萨和威尼斯。 |
发表于 8-12-2011 03:27 PM
想请问下,我打算明年去意大利的嘉年华,我的飞机会抵达罗马,然后会坐火车从罗马去佛罗伦萨,然后再 ...
life 发表于 8-12-2011 03:09 PM
1. 不必先訂票,到時在火車站買Regional火車票。這票是沒有限定座位的,先到先坐,比起快車便宜(羅馬到佛羅倫斯可能~19歐元),不過比較慢抵達目的地。
2. 不必先訂票,到時在火車站買快車票(比如EuroStar Italia). 有特定座位,比起Rigional火車票貴(羅馬到佛羅倫斯大約45歐元)。
3. 出發前兩個月,在Trenitalia預購Mini快車票。由於是網上預購,所以有優惠價:19歐元。意思說你是以便宜的價錢(幾乎和Regional的票價一樣)購得快車的服務。不必排隊買票,直接上車。壞處是如果該列車取消,你是不能退款的。
所以要怎麼買票,要買怎樣的票,你可以自己考慮看看 |
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